Chapter 51 

Thomas would be no match for Roger, who held his father’s shares, if Norman put Roger in an important position again. 

Roger did not panic after being exposed. He smiled and laid his cards on the table. “I think so too. You should enjoy your position for a few more days. Sometime later, I will take back what belongs to me.” 

He said the last sentence with an icycold voice. 

Thomas’s heart instantly turned cold. 

He thought, ‘W–why does it feel like Roger had planned all of this? Am I imagining things?‘ 

It immediately became much quieter around Sophie’s ears after she left the hall. There was also a place to sit on the balcony, so she quickly sat down and rested. 

Although she was very nervous today, she believed that she would welcome a good future 

when the results came out tomorrow. 

She could not help but fantasize about reuniting with the Dawson family in her mind. 

However, at this moment, an earpiercing voice suddenly rang out behind her. 

Sophie! I didn’t expect this. You not only hooked up with the blind man from the Nicholls family, but you also want to get involved with the Dawson family. You really are a scheming woman!” 

Sophie recognized the familiar voice. 

She looked back coldly at Laura, who was dressed too flirtatiously. 

“I didn’t expect you to be discharged so soon. You even came to the banquet?” Russell and Ursa did not bring her over to greet her, most likely because she had made Roger unhappy last time. 

She did not expect Laura to dare to take the initiative to look for her. 

“If a despicable person like you can attend the banquet, why can’t I?” Laura stepped forward proudly. She had several friends behind her. 

“Laura, is this the paralyzed older sister you were talking about?” 

13% 12:59 

Chapter 51 

“She didn’t seem to be paralyzed when she said that she was the daughter of the Dawson family in public just now.” 

“Let’s paralyze her again then! If I can paralyze her once, I can paralyze her a second time!” 

Sophie had humiliated her at the Bourn family the last time. She had to teach her a lesson 


Little did she know that what she said had already angered Sophie. 

She did not expect Laura to be so vicious. 

She had just managed to stand up again, yet she wanted to cripple her? 

“Laura, I had no choice but to give in to you to survive in the past. Do you really think I’m afraid of you?” 

Sophie stood up proudly as she spoke. She lost her patience and cracked her knuckles. 

Her aura instantly terrified Laura’s friends. 

“Don’t tell me you know martial arts?” 

“Would she have been pushed down by me if she did? Teach her a lesson!” Laura said and asked her friends to teach Sophie a lesson. 

However, Sophie was no longer the Sophie of the past. 

It was inconvenient for her to fight in the clothes she was wearing, so she used her handbag as a weapon. She pulled out the bag’s strap and clutched the bag. She then swung the strap around like a whip

She swung the strap and slapped a wretched girl who had rushed forward.” 

“It hurts!” The burning pain immediately made the other party cry out in surprise. 

However, Sophie did not stop. She whipped her arm again.. 


Sophie had watched many martial arts videos to protect herself. Even if she did not have any actual combat experience, she could use any item in her hand well. 


13% 12:59 

Chapter 51 

The strap of this handbag felt great to use. 

Another young lady was about to rush over when Sophie turned around and whipped her. 

Sophie hit her ear. “It hurts!” she screamed. 

The scream rang in Laura’s ears. She was dumbfounded. 

She never expected that the three of them would not be able to get close to Sophie. 

“I don’t believe it!” Laura said as she rushed forward, wanting to personally teach Sophie a lesson. 

Seeing that Laura was taking things into her hands, Sophie immediately sent the whip flying toward her with all her strength. 

Laura had just taken two steps when the whip hit her mouth with a bang. 

“Ow!” Laura cried. She wanted to say something, but her mouth was already swollen. 

Laura was terrified. She could not bleed anymore. Otherwise, her parents would pay a high price to get her blood again. 

However, Sophie immediately laughed coldly when she saw that Laura’s mouth had only turned red and was not bleeding. 

“Looks like this whip is suitable for you. It won’t leave any external injuries, but it hurts!” 

As she spoke, she whipped Laura’s arm again. 

“Ah!” A burning red mark immediately appeared on Laura’s arm. Laura was in immense. 


“Does it hurt? It’s not even one–ten–thousandth as painful as when you pushed me down. 

the stairs!” 

Sophie struck Laura’s exposed shoulder. 

“Laura, you’ve humiliated me in every way possible all these years! I’ll return all of that to you with this!” 

Slap! Slap! 

Chapter 51 

“It hurts! Sophie Bourn! How dare you hit me! I–I’ll tell my father!!” 

Sophie sneered. “Go ahead. I want to see what they can do to me now.” 

She was now a member of the Nicholls family. She was no longer the daughter of the Bourn family that they could beat and scold. 

She was going to teach Laura a lesson to avenge herself today. 

After a few more blows, Laura finally could not take it anymore. She could only retreat when she saw that her friends did not dare to go forward. “Sophie! You’re ruthless! I’ll teach you a lesson in the future!” 

With that, she hurriedly fled with the others. 

At this moment, Sophie was also tired from fighting. She could not help but stand there panting for a long time. 

After calming down, she realized that her legs were a little weak. Just as she was about to return to her seat, her legs suddenly went limp and she almost fell. 

Fortunately, a soft hand held her up. “Weren’t you quite strong when you were hitting them just now? Why did you become so weak after they left?” 

Sophie looked up and saw a beautiful woman with a very unique temperament. 

Although she did not know which family she was from, Sophie still thanked her politely after sitting down, “Thank you.” 

Dolores smiled. “You’re welcome. I like straightforward and powerful women like you the most. Laura and the daughters of the Orran family are usually arrogant and annoying. It was so satisfying when I saw you teach them a lesson.” 

Seeing that she was smiling so happily, Sophie could not help but say, “I also quite like a woman with a straightforward personality like you.” 

People like her would laugh and say anything if she wanted to. She had a great personality. 

Dolores immediately blinked and said when she heard Sophie’s praise, “Since we admire each other, why don’t we be friends? I’m the daughter of the Murphy Group, Dolores. Murphy.” 

“The Murphy Group,” Sophie muttered for a moment and immediately knew who she was. 

13% 12:59 

Chapter 51 

“So you’re the feisty young lady in the socialite circle, Dolores Murphy,” Sophie said. The Murphy Group was a real estate magnate in Habourland. Their CEO, Dorian Murphy, had a vulgar personality, and his daughter was also rather hottempered. Almost everyone in the socialite circle avoided her when they saw her. 

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