Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Theo raised his eyebrows at first, and then, when the weight of the words fell on him, he started laughing, but the laughter didn’t reach his eyes. When he stopped, he said, “Ivy wants us to come for dinner? Wow! And why is that? The last thing I remember is being in your pack and you instructing your wolves to kill me.”

Kade clenched his teeth as frustration rose inside him. “My mother wants to bury the hatchet, Alpha Theo. If you like, you can accept it. We will be honored to host you. If you don’t, I won’t force you.” He glanced at the tent where Carmine was. “But my mother was keen on having both of you. I’ve never seen her like this.”

Theo scoffed. “In that case, please tell Ivy that both of us have no interest in joining you all for dinner. Please ask her not to feel bad.” He mirrored Kade’s sycophantic behavior and threw it back at him. “We will surely meet for dinner one day.”

Kade was at a loss for words, realizing that Theo was only playing his game with him. So he nodded tightly. “In that case, I’d like to take your leave, Alpha Supreme. But I wished. we could solidify the family bonds and move forward.”

“Get out!” Theo snarled, unable to control his fury anymore.

Kade bowed to him and got out of the tent. He hastened to his car and within five minutes, they had all gone.

Theo went back to the tent where Carmine was, his worry returning all over again. She seemed delirious. His heart went out to her when he thought about how she would have taken the rejection last time. Kneeling beside her, he cupped her cheek and stroked her soft skin with his knuckles. Suddenly, her eyes fluttered open. She looked at him and then closed them again.

Feeling dejected, he came out of the tent and instructed Winn, “Let’s leave. I want you to drive the jeep. I am going to be with Carmine in the back seat.”

Winn jerked his head back, startled. “She isn’t awake, Alpha Theo. Are you sure?”

“Yes, I am!” he snapped. “I don’t want to stay here even for a minute. I don’t trust that ba st ard, Kade.”

Winn’s pulse quickened. He hadn’t thought about that angle. Even though he had several warriors stationed secretly around the Willow Highlands, he didn’t want a useless war to start. “Okay, I’ll make the arrangements.” He sprinted out from there and reached his group, where he signaled them to wrap up by swirling his finger in a round circle in the air.

Immediately, the wolves started packing up. They loaded the equipment in the jeeps and in less than half an hour they were all on their way to the Gold Moon pack. Winn


Chapter 58

drove the first jeep in which Tusker sat in the passenger seat while Theo sat behind with Carmine in his lap. He had wrapped her in a blanket and curled his arms tightly around her as if carrying his treasure back.

Carmine would come in and out of her unconsciousness. The pain was excruciating. She felt like her heart was cleaved into two and then some more. Her dreams were filled with wolves chasing and attacking her. She wanted to swim through the darkness and come out, but her pain would get the better of her. Finally, when she fluttered open her eyes, through her blurry vision, she saw Alpha Theo and he looked like a beacon of light at the end of a dark tunnel.

“Wake up, Carmine, Ember’s voice came through her mind. ‘You are free because you have rejected that rotten bond. Start your life fresh. Alpha Theo is waiting for us. Ember’s presence was like something was forcing herself on her soul. “Ember…” Every crevice in her b*dy was filled with numerous sensations that weren’t hers and also hers. Her blood pumped furiously against her chest and head. The sensation was overwhelming. She peeled open her eyes, only to see that there was more darkness. around her. She tried to move her limbs, but they were under a heavy weight.

Her breath became ragged when she thrashed against the weight, wondering if she was still dreaming, but a strong scent of oakmoss and mist invaded her nostrils. She looked. up, only to discover that the person emitting that delightful aroma was asleep, with their head resting on her chest and their arm and leg draped possessively over her. “Alpha Theo!” she called to him in a raspy voice.

Her inner wolf had stirred and was now sitting upright.

Theo opened his eyes and immediately lifted his face. With surprise mingled with worry on his face, he cupped her cheeks. “Carmine, are you okay? Oh, thank the goddess!” He fumbled for the lamp’s switch and when the lights came on, for the first time, Carmine saw Theo in a different light. He looked even more handsome and… and….

Carmine’s jaw dropped when Ember screamed, MATE!

“Mate!” Carmine’s words flowed in the darkness like a soft velvet over his b*dy.

With his chest rising and falling, Theo hugged her tightly, nodding furiously. “Yes. Mate. I am your mate. Your wolf is awake.” He could sense her and Thunder wanted to reach her out.

Surprise flared in her chest, and she stifled a gasp. Alpha Theo was her second chance


‘Yes, we’ve found our mate!’ Ember squealed inside, almost purring when Theo held her. “I want to see his wolf. What’s his name? What does he look like?”


Chapter 38

Carmine felt like her heart was sewn back and pumping with blood, so furious that it made her dizzy. At first, she just closed her eyes and remained in the embrace of her mate. It seemed like the best place in the world. Her mind couldn’t register what Theo was speaking. When Theo pulled away, he looked at her intensely.

Oh, goddess. Sensation cruised through her veins like a tempest of sensations. The earth which was just a backdrop earlier became live with an overwhelming attack of scents, sounds and shadows. It was like she had shifted for the first time. The fragrance of her mate was an intoxicating elixir. Her heart was pounding against her ribcage like that of a wild horse.

Even though being in Theo’s arms was like a drug and she didn’t want to leave him, she wanted to smell her son. Ever since he was born, she could never smell him.

And then the gravity of the situation crashed upon her. “Alpha Theo, you knew I was

your mate?”

He chuckled and nodded. “I knew it the day I saw you.”

“Really?” she looked at him confused. “Then why didn’t you tell me earlier when I met you?”

He didn’t know how to answer that because he met her five years back. The answer to all her questions lay in taking her to Thor. “Do you want to see Thor?” he asked in a tender voice.

“Yes!” She removed her blanket and got up, but the moment she was up, her feet stag g ered.

He caught her by her waist. “Easy. You’ve just got your wolf back.”

His wolf, Thunder, was purring inside him, moaning and wagging his tail to meet his mate, but Theo begged him to be patient. All the while she was unconscious, Thunder was also in despair. But now he was jumping with excitement.

With a smile, he slowly led her to Thor’s room. When she walked into his room, Thor’s scent assaulted her senses. His scent was similar to hers but mixed with Alpha Theo’s. Her face reflected the shock etched in her mind.


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