Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 57

Chapter 57


Theo lifted a thick eyebrow, green eyes filled with a scowling suspicion, dark hair ruffled around his face because of the cold gust of wind. “What is it you want, Kade?” he said in a voice that couldn’t hide his irritation.

Kade looked at Elder Josh, and his l*ps lifted into a smile. His gaze went to Carmine, who was still watching him with doubt and apprehension. “I have something very important to say to Carmine. His eyes roamed to her hand and he couldn’t help noticing the glitter of diamond in her ring finger.

The scowl on Theo’s face deepened, his alpha aura sl*pping out, and for a moment, Kade thought Theo would pounce on him. The Elder and his Beta, who were standing behind him, clenched their jaws to stop shivering under Theo’s glare. They knew that if Alpha Theo wanted to, he could take their n*eck between his large hands and snap it in half.

Theo crossed his arms across his chest, his intimidating posture adding to his alphat aura. “There’s nothing we would like to discuss now. You can leave,” he said as curtly as he could.

Anger surged through Kade, but he tamped it down. He was also an alpha, and he didn’t like it if his alpha wolf was challenged. But he had to push him down in order to go to the second stage of his plan. “Alpha Theo, this concerns Carmine and it will only take few minutes. Since Elder Josh is here with me as a witness, I would like to reclaim-

“Alpha Kade!” Carmine stopped him with wide eyes. She could feel Theo’s muscles. bulging with tension. Positioned behind her, his hot breath hinted at impending violence. “Before you say anything-” she glanced at Elder Josh, who would be the witness. “I, Carmine Jones, accept the rejection of Alpha Kade Marshall, Alpha of the Blue Moon pack as my mate.”


Carmine had been waiting for this moment to accept Kade’s rejection. After Alpha Theo proposed, she wanted to give herself completely to him. Earlier, when she had met Kade in the Gold Moon pack, she was afraid of revealing the relationship with him because she feared him. However, now she had no fear. Rather, she was impatient to accept the rejection.

An intense agitation welled up inside her, causing her breath to become ragged. Carmine felt the same stab of pain in her heart, but before she could fall or faint, Theo caught her and lifted her up in his arms.

Pain exploded in Kade’s chest as he stood there numb, looking at her with stunned shock. “Carmine…” This wasn’t what he expected. He slapped over his heart with his hand as Jory and Josh stared in shock at Carmine and then at Kade. “No, you can’t!” he said and dropped to the ground on his knees, his face going pale like a ghost.

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Chapter 57

Theo could see the pale outline of Kade’s throat as he swallowed his saliva down, as if trying to swallow the bitterness of rejection and trying to understand the situation.

Kade’s eyes turned red as tears brimmed, and his voice turned h o a rse when he begged. “No, Carmine. This is-“His teeth started chattering when the mate bond finally snapped and he couldn’t take it more. He reached out his hand towards Carmine in the air, as if attempting to grasp her, but she was safely tucked in Theo’s embrace. He was carrying her to the tent with her head pressed against his chest.

The pain followed by nausea and then the world went blank as Kade fell into unconsciousness. Shouting curses, Jory held his Alpha and lifted him on his shoulder.

With disbelief, Elder Josh watched as Theo and Carmine walked away. In a thousand years, he hadn’t suspected that Carmine would reject a moon bond and that too with ant Alpha like Alpha Kade Marshall. He followed Beta Jory to the nearby tent where they initially sat.

Beta Winn rushed to his alpha while Tusker went to Jory to ask if he needed assistance. Jory asked for water and said if he could get something cold for Kade.

“There’s a stream flowing down there.” Tusker pointed. “If you like, you can take your alpha there and toss him in cold water,” he suggested with a shrug.

Jory glared at Tusker, but he shrugged again and pursed his l*ps as if his suggestion were a golden one. “No, just bring some cold water!” Jory growled.

Tusker glanced at Kat, who suppressed her laughter and handed them both cold water bottles.

Theo placed Carmine on the sleeping bag. He was thankful that he had sent Thor along with Oz and Una back to the pack with half the equipment and so Thor didn’t have to watch all this nonsense. The pup had woken up in the morning and squealed with joy when he saw them together. Thor jumped right in the middle and said that he knew his idea was going to be a hit. Theo exposed that Thor was the one who suggested camping when Carmine frowned.

Looking at her right now, Theo felt miserable. Feeling miserable was like being trapped in a dense, suffocating fog. He felt as if there was not a flicker of joy left in his b*dy. The weight of melancholy was dragging him down every time he saw her pale face. He placed his hand on her cheek and gently stroked her. “Cari…” he murmured.

The flap of the tent opened and Flint came in with hot soup. “You should give this to our future Luna.” He placed the hot chicken soup on a small table and left, glancing at her, feeling his misery.

Alpha Theo picked her up and wrapped her in his arms. He started rocking her as he pressed her face close to his chest. “Please get up fast…” he murmured sofil

The mate

Chapter 57

bond he felt for her was even more intense. He didn’t know why, but it was as if their souls were interconnected, kind of woven into each other.


After last night, she seemed very excited about severing her bond with the Blue Moon pack, but this was not what he was expecting. She rewarded him in the best possible way she could think of. He knew that she accepted Kade’s rejection as a way to strengthen their relationship and prove her unwavering commitment to him. His love for Carmine increased a hundred times more than ever.

As for Kade, it took him nearly an hour to wake up. When he woke up, he found himself drained of every hope and joy he had in life. Misery clouded him like a thick mist of despair and happiness seemed like a distant memory.

“Alpha Kade!” Jory rushed to his side. “You are weak. Don’t get up.”

Kade had gotten up, but as he stood, his feet wavered. The rejection felt worse than a hundred deaths. Nausea and a sick feeling overcame him. He wondered if Carmine felt. the same when he rejected her. “Carmine. Carmine. Carmine.” He couldn’t help repeating her name, but this time his voice was laced with loath. The bi tch chose Theo as her chosen mate over him? He was going to grab her hair and drag the wh ore to his pack through the streets for insulting him. He planned to shame her so badly that she would be scared of ever leaving the cage he built for her.

Jory gave him another glass of water. As Kade gulped it down, he promised himself that he would do everything in his power to get her back for her punishment. “Have they left?” he asked, jerking his chin towards Theo’s tent.

“No, I believe she hasn’t woken up,” Jory informed him.

Kade narrowed his eyes. Why was it he didn’t see the surprise in Theo’s eyes when she accepted his rejection? All he saw was rage. Does that mean that Carmine had told him she was his mate?

“I’d like to meet him before leaving,” he said.

“But Alpha Kade, you have just been humiliated by that rogue!” Jory growled.

“I know what I am doing,” Kade snapped. “Tell him I want to meet him for five minutes.”

Jory gulped his anger down and strode to Beta Winn, who was standing with Gam ma Tusker. “My Alpha wants to meet Alpha Theo.”

When Winn relayed the information to Theo, Theo narrowed his eyes. He had no intentions of meeting him. His eyes went to Carmine, who was now inside the sleeping bag, muttering, “Ember… Ember…” He nodded and followed Winn out of the tent.

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Chapter 57

“What do you want?” he asked Kade once he was in his tent.


Kade clenched his jaws, hating Theo more than ever. “You already knew that I was her mate, right?” When Theo didn’t answer his question, Kade felt like attacking him and leaving deep wounds on his b*dy. Shaking his head, he scoffed, “What can I say? You and Angel always liked what was ours.”

Theo’s expressions darkened. “Don’t bring my mother in this, Kade. You’ll regret it. Just for your information, a pup of a mated pair is much stronger than a pup of a chosen mate. So don’t you dare provoke me.”

Kade closed his fists tightly. “I am not provoking you. I called you to say that mother invited both of you for dinner.”


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