If You Dare: A Hockey Bully Romance
If You Dare: Chapter 30


If I thought I couldn’t get Violet Harris out of my head before, now she’s fucking engraved on my brain. Miraculously, my grades aren’t slipping and the team’s doing better than ever, even if I can’t stop thinking about her. The nights I can’t have her, I jerk off three times just so I can fall asleep. And the nights I can? I cum in her so hard, I want to erect a statue of her and make every goddamn person on this campus kneel before my goddess.

I’m running late to my Entrepreneurial Finance class because I need to see her. My cock is already throbbing in my pants at the thought of getting her into some supply closet or in my car and making her swallow my cum in the middle of the day.

She doesn’t just make me hard or get me off. She understands this side of me that no one else does. The part of me that wants to sob and burn the world down simultaneously every time I think of my sister.

I’m Chloe’s brother—I’ve known her for her entire life. But in a single year, Violet managed to get just as close to her as I was. I thought I was the only person who got Chloe, the only person who could understand her passion for figure skating and her drive to work at it every single day. Until Violet came along.

She understood Chloe. Now she gets me too. We understand each other in a way no one else can.

Her short story was due today for her writing class, and I want to be the first one she shows her A to. Plus, if she forgot to dedicate it to me, I’m making her waltz her little ass to a printer to make a new copy for me.

A girl with short brown hair is beaming as she leaves the Fine Arts building. My heart flutters.

My girl.

I leap to my feet, ready to sweep her up and kiss her, until I spot the reason she’s smiling.

Some redhead guy with a douchey haircut and a sweater vest.

She smiles and nods, unable to take her eyes off him as he talks. Her book is clutched to her chest, pushing her tits up like she wants him to take a look.

My fists clench.

She’s got to be fucking kidding me. Last week, she was saying she’s falling in love with me. Now she’s about to go hop on some other guy’s dick?

Maybe I didn’t make it clear enough to her that I don’t fucking share.


She waves when she spots me, but says something else to the prick before hurrying toward me with a big grin on her face. Like I didn’t just witness her with some other dude.

He keeps on strolling to the parking lot like he’s not bothered the girl he wants to fuck just ran to me. Either he’s playing it cool or he has no fucking clue what he’s missing.

“Professor Tate gave me an A!” she squeals, giving an adorable hop that would probably make my heart melt if I wasn’t questioning who inspired her to write that story in the first place.

Him or me.


“Thanks! You want to go celebrate? I’m dying for some ice cream.”

“Who’d you dedicate it to?”

Her grin widens and she pulls out a printed copy of the story, flipping to the second page. “Professor Tate said students don’t normally dedicate short stories to anyone, but I told her this one was an exception.”

To Wes, my muse.

I nod after the ginger. “Is he your muse too?”

Her smile falters and she follows my gaze to his retreating back. “Who? Maxwell?”

I grit my teeth. Even his name is pretentious. “You two seemed to really be enjoying each other’s company until I showed up.”

Violet’s brows furrow, puzzled, until realization dawns. “Oh my god—Wes, no. He’s just a friend. Honestly, he’s not really even a friend. We talk sometimes in class. That’s it.”

I take a step toward her. “Five seconds ago, you were hopping on my dick, and now you’re flashing that asshole your fuck-me eyes.”

She arches a brow. “I have fuck-me eyes? That’s good to know. I’ll have to use them on you more often.”

Despite the anger still churning in my veins, my dick twitches. She’s not cowering in fear like she would’ve a few weeks ago. “This isn’t a fucking joke. I don’t share. Remember?”

She closes the distance between us, placing a hand on my arm and purrs, “I don’t want you to. I’m all yours. I’m not like your ex. You can trust me. I know I’ve already caused you enough pain, believe me. I would never do anything to hurt you again.”

Fuck. I need to be inside her now. Slam my cock balls-deep in her sweet pussy until we both forget that anyone else exists.

I take her hand and guide her to the athletic center. She doesn’t bother asking where I’m leading her—she already knows.

When I pull the door to the locker room open, I lock it behind us and pin her to the lockers with a metallic crash.

She gasps, and I grab her thigh, lifting her leg. But she shoves me off, sinking to her knees before me. My balls clench as she slowly pulls my fly down.

My cock springs free, and she gulps.

“Suck me, baby.”

She wraps her hand around my cock, stroking it the way she knows I love. I brace a hand against the locker over her head and groan as she takes me into her mouth.

Violet swirls her tongue around my sensitive tip, making me growl. “Deeper,” I command.

She swallows down my hard cock, attempting to take every inch. I hiss when she pulls back up slowly, dragging her tongue along the underside of my shaft and the thick vein pulsing there.

“That’s enough. Stand up.”

When she does, I spin her around. She flattens her palms against the lockers and I turn her face, nudging her mouth open. I slip two fingers inside. “Suck.”

She does as I say, and when my fingers are lubricated, I dip them between her legs. Swirling them over her swollen clit before penetrating her sweet pussy.

Violet gasps. I keep thrusting my fingers inside her, slow and hard, the heel of my hand grinding into her clit. She shudders with pleasure.

“That feels so good,” she moans into the lockers.

“Beg.” My breath caresses her ear. “If you dare.”

Her thighs are trembling now. “Please, Wes.”

“Beg harder.”

She shivers at the command. “Please fuck me, Wes. Make me come. Please.”

“Good girl,” I whisper, before sucking on her earlobe and eliciting a moan from her mouth at the surprising pleasure.

My cock finds her entrance before I slide slow and deep inside her pussy. She stretches so good around me, walls tight and soaked, and I groan when she cries out.

“Fuck!” I shout. “You’re so fucking tight. Squeeze your pussy on me, baby. Drag the cum out of my cock.”

She’s already trembling, the hard length of my cock fully filling her, but she still clenches around me. I groan, sharp and strained. So good it hurts.

I let her rock her ass back into me and hiss through my teeth. Her pussy stretches around me and takes more and more of my cock as her pussy grows wetter for me.

My fingers dig into her hip. “Don’t. Fucking. Stop.”

“I won’t,” she gasps. “Not until you cum inside me.”

Jesus, Violet. You’re gonna make me cum so hard.”

“Good. I want to make you cum harder than you ever have in your life.”

I growl and grip her hips with both hands, thrusting inside her so hard, she screams.

I wrap my arm around her and rub at her clit frantically, an attempt to make her come for me so I can fit inside her easier.

My heart pounds hard, chest constricting and making my breath lodge in my throat. My eyes roll as she keeps backing up into me and I press down on her clit harder, ramming into her and catching her earlobe between my teeth.

Her pussy clamps around my cock, and she falls over the edge, screaming all the way down as I slam into her from behind. “That’s it, baby!”

The slap of skin on skin mixes with her cries echoing through the locker room. Pleasure rushes through me, balls tightening as the first spurt of cum explodes into her. I let out a sharp, agonized groan before pinning her squirming body to the lockers, preventing her from moving as my cock throbs inside her.

I pant in her ear, coming down from my orgasm as her swollen clit still pulses beneath my finger.

My cock slides out of her, taking some of my cum with me before I smack her ass. It gives a satisfying jiggle, and she jumps, the slap echoing in the empty locker room.

I chuckle and take her hand, guiding her to the showers. She has no clue what she’s in for. We’re just getting started. “Come on, little flower. I need another.”

After practice, my mind is buzzing with thoughts of Violet. What I’ll do to her tonight once I get my hands on her. I want to take her out on a real date. Get back to where we were before everything went to hell.

Chloe’s chastising voice rings through my head. At least wine and dine her before you sixty-nine her.

I smile just as Luke claps me on the shoulder, still shirtless after his shower. “Hey, man. Can I talk to you for a sec?”

Luke used to be the golden retriever on the team. Always in a good mood, cracking jokes, the comic relief when the locker room was tense after a loss.

He hasn’t been the same since Chloe. A serious, thin line permanently etched across his mouth.

“Sure. What’s up?”

“You’re not with Violet Harris, are you?”

My spine stiffens. “What’s it matter?”

If he has a problem with me and Violet, he can say that to my face. Maybe he can’t find a way to forgive her, and I can’t force him to, but that doesn’t have to affect my relationship with her.

“I don’t want to get in the middle of shit. I know you’ve been into her a long time. Just . . . you know she’s screwing, like, half the guys on campus, right?”

An image of that smarmy tool from her writing class flashes in my mind, but I roll my eyes and force my shoulders to relax. She promised me there’s nothing going on between them. “There’s eight thousand students on this campus. You’re telling me she’s screwing two-thousand guys at once? No. If she’s fucking me, my cock is the only one she’s riding.”

Luke steps closer, lowering his voice. “Seriously, man. Trey sent me some photos.”

I slam my locker shut. “What photos?”

He opens up the app on his phone and shows me the screen. The background dark but the flash bright enough to clearly display the star in front of the camera.


Down to her panties and bra, sticking her ass out for Trey.

On her knees in front of him.


My stomach churns so hard, I have to look away.

The buzzing in my head nearly drowns out my thudding pulse. White-hot rage like I haven’t felt since she first stepped foot on campus rockets through me.

Trey. Fucking Trey. She’s been pretending like she’s scared of him, like she actually told the dean about him, but this whole time, she’s been fucking him behind my back. Blowing him in her underwear after her shift at the library on the nights she wasn’t riding my cock.

That day in my apartment last semester, she lied to my face. She said she told him to stop, that she didn’t want to kiss him.

How could I have been so fucking stupid? Trey warned me. He told me she was fucking with my head, playing mind games so I’d leave her alone. He was right.

I’ll fucking end Trey when I see him, but he never promised to leave Violet alone. He’s been wanting her for a long time now.

When I said no, he went behind my back and took what he wanted anyway.

He took her.

She chose him.

She spent all that time convincing me to trust her again only to do this.

Worse than walking in on my high school sweetheart riding some other guy’s dick, because she didn’t kill my sister first. I wasn’t obsessed with her the way I was with Violet. Didn’t vow to burn the world down if it meant keeping her safe. Didn’t give her a second chance after she blew her shot.

I glance around the locker room. “Where the fuck is Trey?”

I’m going to beat his skull in.

Luke tucks his phone in his back pocket. “With Violet.”

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