Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Carmine laughed through her tears when he asked her to sleep in his tent. She smacked his chest lightly, and he caught her wrists, took them to his l*ps and k*ssed her hands.

“Carmine, I am sorry for what I did to you a few days back. Please forgive me?” he said and waited for her answer with his breath lodged in his chest. He wiped her tears as he looked at her expectantly, his fingers caressing her face.

She nodded, and he loosed his breath, pulling her in his arms. “I won’t ever let you go.. he murmured, squeezing her against his chest, relief flooding him like sunshine on chilly days. He stood up with her and, amid cheers and who ops, led her to his tent.

Winn continued to play romantic melodies on his guitar. Colin and Tusker quickly created a bonfire and started the celebrations of their Alpha getting hitched finally.

Theo helped her sit on his sleeping bag and kneeled in front of her. “I love you, Carmine,” he breathed, cupping her cheeks. “I think I loved you even before I knew you.”

How could he say such sweet things? She swallowed the lump of emotions down her throat as she leaned in his palm. The weight of tension lifted, allowing her to savor the current happiness flowing through her. She grabbed his shirt and pulled her to him, her l*ps slamming on his for a searing k*ss. When she pulled away, they were both panting.

He curled his hand on the back of her n*eck as he rested his forehead on hers. He slid his free hand along the curve of her waist and dipped his face to her n*eck. “I have so many plans for you in my head right now.”

“I’d like to see them,” she said in a lilting voice. She wanted to do nothing but feel him. All these days of self-denial had created havoc in her mind and b*dy.

He trailed k*sses from her forehead, n*eck, to her cheek and then to her l*ps. Their k*ss was intense with the clack of teeth, frenzy of l*ps, and moans that sl*pped from their throats. He urged her on to the sleeping bag and spread her thighs, making her core pool with the familiar heat. She moaned his name when he pressed his hips against hers and she gasped when she felt the heat of his rock-hard erection like a brand on her b*dy. It felt like he awakened a dormant creature inside her by k*ssing the peaks of her breasts. She wanted to get closer to him. Merge her soul with him. If only he were her


He removed her bra, and the pajamas went with it. When he saw her lying n*ked in front of him, all thoughts vanished. A shudder so violent passed through his b*dy that his soul rattled. “You are so f ucking beautiful, Cari. And you’re mine.” Lowering his face to her breasts, he sucked them hard, until she bit her l*p to stop screaming.

Chapter 54



He’d given her a beautiful nickname. Cari. Her hands grabbed his hair, and she pulled them as he sucked her, making her chase her or gasm. His touch was becoming an obsession for her.

He went to her navel, which he sucked and k*ssed and licked. She wrapped her legs. around his waist and her thighs trembled under his touch. Heat flooded her veins when he looked at her S** intensely. His hands traced when he had just planted k*sses on her. “Tell me to stop if you don’t want me to continue.”

Her heart raced wildly as she squirmed beneath him in desperate need. “I won’t.”

Hunger rushed in his eyes and, in a flash, he was on her, his tongue swiping over her between her legs. His face was buried between her thighs and all logic vanished from her head. “You taste just as I thought you would, love.” He dipped his head and licked the wet heat of her core. Desire burned through her like blistering heat. She closed her eyes when his teeth nipped her sensitive flesh and then his l*ps wrapped around her c lit. She let her head fall back as her eyes rolled in her head.

He cupped her as s and lifted her closer to his mouth, sucking, licking, and k*ssing her arousal. “I want to own all your cries, your taste and those ragged breaths, Carmine. You belong to me.” He lifted her legs over her shoulders, deepening his k*ss in a way that his fangs pri cked her skin, making her yelp.

Thank go d for all the music and loud talking on the outside, else they would all hear her gasps and moans and cries.

She tangled her hand in his hair and tugged them and he roughened his assault on her cl it, pinching it and then biting it with his teeth. She cried, her hips bucking to him. “F uck!” he rasped and took her more.

In order to add more pleasure to her, he put one finger inside her and then two. As he sucked her, he pumped her in and out, in and out. Pressure built inside her and with a loud

d cry, she came all around his fingers.

She cupped his cheeks and urged him to come up, so he complied to her request and k*ssed her. “Goddess, I can taste me on you!” she breathed, delving her tongue inside his mouth. Her hand shot to his erection. Impatient as hell, she opened his buttons and the zipper and took his erection in his hands.

A groan sl*pped from his mouth when she squeezed it. He rested his forehead on hers. “Continue doing this and you’ll be the death of me.”

Slowly, she started stroking it, but he stopped her. “Not like this, baby.” He got up and went near her mouth. “I

nt your l*ps around my c ock.” He nudged her l*ps with his shaft, and she opened her mouth for him. The moment he was inside her, she closed her l*ps and he groaned at the sight. “F uck!” Maintaining control over his needs was so difficult for him that a layer of sweat appeared on his skin. His hair stuck to his

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Chapter 54


forehead as a bead of sweat trickled down his temple. “I need this!” Like he needed air to breathe.

She swirled her tongue around it, making his chest vibrate with a rumble. His eyes flashed golden as his fangs sl*pped from his gums. When her hand went to his balls, he tipped his head up, his eyes rolling inside. She increased her pace, and he lost all self- control, releasing his load inside her with a roar.

Later, they were both sleeping inside his sleeping bag with her on his chest. He refused to let her go anywhere and curled his arms around her waist as if she would disappear if he left her, even though they were both zipped inside his sleeping bag. She would bring her ring up to her eye level to admire it again and again. “I have to buy you a ring…” she murmured.

He tightened his arms around her. “And I’d love to wear it.” No, he was going to flaunt it to everyone. “Tomorrow, I have called Alpha Kade,” he said to her as he k*ssed her for the hundredth time.

She jerked her chin up to look into his eyes. “Really?”

His l*ps lifted in a broad smile. “Yes. For the initiation ceremony.”

“Thank you!” she chirped and k*ssed his l*ps. “This was exactly what I wanted!”

He chuckled. “I want you to sever connections with his pack so that I can make you. mine.”

Resting her head on his chest, she said, “You can do that if you mark me now.”

“You don’t know how desperate I am to mark you, baby, but there’s something I am. relying on heavily.”

“What is it?” she asked, worry clamping her heart.

“You won’t understand…” he breathed.

She didn’t pester him with more questions because her mind raced to what would

happen the next day. But she knew one thing-she was going to reward Alpha Theo with something unexpected.

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