Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 53

Chapter 53

There was something distinctly depressing about staying in the camp so near to Theo because

every breath Carmine took was bringing her near to a heartbreak. She didn’t know why she was getting so affected by it. She sighed as she went back to her tent and almost went to Winn to ask him to drop her back to the Gold Moon pack, but she knew he wouldn’t.

Thor was sleeping cozily in his sleeping bag and she kneeled beside him to stroke his hair. He was the only spark in her life. She leaned down and k*ssed him on his cheek. He fluttered his eyes open, smiled at her sleepily and went back to sleep.

“What are you thinking?” Sloane asked, opening the flap of the tent. “You’ve been pretty depressed lately.” She settled onto a rug, legs curled beneath her.

Carmine shook her head. “It’s nothing…

“It is something, Carmine. Tell me.”

Carmine remained quiet because she didn’t know whether or not her heartbreak was legit. It’s not like they were an official couple.

When she didn’t say a word, Sloane said, “Do you know Charlie is still in her tent? Alpha Theo put her there under arrest.”

Carmine nodded. “Yes…” But was that enough? Why did she even go to his tent? Did he invite her? Was this all a game? Jealousy stabbed her like sharp shards of a thousand glasses.

“I’ve never seen Alpha Theo so desperate and apologizing earlier. You know him. apologizing is like the first stage of the apocalypse?” Sloane shrugged.

Carmine laughed. “Come on.”

“No really. I still can’t recover from it. I heard it all, Carmine, and I swear once we reach the Gold Moon pack, I am going to interrogate Charlie myself. If I won’t, then Winn will.”

Carmine turned her gaze away, hoping to blink away her tears.

“Anyway, there’s something I’d like to show you,” Sloane said and extended her hand to her after getting up.

Carmine looked at her with a frown. “What?”

“Just come. Will you?” she said impatiently, wiggling her fingers.

Chapter 53

25 Jan


Carmine huffed and gave her hand to Sloane reluctantly. Sloane pulled her up

up and together they went out. But the moment she came out, her eyes popped out in pure surprise and she went speechless. There were several posters with a picture of Alpha Theo standing with his arms wrapped around her shoulders and a car on the bottom. right with a caption, “This Car is Mine.” And there was no one in the clearing. Except Winn, who was sitting with a guitar under a tree, looking busy.

“What is going on?” Carmine asked, goosebumps crawling all over her skin.

“Alpha Theo surprises the hell out of me!” Sloane whispered with a chuckle.

As they walked further, she saw fairy lights hanging from trees. The moon hung like a luminous pearl in the night sky, casting its silver glow on the clearing. The fairy lights looked like fireflies, each lending a soft radiance to the surrounding darkness.

As if caught in a dream, Carmine walked on the grass below. Her heart raced with every step she took towards the center. Carmine was both dreading the outcome of what was about to come and also desperate to find out what Theo was up to.

She hadn’t realized that she had stopped walking until Sloane came to a stop in front of her. “Don’t look so upset, Carmine. I promise you that this evening is going to be so much fun.”

Carmine opened her mouth to say something, but all at once Winn started strumming a soft, romantic melody on his guitar. All the people who were in the camp-Oz, Colin, Tusker, Flint, Una and Kat-came out of their hiding one by one, holding something in their hands that were clasped behind. Sloane chuckled. She dug into her pants pocket and took out a half heart from it. “This is from Alpha Theo,” she said as she handed it to Carmine.

Carmine gasped and turned over the heart to read the carved message: “I have a confession to make.” She pursed her l*ps as a pea-sized lump formed in her throat.

She looked up to see where he was, but her view was obstructed as Oz walked up and handed her another half heart. She turned it over, and the message was: “I may be the wrong wolf for you, but I’ve loved you for a very long time.”

Carmine stabbed her fingers in her hair as Oz chuckled and made way for Colin, who handed her another heart. “Far longer than I care to admit.”

It was Tusker next. She took the heart from him. It read, “You’re beautiful. No, gorgeous. Stunning. No, you’re ethereal.”

Carmine clenched her jaw hard to stop her chin from quivering. Her heart was doing somersaults. How could, Alpha Theo make her heart go ba-dum, ba-dum so easily?

Flint handed her another heart than the rest. It read: “There’s no one but you in my life.

Df 57 Thu 25 Jan

Chapter 53


Kat and Una handed her the last heart, which was fully shaped and larger than the rest. “-because I feel I’ve found my soulmate.”

Carmine struggled to hold all the hearts as they piled up in her hands. She looked at Sloane, who winked at her, gave her a warm smile and then pointed at the largest tree. They all parted in front of her and her gaze landed on Alpha Theo. Her heart sk ipped a beat when she saw how handsome he looked in his white shirt and black trousers. His face was cleanly sha ved and his hair was combed back.

She glanced down at all the hearts and realized that she was holding tears in her eyes. Theo made his way towards her with a heated gaze that was filled with desire and love and something that she couldn’t put her finger on.

“Carmine Jones,” he said, coming to stand right in front of her. “I’ve given you every piece of heart that belonged to me. Can I get yours in return? I can’t do with pieces. I need it all.”

A ragged breath left her l*ps as she craned her n*eck to look at him. She was dumbstruck and not just because he was looking like a Greek G od, but because she didn’t know how to respond to his declaration of love with a simple nod or a yes.

When she didn’t answer, he got down on one knee. He fished out a red velvet box from his pants and opened it in front of her. He opened it, revealing a beautiful gold ring with a three-carat solitaire diamond flanked by two rubies. Turning his face towards her, in a soft voice said, “Will you be my soulmate?”

Carmine slapped her hands on her mouth, unable to stop her tears. She opened her arms, and the hearts dropped at her feet like an offering. She flung herself at him, tears running down her cheeks, putting all that she was feeling into her k*ss. He wrapped his arms around her as their k*ss deepened. She heard squeals and gasps and something. about Alpha has fallen in love, but she didn’t care. Confetti rained down on them and she melted in his arms.

There was a sound of clapping and whistling which eventually broke their moment. When she pulled back, Alpha Theo said, “I believe that is a ‘yes’?”

She felt her cheeks heating. “Isn’t this too carly?” she asked, as if reassuring herself that this wasn’t a dream.

He shook his head. “No, this is too late. I want you and Thor in my life as soon as possible.”

She giggled. “Well, it won’t be easy, Alpha Theo. You have to work hard for me.” But inside, she knew she had fallen for him irrevocably. Even when she was angry with him, she wanted him..

Chapter 53

“I will do that all my life if I have a single chance that I can have you,” he said and sl*pped the ring on her finger.

She launched herself into his arms again. “I love you, Alpha Theo! I don’t know what this connection is, but-” she bit her l*ps. “But I want to explore it with you and no one else.”

He k*ssed her temple. “Yes, we will explore it together…” He hoped her wolf woke up and sense him as her mate. He pulled away and whispered, “Will you sleep in my tent today?”


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