Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 56

Chapter 56


Kade had never been this excited in his life. He grappled with the task of suppressing his wolf, which desperately wanted to join his mate. Her delicious scent reached his nostrils the moment he parked his car right outside the clearing of the Willow Highlands.

Before coming here, he contemplated on whether he could attack Alpha Theo and his wolves out here, but he knew Theo was extremely cun ning and dangerous. There was a chance that his warriors were secretly positioned in the jungle surrounding the Willow Highlands.

His Beta, Jory, and Elder Josh came to flank him and together they walked towards the clearing.

The place was alive with activity as the Gold Moon wolves immersed themselves in various things. The cooks were at the grill where the meat sizzled, its delicious aroma wafting in the air. Some men were taking out the various colored tents as if plucking colorful mushrooms from the forest.

Three wolves, including a female, were with Beta Winn, gathered around the warmth of the bonfire that was fading. Their faces were illuminated by the flickering flames as they chatted with excitement. The sound of laughter and occasional strumming of guitar blend into the thick morning air.

Kade scanned the place to see where Carmine was, and his eyes fixed on one tent. From where her smell was strongest. His fangs sl*pped out of his gums, puncturing his l*ps, making small indents. He clenched his fists to stop his excitement to reclaim his mate.

As soon as he entered the clearing, the talking ceased and people glared, hostility and contempt evident in their eyes.

Winn broke from his group and came to meet him. “Alpha Kade. Beta Jory.” He nodded at them in acknowledgement as his eyes sl*pped behind them to see who all was with him in the cars. He opened his mind link with Colin and Oz and ordered them to check who all accompanied him. “You’ve come early,” he remarked.

“Where’s Alpha Theo and Carmine?” Kade asked, not wasting time in talking to Winn.

“They’ll be joining you soon,” he replied, waving his hand towards a tent that was still not dismantled and opposite to where Carmine’s tent was. From the corner of his eye, he couldn’t help noticing a smirk on the l*ps of an Elder who had accompanied them. He relayed the information to Alpha Theo.

Kade walked to the tent’as directed by Winn, along with Jory and Josh. Inside the tent, there were four chairs arranged around a round table. As soon as they were all seated.


Chapter 56

nu, 25 Jan



Winn stood at the tent entrance with his arms crossed across his chest. He nodded at Flint and Kat. Kat grabbed a plate, loaded it with freshly grilled meat, and rushed over to them. She bowed to all of them before placing the meat and quickly left.

Kade’s impatience grew by the minute. Unbeknownst, his leg started shaking.

‘You are getting nervous, Alpha, Beta Jory said through his mind link. “Your leg is shaking.’

Alpha Kade clenched his jaw and, with an effort, stopped his leg from shaking. His eyes were still on the tent where Carmine was. He couldn’t wait for her to emerge, so he could reclaim

with his packs. He wondered what he should do first-reclaim her or sever her bond

“You should let her sever the bond first, Alpha, Elder Josh’s voice came through the mind link. That’s what your mother has instructed.

Kade jerked his head back. He didn’t know that he had opened his mind link while thinking about her. He didn’t reply to Josh as he took a ragged breath in, closing his mind link.

The twenty minutes spent in the tent dragged on like twenty years. His eyes remained. fixed on Carmine’s tent and he wondered why she wasn’t coming out, his frustration increasing. Despite Jory and Josh eating silently, consuming their food like ravenous wolves, he couldn’t eat. And where the f uck was Alpha Theo? That ba sta rd had a tendency to get under his nerves. He wanted to lash out at all of them and probably kill Winn for keeping a guard, but he had to tamp down his violent emotions because he wanted to take Carmine back one way or the other.

A rustle in Carmine’s tent alerted him. He sat ramrod straight, his eyes glued to the entrance of that tent. The flap of the tent lifted, and he saw Carmine emerging from it. His heart started racing as he watched her coming out of it. She was wearing jeans and at red tank top with sneakers. When her eyes locked with his, he forgot to breathe. He jumped up from his chair to go out and grab her hand, but the moment he stepped out of his tent, the flap of Carmine’s tent lifted again and Alpha Theo came out.

Jealousy, shock and surprise slammed into his chest like a viper ready to strike. He froze as he watched Theo smirking at him while making Carmine wear his leather jacket.

“It’s cold, love,” he said, pressing a k*ss to her temple while glancing at Kade.

Kade clenched his fists so tightly that his kn went white. White hot

inside his chest. All he wanted was to wrench her away from him. His wolf wanted to

rage bubbled

surface and kill Theo, but he knew Theo would kill in an instant. So he remained fixed there, glaring at Theo.


Chapter 56

Carmine smiled and leaned into Theo as she sl*pped his jacket on. “Thanks,” she murmured and cupped his face with her left hand to k*ss his l*ps. And it was then that Kade noticed the glittering diamond ring on her ring finger.

Kade stood there in shock, gaping at them, rage and jealousy filtering in one after the other like a storm-tossed sea. He was baffled, angry and disgusted as hell. F uck. Did

propose to her? It was important for him to reclaim Carmine now. Because he had to snap whatever connection the two had between them.


As if to add salt to his wounds, Carmine held Theo’s hand in hers and walked to where he was standing. When she came to stand in front of him, her l*ps lifted and she bowed to him. “Alpha Kade,” she said. “Thank you so much for coming over. Your man, Ed, tried to kill me.”

Kade wanted to protest because he knew that Ed never wanted to kill her, but he pursed. his l*ps because he knew she was only adding more salt to the situation to provoke him. He nodded once tightly. “Ed had gone rogue.” His gaze shifted to Theo, and he bowed to him. “I have come here as asked.”

“Nice,” Theo rumbled. “I see that you’ve already got an Elder with you, which is good,” he said, pointing his chin towards Josh. “The initiation ceremony can take place now.” Saying that, he nudged Carmine to move forward. “There’s no point in squandering time. We have to leave as soon as this is over.”

Kade gritted his teeth. As if he would let her go. “I understand,” he said.

Elder Josh stepped in between Kade and Carmine. She gave him her hand. The Elder took out a small sacred knife from his jacket and gently sliced her palm. Drops of blood trickled and when they pooled on her wrist, she spilled them at Alpha Kade’s feet. “I, Carmine Jones, sever the bond with the Blue Moon pack and its Alpha, Kade Marshall, from now on and forever.”

Emotion, as cold as ice, pierced her chest and forced her to close her eyes. Sweat beads formed on her forehead. Theo caught her in his arms to steady her. The emotion faded. almost instantly. She opened her eyes with tears filling them. Turning her face up, she said to Theo, “I am free…” And a tear drop slid out. It was a refreshing feeling to finally be free.

“Yes, love,” he murmured, looking at her intensely.

Kade burned with envy, seeing them engrossed in each other. “Congratulations Carmine,” he almost spat. “But there’s one thing that I’d like to do.”

Carmine and Theo snapped their heads at him with puzzled expressions.

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