If You Dare: A Hockey Bully Romance
If You Dare: Chapter 29


In the library, I check my phone. No notifications. Despite sharing a dorm, Aneesa and I haven’t spoken since I accused her of going to Dean Forrester and she denied it.

I asked Maxwell, and he said he has no idea who Wes Novak is. Apparently being an English major who commutes and doesn’t attend any sporting events means not knowing about the star hockey captain who basically owns the campus. He also showed me a picture of his girlfriend, who he apparently met after I left that party with Chloe last year.

So that leaves only one person who could’ve possibly told Dean Forrester about me and Wes, and she’s lying to my face about it.

I’ve been taking as many shifts at the library as I can get to avoid her and staying up late writing until my eyes are blurry from staring at my laptop screen. I haven’t written in a frenzy like this in years, even before Chloe died.

Maybe Wes was right. Maybe he is my muse.

After my shift at the library, I head outside into the brisk night air. I love the campus at this time of night. Quiet and peaceful, minus the thumping music from a few dorm rooms. No one else out here but me and sometimes the astronomy club.

I’ve been on a high since that afternoon in the pool with Wes. When he fucked me so good I saw stars, and after, murmured in my ear that he’s falling in love with me.

I’m falling in love with him too. I’ve been falling.


I round the corner of the library when a heavy hand clamps over my arm and smacks me against the wall.

A blade bites into my throat.

In front of me, even the mask can’t conceal Trey’s terrifying smile.

I open my mouth, but he snarls, “Scream, and I slice your throat.”

The knife bobs when I clamp my lips shut and try to swallow the scream back down. “What are you doing?”



He presses the blade right under my chin, that too-familiar sharp edge pricking my skin. His familiar mask inches from my face. “Take your clothes off, or I’ll kill you.”

A tear slips down my cheek as I unbutton my jeans and push them down the best I can with the knife still pressed against my throat, cool air wrapping around my bare legs.

“I’ll tell Wes about this.” My words come out surprisingly strong, steady.

Trey smirks. “If you tell him—if you tell anyone—I’ll kill him.”

I stiffen. I want to call Trey out on his bluff, but this is Trey Lamont. He doesn’t bluff, and I wouldn’t put anything past him.

“You think it wouldn’t be easy for me to slice this across his throat while he’s sleeping? I live with the guy. It would be nothing.”

I can’t believe he’s this twisted. This psychotic.

He grabs my hands, examining them like artwork. “If you tell anybody, his death will be on your hands. You sure you want more blood on these?”

He already knows the answer. Knows how the guilt over what I did to Chloe has paralyzed me, made me incapable of fighting back. I can’t risk anything happening to Wes because of me.

Trey pulls the knife a mere centimeter away from my throat. “Now the shirt.”

More tears as I reluctantly pull my shirt over my head. The chilly night air makes my skin pucker, my nipples peak beneath my bra. I cross my arms over my chest, trying to keep warm and shield myself the best I can as I stand in front of Trey in nothing but my underwear.

His grin sickens me. “Good.” He pulls out his phone and points it at me.

My stomach gives a violent twist. “What are you—” His camera flashes as he takes a photo, and my lip trembles. “Why are you doing this?”

His smile only grows as his cock gets harder in his pants, turned on by my fear and tears. “Turn to the side and stick your ass out.”

“Trey,” I plead, the drumbeat of my heart making my head pound.

He brandishes the knife again, closing the distance between us until I’m forced to back against the ice-cold brick wall. I swallow at the memory of what he did to me with that knife last time. How he licked my blood off the blade after carving me up with it. “I’m not fucking playing with you, Violet. Do what I say.”

My legs and hands tremble. I turn to the side and jut my ass out, biting my lip to stop it from wobbling. He’s not cutting me up like he did in the bathroom, but this is a new level of sick. Photos he’s going to jerk off to later.

He guides me through more positions, the camera flashing with the snap of every photo.

“Smile for the camera,” he purrs.

That may be his worst command yet. Forcing me to look like I’m enjoying this.

I manage a smile, even as a sob builds in my chest.

Trey pushes me to my knees, the harsh pavement digging into my skin. My heart stops, terrified he’s going to reach for his fly next.

“Wes told you guys to leave me alone,” I remind him.

He chuckles, snapping a photo of me on my knees in front of him. “So?”

“So you’re not doing this for him. You’re retaliating because I ratted you out.”

Trey grips me by the throat, dragging me to my feet. I gasp at the pain as he throws me back against the wall, the hard bricks scraping the delicate skin across my back and legs.

His breath curls around my neck, my ear. “And that was very stupid of you. Guess you don’t know who my father is. Hard to kick out the hockey player whose father funds the team. Even harder for them to pin anything on me when they couldn’t find any evidence. I’m not going anywhere.”

I twist and squirm to get away from him, away from the hand crushing my throat, but then I feel that familiar kiss of the blade against my thigh.

I freeze.

“That’s a good little girl.” His murmur makes me want to puke. “I think it’s time I fulfill that promise I made to you last time.”

Fuck. No, no, no

Trey tips the handle of the knife, rubbing it over my panties against my clit. I hiss through my teeth and slam my eyes shut, trying to block out the feeling and his leering gaze.

Fuck,” he groans. “That’s so hot. If you start crying, I’ll have to fuck you with it.”

The handle travels lower, pushing aside my panties.

My knees turn to jelly. “Don’t,” I whisper. “Please—”

Headlights sweep over us, a car passing by, but it’s enough to make Trey withdraw. The handle of the knife disappears from between my legs and cool air washes over me, replacing the hot touch of Trey’s hand on me and his body looming over mine.

I gasp like a fish out of water, clutching my throat, still throbbing with the pain of being choked.

He’s halfway across the parking lot by the time I’m scrambling to slide my jeans back on my shaky legs, but his sinister promise still reaches me. “Until next time, pretty girl.”

During my next night at the library, I text Wes.

Can you walk me home after my shift?

Be right there.

As soon as my shift is over, I stuff my laptop and books in my bag, turn off all the lights, and hurry out of the building.

Wes is waiting directly in front of the doors in jeans, combat boots, and his team jacket. When he turns and sees me, he smiles.

A smile that stops my heart.

He holds out his hand and threads his fingers through mine. “You look beautiful, little flower.”

I manage a weak smile in return. Since Trey took those photos of me in my underwear and nearly fucked me with the handle of his knife, I’ve been longing to tell Wes about what happened. But if Trey hurts him because of me, because I told Wes when Trey warned me not to, I’ll never be able to forgive myself.

I can’t lose Wes too. Not again. I won’t.

He leads the way through the empty parking lot. When we reach his car, he pins me against it with his hips, threading his hands in my hair and pulling my body flush against his. He presses his lips to mine, slipping his tongue in my mouth and making my breath catch.

“What you said last time,” I breathe, the impending admission making my heart palpitate. “In the pool. I’m falling in love with you too.”

He shakes his head. “Not sure how you can say that when I was such a dick to you.”

“Because if the roles were reversed, I would’ve done the same thing.”

“No. You wouldn’t have.” He brushes a kiss as delicate as a butterfly’s wing against my lips before pulling open the back door of his car.

“You don’t want me sitting up front with you?”

“I would if I was sitting up front. Get in, baby.”

At the delicious command, my thighs clench, and I do as I’m told.

Wes slams the door behind him. He’s on me in seconds, pressing his lips to mine. “I hope you know you’re fulfilling every fantasy I’ve ever had about you.”

My heart skips a beat. “How long have you been fantasizing about me?” I tease.

“Every day since I met you.”

I grin like an idiot.

He pushes me down roughly so I’m flat on the backseat, pinning me down with all six-foot-four of him. His tongue sweeps into my mouth, claiming me.

I’m not just falling in love with Wes. I’ve already fallen.

“I’m going to fuck your mouth, little flower,” he tells me, caressing my cheek with a gentle hand. “Then I’m going to make you come on my cock.”

“Please,” I breathe.

“Beg harder for me, baby.” The words leave his mouth on his own plea.

“Please, Wes. Please fuck my mouth.”

He grins wickedly. “You’re such a good fucking girl.”

He removes his belt and wraps it around my neck, testing it with a tug. I smile. Then he unzips his jeans, unleashing his cock.

Saliva floods my mouth, and I part my lips for him.

He braces himself over me, eyes never leaving my face as he slides his cock past my lips and pulls the belt at the same time.

Wes groans at the first stroke of his sensitive skin across my tongue. I’m pinned beneath him, unable to escape even if I wanted to as he fucks my mouth.

He thrusts in and out slowly, gradually making me swallow him deeper and deeper with every stroke, pulling out all the way to the tip before sliding back in. His loud groans above me, his taste on my tongue, his belt restricting my breathing, all make warmth pool between my legs.

“You just keep getting better and better.” He smirks. “I’m proud of you, baby.”

The praise makes my heart sing and liquid heat spread all the way to my toes. I wrap my hands around his thighs and pull him toward me. That’s all the encouragement he needs.

He shoves his cock deeper, hitting the back of my throat. Tears spring to my eyes as he slams into me one, two, three more times before abruptly pulling out of my mouth. I gulp down air.

Wes leans down and kisses me. “Good fucking girl.”

“Now are you going to let me come on your cock?”

“No,” he growls. “I’m going to make you.”

My pussy clenches.

Wes slides his hands up my skirt, yanking down my panties and tossing them. He crushes my body under his, pushing my hair off my neck and kissing from my jaw to my collarbone. I shudder.

When he sucks my earlobe into his mouth, goosebumps race down my arms. I gasp.

“This is better than my fantasies,” Wes murmurs.

“Yeah?” I breathe.

“Yeah. Every fucking little sound that leaves your mouth, every moan and gasp and whimper, makes me want to shove my cock in that tight little pussy and fuck you until you’re screaming.”

I grin. “That’s what I’m hoping for.”

“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll fulfill all your hopes and dreams,” he promises.

He yanks my shirt up, covering my face, before tugging the cups of my bra down with one hand and latching onto my nipple.

“Agh!” I cry out. “Maybe we should go back to your apartment. What if someone hears us?”

“The windows are tinted, baby. No one will see you.” Then he flashes a wicked grin. “But they’re going to hear you.”

“No, Wes, no one can—”

He sucks my nipple into his mouth again, and I stop protesting, unable to do anything other than moan his name.

When he’s satisfied, he moves to the other, sucking me into his mouth as deep as he can, my whole breast moving with the suction.

His belt squeezes my throat. My eyes roll, and my pussy grinds against him involuntarily. Soaked and desperate for him.

“So impatient.” A low chuckle.

“Yes,” I confirm.

“You’re going to take my tongue first, baby.” Warmth stirs low in my belly at the promise. “I want to taste that sweet pussy and feel how soaked you are for me.”

“I am,” I gasp. “I’m soaked.”

“Wasn’t a question.” He’s well aware of exactly the effect he has on me.

Wes kneels on the floor and throws my legs over his shoulders before yanking my pussy to his mouth.

I gasp at the abrupt movement before his tongue glides up my slit. The pleasure makes me writhe and electricity thrums through my veins. “Fuck. How are you so good at this?”

“Because you were made for me,” he says simply.

My chest constricts and happy tears spring to my eyes until his tongue glides up me again. “That feels so fucking good. Don’t stop.”

“I’m the one who gives orders,” he growls.

But he doesn’t stop. His tongue licks me harder, making me squirm while he alternates between restricting my airway with his belt and letting me breathe. His hands press down on my thighs, pinning me so I can’t escape him.

Wes pushes his head against me harder, groaning when he slips his tongue between my folds. A hand drifts up to my bare breast, pinching my nipple before squeezing. My tit fits perfectly in his hand.

Movement in my peripheral vision catches my eye. In the darkness, a shadow moves through the parking lot.

“Someone’s coming,” I gasp.

“She’s about to.” He squeezes my breast again with the promise.

“No, someone’s in the parking lot. We’re going to get caught.”

He straightens, laying me flat again. “Then I better make you come on my cock.”

“We need to leave—”

“Sorry, baby.” He nudges his cock at my entrance before slowly sliding inside me, stretching me and making me cry out. “I don’t break my promises.”

His thumb lands on my clit just as he slams his dick inside me to the hilt. I scream, clapping a hand over my mouth.

The car rocks with every thrust of his cock inside me. We’re definitely going to get caught now. “The car is rocking,” I warn.

“I don’t give a fuck,” Wes growls.

He spreads my knees wider, driving into me deeper while his thumb keeps working my clit and his belt nearly stops the air making its way down my throat.

My hand barely muffles my screams, my tits bouncing wildly with every one of his thrusts.

Wes groans. “Take it, baby. Take it like a good girl.”

I can’t speak with his belt around my neck, can’t even nod. My head is growing lighter, the pleasure ricocheting through me like never before.

Wes pins me down with his whole body, slamming into me and driving pleasure through every cell. “Come for me, Violet. Clench that tight little pussy on my cock. I want that pussy squeezing every drop of cum out of my cock and your beautiful screams filling my ears.”

My heart pounds wildly, my head growing dangerously light as his belt coils around my neck harder.

A loud groan. “Oh fuck, Violet.”

At the sound of my name on his lips, my pussy clenches and I scream, pulling at his hair and not bothering to cover my mouth. The orgasm barrels through me as Wes pounds into me, the sound of skin on skin and the squish of his cock inside my soaking wet pussy filling the car along with my screams and his groans.

Fuck,” he hisses before collapsing on top of me, his cock throbbing inside me as he finds his own release.

Our chests heave against each other as we both struggle to catch our breath. My limbs and toes tingle, the waves of pleasure crashing over me again and again, pulling me under.

Wes. Fucking. Novak.

Thank god no one came knocking. “I guess that person in the parking lot didn’t notice us,” I pant.

Wes peers through the window over my head. “He’s giving me a thumbs-up.”

I gasp. He laughs, and I slap his arm. “Not funny,” I say, even as I’m smiling.

“I’m always funny.” He pushes off me, finally loosening the belt from around my neck and letting me sit up and tug my clothes back into place. “When I’m not being sexy.”

“You’re always sexy.”

He kisses my neck and murmurs, “So are you. Sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Every part of you”—He grabs between my legs—“belongs to me now. Got it?”

“Yes,” I whisper.

I belong to Wes Novak.

I am his. And he’s mine.

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