Chapter 50 

pon receiving his support. 

Sophie looked at her brother gratefully upon receiving hist 

Benjamin couldn’t bear to see her like this. He added, “Dad, I also don’t think she has a reason to lie. Why don’t we do the paternity test again? Wesley works at the hospital anyway. He would be able to guarantee that the results are real.” 

Wesley, who had been silent all this while, could only say when he saw that Benjamin had dragged him into this mess, “Leave it to me. We’ll have the results by tomorrow.” 

Evelyn panicked when she saw that her brothers had agreed to do the paternity test again. She cried, “Kenneth, Benjamin, what do you mean by that? Do you not want me anymore?” 

Kenneth and Benjamin were usually busy outside, so Lucas and Timothy usually doted on her 


However, she did not expect Kenneth and Benjamin to be siding with the outsider at this critical 


Kenneth frowned and said to Evelyn, “We don’t mean that. It’s just that if she’s really our biological sister, how much grievance would she have suffered outside all these years? Now that she has gone through so much hardship to find her way home, we mustn’t disappoint her.” 

Kenneth’s words made Sophie’s nose sting again. 

She thought, “That’s just like Kenneth… He’s such a calm and gentle person. His words touched me.” 

Bianca was touched by what Kenneth said. She could not help but step forward to hold her husband back. “Marcus, I know that you dote on Evelyn. I do too, and that will not change. But Kenneth is right. If she really is our biological daughter, I can’t just watch her wander around outside, can I?” 

Bianca had already put it that way, so Marcus could not help but look at Sophie in confusion. 

However, he could not bear to refuse when he saw how aggrieved Sophie looked. He said, “Fine. Since that’s the case, Miss Bourn, please give your sample to my son. We’ll come to deliver the report if there are any results tomorrow. But let me warn you now, I won’t let things slide if you are lying and tarnishing the reputation of the Dawson family.” 

Jasmine panicked when she heard Marcus’s threat. She quickly stepped forward and said, “Sophie! Stop being stubborn! Just admit that you lied. Don’t cause trouble for the Nicholls family.” 

However, Sophie did not even look at her. She looked at Marcus with a firm gaze and said, “I’m not lying. You will realize that tomorrow.” 

Marcus saw how proud Sophie looked, which reminded him a little of his younger self. 

‘Am I seeing things?‘ he thought. 

Chapter 50 

This was also the first time Norman had seen Sophie so serious. His intuition told him that she did not seem to be lying, so he said, “Mr. Dawson, I know Sophie. She won’t lie. Since you’re going to take her sample back for testing, can you and Mrs. Dawson leave behind a sample too? I’ll get 

someone to conduct a test too.” 

If Sophie was really the daughter of the Dawson family, then this was not a minor issue. 

Therefore, Norman needed to personally confirm this matter. 

Jasmine felt that things were going south when she saw that even her father was concerning himself with this matter. She quickly said, “Dad, she’s definitely lying. Why are you believing the girl?” 

“Shut up!” Norman had already been impatient with Jasmine. He shouted angrily, “I have the final say in this matter!” 

Seeing that even Norman had become anxious, Marcus could only agree. He said, “Since you’ve given the word, Bianca and I will leave our samples behind.” 

Sophie did not expect Normam to protect her. No matter what his motive was, she still felt a warmth in her heart. 

Evelyn glared at Sophie. Her gaze was terrifyingly dark. 

Evelyn thought, ‘She wants to shake my position in the Dawson family? Don’t even think about it!” 

After the farce ended, Norman said to everyone, “I’m sorry to disturb everyone with a little family matter. It’s getting late. Willard, let’s start the banquet!” 

“Understood,” Willard replied. He knew that Norman was no longer in the mood to give a speech. and immediately ordered the dishes to be served. 

Immediately, the entire hall became lively. 

The Nicholls family had prepared a great spread, and everyone’s attention was immediately attracted to the food. Although they would still talk about the Dawson family and the Nicholls family during the meal, no 

really stared at them. 

Norman then said to the members of the Dawson family, “Mr. Dawson, please take a seat.” 

Even though Marcus and his wife were feeling uneasy, they had to show Norman respect and sat at Norman’s table. The brothers of the Dawson family also sat down. 

Evelyn was extremely displeased, but she could only sit since her brothers had already sat down. 

However, her eyes were still fixed on Sophie. 

She thought, “This damn woman dared to call me a fake daughter in public! I’ll definitely teach her a lesson when I have the chance!” 

Sophie did not care, because she was now certain that Evelyn was an imposter. 

Chapter 50 

That was why she was so nervous just now. 

The Dawson family took up half the table, while Damian and Humphrey’s family took up the other 

half. There was not much space left for the younger generation of the Nicholls family? 

Roger and Sophie had to sit at the next table. 

Kenneth glanced at Sophie before leaving. He looked like he was nodding slightly at her to reassure 


Sophie immediately felt relieved and nodded at him gratefully. 

Sensing that Sophie was a little weak, Roger went forward to support her. “Sit down and rest if you’re tired.” 

Her legs had just recovered and she could not stand for long. It had been rather difficult for her to last until now without resting. 

Sophie nodded. “Thank you.”– 

into their seats. Ronald was supposed to sit next to 

Emily sat down shortly after the two of them go her, but he took Thomas’s seat to sit next to Evelyn. 

Thomas had an ugly expression, but all he could do was come and sit here. 

As soon as they sat down, Thomas said to Sophie, “You sure are amazing. You managed to get a DNA sample of the Dawson family. Regardless of whether you are the daughter of the Dawson family, just your courage alone is enough to make me prostrate myself in admiration.” 

Sophie saw that he was being sarcastic and did not intend to pay attention to him at all. 

However, Roger said, “Her identity has nothing to do with 

Mind you. 



Thomas narrowed his eyes and said, “You sure have developed quite the temper, Roger. You’re talking back to me, your elder brother?” 

Roger said coldly, “My temper has been like this since I was young.” 

Thomas fell silent. 

Indeed, Roger’s father had doted on Roger the most since young. Roger was also the proudest junior in the family. Thomas always had to give Roger what he had, no matter how much he liked 

  1. it. 

He had been crushed by Roger throughout his childhood, 

It was not until Roger’s father died in a car accident, as well as Roger’s personality becoming gloomier from becoming blind, that Thomas was getting more valued in the family. 

All these years, he had forgotten that Roger had treated him like this in the past. 

Chapter 50 

The atmosphere became strange. Thomas didn’t say anything else and lowered his head to cat. 

Not long after, the members of the Dawson family finished eating. Marcus and Bianca left a straw as a sample for the Nicholls family, then left with their children. 

Sophie felt that she had lost her appetite after they left. Roger told her, “You can go out and rest for a while if you can’t eat anymore. Leave this to me and Mom.” 

Sophie could not help but smile when she saw how considerate he was. “Then I’ll go to the balcony to get some fresh air

After experiencing such a series of events, she did feel that the air in the hall was a little thin and that she needed to calm down. 

“Alright,” Roger replied with a smile. He let her go out to collect her emotions. 

Sophie then turned around and went to the balcony not far away. 

After watching Sophie leave, Thomas spoke again, “You’re so lucky, Roger. You’ll be the biggest winner if she becomes the daughter of the Dawson family in the future.” 

Roger and his mother were about to make a comeback with Sophie backing them. 

Roger would become the biggest winner if Sophie was the daughter of the Dawson family. 

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