Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 52

Chapter 52

“Why are you making my mommy sweat?” Thor shouted, wiping forehead.

Weat from his

Carmine blushed. She glared at Theo as he laughed with amusement in his eyes.

“Thor, it’s your mom who is making me sweat, not the other way round,” Theo replied like a sly wolf. Then he lowered his voice to a whisper, leaned over to Carmine and. added, “You are also giving me the bluest balls in the history of werewolves.”

She smacked him on the chest.

Winn growled, “You know that the werewolves have a great sense of hearing? Right? Get a room, would you? You two are setting a terrible example in front of two kids!”

“Call yourself a kid!” Sloane snapped and winked at Carmine.

If Carmine’s face was red, now it was crimson. Anger bubbled inside her chest. She narrowed her eyes at Theo, and he smirked. If he was going to tease her, she was going to teach him a lesson. She stopped three steps away, leaned over and picked up a small rock, her as s jutting up in the air. She wiggled it a little, giving him a good show.

Theo lost control, and he leapt to catch her, but the moment he did that, she straightened and rushed away. He let out a groan and stabbed his fingers in his hair. “You are playing a dangerous game, Carmine!” he muttered under his breath.

They reached the center of the trail and Thor went wild. “I love it!” He yelled while sprinting and falling among the lavender plants. Carmine laughed at her pup, seeing him this happy. She hadn’t seen him carefree and ecstatic in ages. Una was running after him, rescuing him from various puddles and tall grass. Occasionally, he would playfully imitate a little wolf’s “rawr” to scare her, and she would pretend to be frightened.

Everyone else was absolutely going wild. The only serious soul amongst them was Winn, who was scanning the place to find a clearing for all of them to sit and have lunch. Carmine turned to go to help him but she slammed into a very hard chest.

“Where are you going, love?” Theo asked with a smirk, holding her by her elbows so that she didn’t fall behind.

“Leave me,” she growled. “I am going to help Winn.” She stood straight and pushed him lightly. It was like pushing against a solid wall, but to her surprise, Theo fell behind on the flowers with a thud, unconscious, his head lolled in an awkward direction. She shrieked. “Theo! Theo!”, she kneeled right beside him and lowered her face to his, worry blasting in her chest. Cupping his cheeks with her hand, she shook his face gently, calling his name. “Theo! Theo!”

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Chapter 32

He groaned and opened one eye and then the other. Before she could make out what was happening, he lifted his face and k*ssed her. “I love my name on your l*ps.”

Shocked, she jerked back with eyes wide open. “G od! You are incorrigible!”

A throaty laughter rumbled from his chest as he got up with flowers and twigs and leaves in his hair. “Yeah, I am your go d.”

Gritting her teeth, narrowing her eyes, she smacked him on his chest. He caught his chest. “Ah!” he said with a silly smile.

She let out an exasperated breath and stormed out of there, muttering about annoying Alphas and lavender cuteness.

Winn had found a place and Carmine strode to the blanket that he had spread out. “Give me the food basket,” she demanded rather angrily and sat down. From the periphery of her vision, she saw Theo coming towards her. But she avoided him and busied herself with laying out food that comprised turkey and avocado wrap, veggie and hummus sandwich, quinoa salad, fruit salad, grilled chicken skewers, smoked salmon and tuna sandwiches and chocolate dipped strawberries. Men tally, she admired Flint’s expertise.

Theo came to sit right behind her and shamelessly spread his legs around her. The moment Winn called everyone for lunch, Theo pressed his thighs around her waist. possessively. Even though she tried to get out of his grasp, he growled, warning her to move. “You move and I will pull you in my lap.”

She nudged him with her elbow, but nothing worked. Thor rushed to her with a bouquet of lavenders in his hand. He gave it to her and said, “Mommy, I love you!”

“Aww… my baby,” Carmine pulled him in his lap and peppered him with k*sses.

Theo looked at his mate and his pup, his heart swelling with love, but at the same time, a pang of jealousy stabbed him. Why didn’t he give her that bouquet? His son was definitely a better lover than he was. He rubbed his chest with his hand and gripped her tightly with his thighs. He wanted to get up and hug them both from behind, but he was sure that Carmine would blast him. Afraid of her reaction, he remained where he was. The only person who the mighty Supreme Alpha was afraid of was his mate.

His thoughts went to Kade. Locking eyes with Winn, he established their mind link. ‘Send the coordinates to Kade and ask him to come tomorrow morning at 8AM. If he doesn’t show up, he’ll put his pack at risk of a war!”

Winn nodded, but he didn’t send the message. He knew that Kade was sneaky and might form plans to attack them at night. Winn didn’t want to risk Kade coming with his warriors.

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Chapter 52


The lunch was phenomenal. Alpha Theo didn’t eat unless Carmine fed him. She grudgingly fed him because his stomach rumbled. “Eat on your own!” She stashed the turkey and avocado wrap in his hand. But he didn’t take it, fis ting his hands and putting them below his head to cradle it. He opened his mouth and so she stashed it in his mouth. He coughed a little, but ate it lovingly. “I prefer being choked by you over eating alone.”

“How cheesy?” she snapped. “Where did you learn that line from? Frankenstein movie?”

“Nah. From the movie “This Car is Mine””

“You’re sleazy!”

“I’m in love. Madly. Badly. Desperately.”

She shook her head, rolling her


Sloane and Oz sang loudly after having beer and Winn groaned, closing his ears with cotton. He looked at his sister with an exasperated expression. “I hope she finds her mate soon. She’s already twenty-one.”

Carmine chuckled. “Why don’t you take her to the Yulemas meet this winter?”

“You know about it?” Winn asked, surprised.

“Of course I know about it. The Elders in Silverclaw Hamlet are the ones conducting it.” Silverclaw Hamlet was a small town nestled in the mountains up north where only the Elders who were members of the Head Council lived.

“It is very far…” Winn sighed. “Driving for ten hours is not worth it.”

“But that’s the place where the Elders call all the unmated wolves of all ages. It will be good for her,” Carmine suggested.

“You should definitely go,” Theo encouraged his friend, propping himself up on his elbow and cradling his head in his palm. With the other hand, he adjusted Thor’s blanket, who was sleeping next to him. “In fact, we can all go, and take some of our unmated wolves there.”

“Would you be okay if our wolves found mates in other packs?” Winn asked, raising a brow.

Theo looked at Carmine. “Yes,” he said with a smile. After all, he found her in a different pack. Then he looked back at Winn. “Besides, you forget that most of the packs are under my command,” he said, with a hint of pride in his voice.

Carmine rolled her eyes as Theo preened like a peacock.

Chapter 32

Winn shrugged. “Fine. Then I’ll book us a place in that meeting.” Yulemas was held in a vast clearing beneath the full moon where unmated wolves from multiple packs were welcomed. Winn wondered if he would find his mate there too. Excitement cruised his b*dy, thinking about his mate. He was thirty-one and still hadn’t found her.

They all headed back to the camps as soon as the evening fell. While Una took Thor to his tent, Carmine went to Theo’s tent to fetch her bag.

“Stay here,” he said, not budging from the entrance.

She glared at him. “Maybe, you should call Charlie!”

“You know it wasn’t what you think it was.”

“I don’t care!” She ducked under his arm and stomped back to Thor’s tent, despite her b*dy resisting his pull. It was like she was defying gravity and it just didn’t make sense. In order to divert her mind, she went to take a bath. Her thoughts were full of how he left her that night after pleasuring her and then how Charlie draped herself all over him. in nothing but a bra and panties. It all made her want to cry more. “How could I fall for him?” she muttered, wiping her tears.

She scrubbed her b*dy raw to the point that it started stinging. After her bath, she dried herself, wore pink pajamas and a pink shirt, and was ready to sleep. However, she was in

for a major surprise when she returned.


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