If You Dare: A Hockey Bully Romance
If You Dare: Chapter 28


My phone buzzes with an email notification from the Student Affairs Office.

Hello Miss Harris,

Please stop by my office today at your earliest convenience.


Dean Forrester

Shit. This can’t be good.

I head to Student Affairs in the University Center, running through all the possible reasons I could be in trouble.

My knee-jerk reaction is that Wes is behind this.

But no, Aneesa’s just getting in my head. Things are finally good between me and Wes. He wouldn’t lie to get me in trouble with the administration. Maybe he would’ve done something like that to get me kicked off campus earlier this semester, but not anymore.

The second I step into Student Affairs, Dean Forrester pokes his head out of his office. He has wire-framed glasses and jet-black hair, so dark it makes me think he dyes it to cover up the grays. He flashes me a smile that tries to be welcoming, but there’s something unpleasant underneath.

My stomach drops.

“Miss Harris, thank you for coming in. Please.” He gestures me into his office, and even though all I want to do is run in the opposite direction, I head inside and take a seat.

A few weeks ago, I would’ve been relieved to get kicked off campus. Now the last thing I want to do is leave. I like living with Aneesa, I like attending my classes, I like writing my stories, and most of all, I like being with Wes.

“Mint?” Dean Forrester holds out a bowl of green mints.

I shove one into my mouth to calm my nerves. “Thank you.”

He clasps his hands together on the desk. “Thank you for coming in. I’d like to discuss a pretty serious allegation another student has made.”

Shit. This is worse than I thought. The mint sours in my mouth, and I search for a trashcan to spit it out. “What allegation?”

“It’s been reported that Wes Novak has been harassing you on campus.”

A hush falls over us, so quiet I swear I can hear my heart stop. I’m not the one in trouble.

Wes is.


“I’d like you to be honest with me.” Dean Forrester leans closer. “Are these allegations true?”

Aneesa. She must’ve been the one to report Wes. She said if things got worse, she would say something. Once she found out Wes and I are having sex, she must’ve decided that was the final straw.

But she’s wrong about him. This isn’t one of his pranks—this is a new chapter for me and Wes. We’re finally getting to a better place, holding hands as we make our way through the darkness together, side by side.

And Aneesa’s trying to stop that.

My nails bite into my palms. I get that she’s trying to be a good friend, that she’s just trying to look out for me, but a good friend also wouldn’t go behind my back and do something like this when I explicitly asked her not to. She didn’t listen to me, and if anything happens to Wes, he’ll never forgive me.

I already lost him once. I’m not losing him again.

“You’re not in any trouble, Violet,” he assures me. “I just want to make sure you feel safe on our campus. If true, these allegations could be grounds for his expulsion.”

Aneesa thought she would be giving me an opportunity to finally make Wes and the rest of the Devils face the consequences for harassing me for weeks. For hurting me, for humiliating me, for terrifying me.

“No. It’s not true.” I swallow hard. Fight back. “But there is someone else who’s been harassing me.”

Dean Forrester’s brows furrow as he grabs a pen. “Can you give me the name?”

“Trey Lamont.”

He nods, scribbling down Trey’s name, and relief relaxes my limbs. If Trey gets kicked off campus, I’ll finally be able to breathe easier. Wes can handle him, but he can’t be around me every second. And Trey knows Wes’s schedule—he knows when I’ll be vulnerable.

“Okay. Thank you for clearing that up. We’ll look into Mr. Lamont. I appreciate you coming in.” He stands and opens the door for me. “Have a great day, Miss Harris.”

As soon as I’m out of the building and stepping into the chilly air under the morning sun, I call Aneesa.

“Hey!” Her bright, airy voice. “I have the funniest story—”

“Did you report Wes to Dean Forrester?”

“No?” Her voice drops an octave, and she almost convinces me with the confusion in her tone. “I haven’t reported him to anybody. You told me not to.”

I want to believe she wouldn’t blatantly lie to me, but no one else cares about me enough to report him. She’s my only friend on this campus. And if Edith suspected Wes was mistreating me, she would handle him herself.

“So why did Dean Forrester call me into his office to tell me someone made allegations that Wes has been harassing me?” I bite out the words.

Even if they investigate Trey, they still might not do anything if they can’t find proof. Worse, if they do expel him, he’ll have a new vendetta against me.

Aneesa has no clue about the ramifications of what she’s done.

“I have no idea, Violet.” Her words are clipped now. “Maybe someone saw something. It’s not like he tries to hide it.”

That’s true, but no one would care enough to say anything. Especially now that his pranks have stopped. “Don’t lie, okay? It’s fine if you did, but just be honest about it.”

It’s not fine, exactly, but at least if she would be honest with me, we could talk it through. We’re not going to get anywhere if she keeps lying.

“I’m telling you, Violet, I didn’t say anything.” She’s completely lost patience now. “Maybe it was that guy from your writing class. What was his name? Matthew?”

Maxwell. He’s still been friendly, so it’s possible he’d want to report Wes, but I don’t think he’s ever witnessed anything. Plus, he’s a commuter, and they’re notoriously oblivious to the drama that goes down on campus. “I doubt that. Wouldn’t he at least talk to me about it before going to the dean?”

“I don’t know. Ask him. I have to go.” She hangs up without another word.


I’m leaving class, making my way through the maze of sidewalks around campus, when I get a call from Dean Forrester.


“Mr. Novak. Is this a bad time?”

Well, this doesn’t sound fucking good. “Nope, just leaving class now.”

“Excellent. I wanted to inform you that someone has come forward with allegations that you’ve been harassing another student on campus.”

Fucking Violet.

She went to the dean about me? We’ve already backed off. If she was going to go to the administration about what we’ve done to her, she should’ve done it weeks ago. My fists clench.

I thought we were finally getting somewhere. Finally learning to trust each other. Forgive each other.

“I asked Miss Harris to come in this morning, and she denied these allegations,” Dean Forrester says.

I stop dead in my tracks, a girl running into my arm and muttering under her breath as she passes me. So Violet wasn’t the one who said anything. Dean Forrester gave her the chance to rat me out, and she covered for me.

I grin. That’s my girl. “Who made the allegations then?”

“I’m afraid that information is confidential.”

Had to have been that nosy roommate of hers.

“I hope you’re aware, Mr. Novak, that if Violet had confirmed these allegations were true and we had evidence to substantiate those claims, you may not have had a future at Diamond University.”

Violet saved my ass. If I’d been kicked off campus, the hockey team and my chances at the NHL would’ve been fucked.

I’ve spent weeks tormenting her. I enlisted my team to help. We made her life a living hell here. Turned everyone against her. She had every reason to throw me under the bus.

But she didn’t. She knew how much staying at Diamond means to me.

I wish she was here right now so I could pick her up and kiss her.

“Understood,” I tell Dean Forrester.

“I suggest you stay on your very best behavior from now on, Mr. Novak. It would not reflect well on Diamond University if its hockey captain were expelled for harassment. Nor would many other universities be keen on accepting you as a student or employers on hiring you, nor the NHL on recruiting you.” The last threat is what really gets me. Violet saved my chances at the NHL. What I’ve been working toward my whole life. “What you do on a college campus may seem isolated from the rest of the world, but I assure you that what you do here matters and could impact your future. Is that understood?”


I understand exactly what he’s saying.

I need to thank Violet. Properly.

I sink into the pool, waiting for Violet to notice I’m here with her.

When she reaches the shallow end, she spots me and grins, standing up to walk over to me, her wet tits bouncing beneath her flimsy bikini top.

My mouth waters at the sight of her. I finally know what she looks like beneath those thin layers of fabric and now I can’t stop fantasizing about every inch.

“Got a call from Dean Forrester today.”

Her pretty hazel eyes flash. “Wes, it wasn’t me. I think it was Aneesa. I told her not to, but—”

“You covered for me.” The water rushes between us as I grab her hips and pull her toward me. “Why?”

Her hands land on my shoulders, a zip of anticipation racing down my spine. “Because I deserved the punishment you doled out. And I didn’t want you to get expelled.”

“Then it sounds like I owe you one.”

She grins until she bites her lip. “But . . . I did give him Trey’s name. I know he’ll probably retaliate when he finds out, but you said to fight back.”

My turn to grin. I run my hand through her hair, tipping my forehead against hers. “That’s my girl. I’m proud of you.” She swells at the praise and hooks her legs around my waist. “We’ll handle whatever shit Trey thinks he can throw our way. No one touches you, Violet. Not with me around.”

She throws her arms around me and murmurs her gratitude in my ear. When she pulls back, she trails her fingers across my jaw. “I think she’d be happy for us.”

“She would,” I agree, carrying Violet to the corner of the shallow end. “I know I am.”

Chills dance down Violet’s arms when I yank her top down. Her mouth falls open, and she drops beneath the water’s surface. “Wes, what are you doing? Someone could catch us—”

“Relax.” I point to the sign behind her. “No lifeguard on duty.” I slip my hand down her bikini bottom. “You’re the one who wanted to go swimming. I would’ve happily fucked you wherever you wanted.”

Her eyes flutter closed, a small shudder escaping before she pushes her hand down my swim trunks. Her fingers glide over the ridges of my hard cock before she wraps her hand around my shaft and strokes.

I drop my head back and groan. “Yes, baby. That’s it.”

The chlorine overpowers her sweet flowery scent, the water sloshing around us with each of our movements. I press my thumb against her clit. Finally doing to her what I longed to that first time I saw her in a bikini at my house.

Her breath hitches. God, I love how easy it is to turn her on. Violet plays like she’s this meek, quiet book nerd. But she’s got another side. A girl who wants me to choke her with my belt and make her come on my cock where anyone could walk in on us.

I’m happy to fulfill her fantasies. “Tell me what you want me to do to you.”

“I want you to make me come,” she breathes.

“Tell me how, baby.”

Color rises to her cheeks, reminding me of that party in my apartment when I commanded the filthy words from her mouth. This time, she says them all on her own. “I want you to rub my clit while I ride your cock.”

I grin, my cock twitching in her hand.

She rises and I catch her nipple in my mouth, sucking on it hard to get her ready for me. She gasps and her hand guides my cock to her entrance.

Slowly, she eases down. “Go on, baby. Try to take every inch.” She might never be able to, but I’d love to see her try.

Violet bites her lip while continuing to fit my hard cock inside her. The walls of her pussy clench around my shaft, driving me wild. All I want to do is slam my hips up into her and make her take every inch of me, but I let her go slowly, luxuriating in the feel of me filling her up.

I rub at her clit to make it easier for her, and she hisses through her teeth. “Wes,” she moans.

Fuck, I love hearing my name on her lips. I want to make her moan my name every single day. “You love my cock inside you, huh, baby?”

“Yes. I love it.”

I grin like a fucking idiot. “That’s my girl.”

She uses my shoulders to brace herself as she rocks up and down my cock. All the way up to the tip and halfway down to the base. I smirk. So cute how she can’t take the whole thing. Not yet. She will.

Her eyes roll as I circle her clit faster and her hips pick up speed. I pull her hair with one hand and wrap the other around her neck, squeezing the sides to restrict the flow of blood as her pulse jumps beneath my thumb. Her moans echo around us, making my cock throb inside her.

“You on birth control?” I pant, knowing I won’t last much longer. Not with Violet looking and sounding like that.

“Yes.” Another involuntary moan. “Come inside me.”

“Fuck.” I groan and drive my hips up into her.

I release her throat, replacing my hand with my mouth, the taste of chlorine and her delicious skin on my tongue. I stroke up her neck to her ear, biting and sucking her lobe until she’s whimpering.

She’s putty in my hands.

Her grip on my shoulders tightens, and her pussy starts to clench around my cock, her walls nearly suffocating.

She cries out. “Wes!”

Her pussy walls contract around my cock as she comes, and I hold her in place while I slam up into her again and again, until my cock spurts deep inside her, throbbing with her pussy.

My vision goes dark for a second as the pleasure rockets through me, and I tip my head back to groan out a long, echoing, “Fuuuck.”

Violet collapses against me, the water the only reason we’re not both covered in sweat.

“That was incredible,” she says in my ear, and I fucking love how breathless I’ve made her. “You’re incredible.”

I freeze. No girl’s ever said that to me before.

I’ve spent the last few months tormenting her, punishing her for ending my sister’s life in an accident. And she still thinks I’m incredible.

My heart pounds as I tug her closer to me, and not just because I exploded inside her five seconds ago. I pull her wet hair behind her shoulders so I can whisper the words right in her ear. The words that terrify me just to think, let alone say. But after everything I’ve put her through, she deserves to hear them. “I’m falling in love with you, Violet.”

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