Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Alpha Theo consumed ten cans of beer and two pegs of whiskey in an attempt to reduce his desire for Carmine, but it only made him crave her more.

When she danced with Sloane, he couldn’t bear to see her getting close to her. Their physical contact sent him in rage. He wrenched his mate from Sloane and danced with her, even though he was intoxicated. In order to maintain a semblance of control, he held her tight against him and just swayed with her while staring at her intensely.

When she pulled the tent flap down on his face, he gritted his teeth. He stayed there for a while, staring at the tent, and then trudged to his tent reluctantly. All others had gone to their tents, and a few were still dancing around the bonfire. The way Sloane danced with Oz, Flint and Kat, it made him think about how he held Carmine in his hand.

He chuckled, “That car is mine.” From the corner of his eye, he noticed Winn was looking at him with concern in his eyes. He averted his gaze and entered his tent. He took his khakis off and sl*pped into the sleeping bag. But sleep was nowhere near. He tossed and turned and swore under his breath. All he wanted was to get her in his tent and f uck her senseless. He had to sleep with a hard erection.

Although unsure of the time, he heard the flap quietly open and soon felt a soft b*dy lie next to him, inside his sleeping bag. Her soft boobs pressed against his n*ked chest. His eyes flew wide open, and he got up with a jerk. It was dark, but his sharp olfactory senses caught the scent of Charlic.

When he gazed at her, he saw she was wearing panties and a bra. “What the hell are you doing here, Charlie?” he growled, shuffling her away from him.

“What’s wrong, Alpha?” she asked innocently.

“You are blo ody wrong. Why are you here?”

She blinked her eyes innocently. “I know you’ve been struggling to sleep, and Carmine has been keeping her distance from you. Even I couldn’t sleep, seeing how distressed

you were.”

Theo grabbed his shirt and threw it at her. “Wear this!” he ordered.

But Charlie took his shirt and bundled it in her hands, showing no desire to wear it. “Alpha, I can feel that you want me.” Her eyes went to his boxers, where she could see his semi-hard erection. “Stop denying your needs, Alpha. I am there for you.”

She leaned towards Theo and trailed her fingers down his chest. He grabbed her wrist and yanked them away. “Charlie, get out of this tent before I snap your n*eck. I am not interested in you.”

Chapter 51

She ignored his words and tried to k*ss him on his chest, but he moved away, pushing her away. “Did you not listen to me?”

But she licked her l*ps and came back to him. He pushed her away, knocking her head with his knuckles. It was as if his words were like an alien language to her. Despite him pushing her away, she came again to him. So, this time, Theo kicked himself free from the sleeping bag and stood up. He grabbed Charlie’s wrist and pulled her up. “You need. to get out!” he growled. “Don’t make me kill you tonight!”

The moment he emerged from the tent, he wished that he’d never come out. Carmine was coming out of her tent and making way towards him. There was a soft look on her face. However, when her gaze dropped to where Theo was holding Charlie, a look of devastation engulfed her. He was so preoccupied with Carmine’s response to the fiasco that he failed to notice Charlie’s attempts to drape herself around him. All he could do was to keep looking at Carmine and the hurt on her face was enough to break his heart.

Carmine’s l*ps quivered. She tore her gaze from him and rushed back into her tent.

“Carmine!” he called her as he yanked himself away from Charlie and ran after her across the camp towards her tent.

“Don’t come here, Alpha Theo,” she murmured. “Please don’t come.” And then he heard soft sniffles that further broke his heart.

“This isn’t what it looks like, Carmine,” he tried to explain to her. He cursed himself for just sleeping in his boxers and not his shirt. Her tears made his wolf howl with unease, shattering his soul.

“I don’t want to hear about it, Alpha Theo. I will go in the morning with Thor. Clearly, this was a huge mistake. I can’t- I can’t deal with it,” she said through her sniffles.

“No, you can’t go,” Theo almost begged.

She opened the flap and came out in tears. Her eyes went to Charlie near his tent, who was still in panties and bra, obviously enjoying the drama. “Do you think I am stu pid, Alpha Theo? Why are you leading me? Why did you give me those hearts and carve those sweet messages? Is this a sick game in your eyes?”

His mouth dropped to the floor. So she’d been reading his messages? “The only person I care about is you. Nothing happened. That omega is getting expelled from my pack tomorrow!”

“No!” Charlie shouted, her face paling. “Please Alpha, what did I do? I just came to satiate your desires.”

Theo snapped his head back. “Shut the f uck up!”

Chapter 51

10, 25 Jan

Carmine shook her head. “Please go back, Alpha Theo. I want to sleep.” She walked inside the tent, dropped the flap, and zipped it. It was difficult for her to sleep and so she sat in a corner, all huddled up and buried her face between her knees to cry her heart out.


After Alpha Theo had gone back to his tent and she was with Thor, she realized that all her belongings were in Alpha Theo’s tent. She contemplated for a long time to retrieve them. All the while, she couldn’t help thinking about how he was dancing with her or staring at her with intense need. She felt drawn to him, and her feelings became uncontrollable after the dance. She thought she would steal a k*ss from him in his sleepy state and then dart back to her tent. Only after an hour did she gather the courage to retrieve her belongings. And then she saw Charlie with him.

Alpha Theo sat in front of her tent for a long time, his heart shattering into pieces one by one. Behind him, his Beta came to get Charlic away. Tusker ensured she remained imprisoned in her tent.

Despite feeling heavy and shaky, Theo mustered the strength to go back to his tent. He threw an arm over his eyes, hoping to catch some sleep, but his thoughts returned to Carmine, who was crying in her tent.

“Alpha Theo!” Small hands shook his shoulders. “Get up! Get up!”

He jerked open his eyes, only to find Thor sitting over his stomach. Morning light filtered through a gap. He chuckled and rubbed his eyes. “What’s it, pup? Is your mommy okay?”

“We have to go for the hike!” Thor said excitedly. “See? I am ready for it!” He picked up his foot to show him the hiking boots he was wearing.

Theo laughed softly. “Yes, we have to go hiking.” There was a hiking trail that led to the valley below where lavenders grew wildly. He planned to bring Carmine over there and confess his love, but after what occurred last night, he was uncertain. With a rough exhale, he got up and smiled at his pup. “Give me half an hour, pup.”

With a grin, Thor jumped up from his stomach and left the tent. “I am going to ask mommy to get ready fast!”

As if ‘mommy’ was the mantra, Theo tossed aside his sleeping bag, wore his shirts and khakis, pulled on his boots, and came out. Since Carmine was nowhere to be seen, he assumed she was still in her tent. He went to the makeshift toilets where he finished his morning routine and came out.

Carmine was with Flint and Kat, grilling vegetables.

“I don’t know why Charlie is imprisoned?” Kat mumbled as Flint shook his head. “She’s such a do uche!”


Thu, 2 an

Chapter 51

“She was always a sl*ppery eel,” he responded with a grunt.


Kat laughed and added, “Why did you even get her? I don’t like her. She was very close to Scarlet.”

Theo froze on his spot. Charlie was close to Scarlet? His gaze snapped to Carmine, who also looked stunned. Was Charlie’s behavior last night part of a plan?

“Well, now that she’s gone, we have to manage it,” Flint sighed.

The group started their trek towards the trail after breakfast. Flint and Kat chose to stay back with Tusker, who was guarding Charlie.

Sloane led the group, with Oz behind her and Winn grumbling at both of them, to shed. their clumsiness for once in their life. Thor was so enthusiastic that he refused to hold Una’s hand as his feet bounced over the dirt path.

Following Thor closely,

she didn’t have access, armine was right behind him, with Theo behind her. Since

she didn’t have access to her clothes, she was wearing the same cut-off shorts and white shirt with boots. She had gathered her hair in a messy bun, her crane-like n*eck on full display.

Theo was having a hard time keeping his fangs and claws from elongating. His mind. was conjuring up scenarios of pulling her behind a tree and f ucking her senseless as he sank his fangs into her pulse point.

The path unfurled like a silken ribbon, guiding them gently downhill. The air was infused with the sweet scent of pine. Leaves and moss crunched beneath their boots as the sun rose sharply in the sky. As they descended, the valley revealed its hidden treasure-a lavender field that stretched like a quilt of velvet till the h orizo n. The fragrance wafted through the air, weaving a spell.

Carmine stood on the edge of the lavender field, fully immersed in its fragrance and beauty. Instead of admiring the beautiful flowers, Theo stood behind her and observed


“So beautiful!” she breathed.

“Yes,” he agreed, looking at her. “Exquisite!”

As they descended, she got stuck on a treacherous hillock that they had to climb. He placed his hand on her buttocks to lift her up, admiring how well his hand covered her a ss. Every curve of hers fitted in his.

Her shorts sl*pped to the side and her pink thong showed, one that he had bought for her. While pushing her up, he grazed her core. She squealed and his nostrils flared when she clenched her core because the juices leaked out.


Chapter 51

“What are you doing?” she scowled as she quickly jumped up, away from his hands.

He climbed up behind her and in a low voice said, “Making you wet.”


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