Chapter 49 

Sophie felt like her heart was on fire when she felt her mother’s touch. 

She thought, ‘What a gentle pair of hands. Is this the feeling of a mother’s touch?” 

Sophie had finally felt the temperature that she had been looking forward to since she was young. 

In an instant, all the grievances she had suffered over the years enveloped her heart, making her eyes turn red. 

Bianca’s heart ached when she saw Sophie’s reddened eyes. She asked, “Girl, what’s wrong? Don’t 


Sophie was acting like a child toward Bianca. Everyone in the Nicholls family was stunned. 

Jasmine rushed forward. “What’s wrong with you? How could you lose your composure in front of Mr. and Mrs. Dawson? Hurry up and compose yourself!” 

Jasmine was about to chase Sophie away after she said that. 

However, Roger came up to her and stopped her. “Jasmine, Sophie has something to say to Mrs. Dawson. Don’t get in her way.” 

This was the first time Roger had stopped her so directly, and Jasmine could not help but be stunned. She asked, “Roger, what are you doing? Do you want this girl to embarrass the Nicholls family?” 

Jasmine thought, ‘What’s Sophie doing with so many people watching?” 

Evelyn, who was standing at the side, saw that the atmosphere was off and became a little impatient. She went forward to pull Bianca back and said, “Mom, what are you doing? Miss Bourn is the daughter–in–law of the Nicholls family, not ours. It’s not appropriate for you to hold her like this.” 

Bianca came back to her senses and immediately said, “You’re right. I went overboard.” 

As she spoke, Bianca was about to let go of Sophie. 

However, Sophie could not bear to let go after experiencing the warmth of Bianca’s hands. She grabbed Bianca and refused to let go. You didn’t go overboard. I do have something to say to you.” 

Roger was giving her a lot of support. She could not hide any longer. 

At this moment, Sophie mustered her courage and took out a piece of paper from her pocket with one hand. She opened it up and showed it to everyone. 

Marcus subconsciously frowned. The brothers of the Dawson family also stared at the piece of 


Bianca was the closest to Sophie. She was stunned when she saw the title of the paper. She 

Chapter 49 

exclaimed, “DNA report?“. 

This time, everyone in the Dawson family was stunned. They could not help but wide to look at the report. 


their eyes 

The members of the Nicholls family were equally dumbfounded. They never expected Sophie to take out such a thing in public. 

Damian and Thomas could not help but look at each other. Their intuition told them that something big was about to happen. 

At this moment, Sophie had already sorted out her emotions. She said to Bianca in public with a trembling voice, “The reason you feel like you’ve seen me before and I look so similar to you is because we’re biological mother and daughter! I’m the real daughter of the Dawson family!” 

Everyone felt as if they had been struck by lightning as soon as these words were spoken. 

“What?” Everyone in the Nicholls family was shocked. 

Marcus and the brothers of the Dawson family were also shocked despite having developed a calm personality. 

At this moment, Evelyn’s face turned green. 

She stared at Sophie and the report in her hand and screamed, “What nonsense are you talking about? What do you mean you’re the real daughter of the Dawson family? If you’re the daughter of the Dawson family, then who am I? Mom, ignore her. I think she’s a lunatic!” 

At this moment, Evelyn felt a strong sense of danger. She could not help but want to pull Bianca. 


However, Bianca had already broken free from her hand and took the report. 

She saw that her and Sophie’s names were written at the end of the report. 

However, even so, she still couldn’t believe what was happening. “H–how is this possible?” 

Seeing how shocked his wife was, Marcus was the first to calm down. He walked forward and stood between Sophie and Bianca. “Miss Bourn, I don’t care what kind of mentality you have for you to say this, but we don’t know where your report came from. No one could have obtained my wife’s genetic sample. So if it’s a prank, please stop.” 

He thought, ‘Seriously, did the Nicholls family randomly find a girl who looked similar to Bianca and claim that they are related?‘ 

As a police officer, Timothy also came back to his senses at this moment. He immediately stepped. forward and said, “Dad is right. Our genetic samples wouldn’t be found out of the family. That report must be fake.” 

Evelyn quickly went along with what her brother and father said. “That’s right! It must be fake! How 

Chapter 49 

could just anyone obtain the genetic samples of the Dawson family?” 

Sophie did not expect her father and brother to not believe her and was a little sad. 

However, at this moment, Roger said coldly, “Since you doubt the authenticity of this report, wouldn’t we know if it’s real or fake once we redo the test? I know my wife. She wouldn’t make up such a ridiculous lie in public. It wouldn’t be good for the reputation of the Dawson and Nicholls family either.” 

Roger’s words instantly calmed everyone down. 

He was right. How could Sophie as the Nicholls family’s granddaughter–in–law not care about the Nicholls family’s reputation and say this in public? 

Thus, there was a high chance that it was true. 

At this moment, Marcus was in a dilemma.. 

Evelyn was a little unhappy. “Dad, Kenneth, this woman must be lying. Don’t believe her. Our family is fine. Why do we need to do a paternity test? Are you suspecting that I’m fake?” 

The members of the Dawson family immediately fell silent. 

Evelyn was the youngest daughter in their family, and they favored her the most. Marcus and Bianca had watched her grow up, and her brothers had also protected her since she was young. Currently, no one could accept that she was fake. 

However, they saw how much Sophie looked like their mother and found it difficult to explain this strange phenomenon. 

Ever since she was young, many people had felt that Evelyn did not look like her parents. She looked much more mediocre compared to how handsome her brothers were. 

The people around them could no longer hold back their discussion when they saw this farce. 

“What’s going on? Is the Dawson family’s daughter a fake?” 

“I think some netizens have said before that the daughter of the Dawson family looks too mediocre and that she doesn’t look like her parents and brothers.” 

“That’s right. In any case, that lass from the Bourn family does look very similar to Mrs. Dawson.” 

At this moment, Russell and Ursa were dumbfounded in the crowd. 

They never expected that the adopted daughter they had been mistreating back then could be the daughter of the Dawson family. 

“They really look alike…” Russell mumbled, dumbfounded. An ominous feeling rose in his heart. 

Ursa tried her best to shake her head. “No, she can’t be the daughter of the Dawson family.” 

Chapter 49 

She thought, ‘How could there be such a coincidence? The person we adopted back then is the daughter of the Dawson family? God wouldn’t play such a joke on us, right?” 

With so many people discussing this matter, Kenneth couldn’t help but remind Marcus, “Dad, this matter has already been made public. We can’t let it go just like that. We should treat it seriously. I think we should do the paternity test again.” 

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