Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Carmine was already so turned on that her cl it was throbbing with need. “No,” she shook her head. “You don’t have to do it.”

He rolled with her, positioning himself on her b*dy, hovering over her face with parted l*ps. Her hands went to his chest, and another shudder ran down his spine. “I want it, Carmine,” he said with his eyes flashing golden. “It’s something even I can’t control because my wolf wants it more than me.”

Her eyes widened. “Your wolf?”

“Yes, Thunder is dying to taste his m-” He bit his tongue because he was about to say “mate”. “You.”

She swallowed saliva down her throat as she brought her hand to his beautiful face. Brushing the strands of hair that were stuck to his forehead, she said, “I-“. She blushed, unsure of how to communicate her overwhelming attraction to him. To feel his gorgeous, thick erection inside her. “I don’t think it’s a good idea!” she said because if she lost control and he came inside her, she was going to regret it later. Her heats were near, and she didn’t want to take a chance.

He gave her a warning look, appearing menacing over her as he clutched her wrists under her back and pinned her in a way that she couldn’t move. “Then you shouldn’t have played with a wolf like me, Carmine.” He took his time settling between her legs and she gasped when his breath fell over her mons. She had never been so aroused. “Especially not in bed.” He left her wrists and positioned himself in a way that her legs. rested over his back.

His dark eyes were amber now, his wolf trying to show his presence. When their gazes connected, she witnessed his fangs elongating, causing an unexpected rush of adrenaline. She squirmed beneath him, a cry of want escaping her l*ps.

He smirked and then grazed his l*ps up over her satiny thighs. She moaned, her breasts rising and falling. Lazily, he placed k*sses on her belly, slowly descending from her navel. “Spread your legs,” he demanded.

She did that because she loved his dominating voice. What was wrong with her?

Her S** was now opened up for him. His c ock pulsated, wanting to be buried in her wet pus sy. Before he knew it, he had pressed his mouth directly to her core. When he slid his tongue out to sample her, he discovered she was wet and enticing for him. His chest vibrated with a rumble and his fingers bit in her thighs. She whimpered as her hips bucked towards his mouth.

He sucked her core and then he licked her all the way up to her cl it. He flicked her

Wed: 24 Jan

Chapter 41

c litoris, making her dig her heels into his back. When he pulled back, she hated it and gave him a puzzling look. “M-more?The hunger in her eyes was so strong that he knew he couldn’t refuse her.

He k*ssed her on her cl it and asked, “Why can’t I sense your wolf, Carmine?”

She gulped as frustration rose inside her. “I told you she’s sleeping.” She squirmed under him, undulating her hips to reach his mouth. “Please.”

He lowered his clever mouth on her cl it. Parting her l*ps, he directly went for it. As soon as he took it in his mouth and sucked hard, his fangs grazed her hard over there. Crying loudly, she felt the tightness in her belly and knew she had to chase it or risk dying.

After teasing her cl it for a while, he lifted her face again, making her cry in frustration. “Why is she sleeping? Thunder wants to know.”

“Please Theo,” she cried.

“Please what, Carmine?” he asked, spreading her legs further

“Please, just help me!”

He knew she was on the edge. “I will give you the best org asm of your life, love, but Thunder is howling inside me. He wants to know about your wolf” That was a lie

wolf” because Thunder wanted his mouth over his mates pus sy. He was enjoying to the hilt and growled at Theo for making him wat hy this and hated him for making his mate


The fear of Theo’s judgment caused her l*psi to quiver, torn between kreping her secret or risking their opinion of her “Can I talk about it later the insisted

“No,” he said and sucked her c lit hard

“Ahhh!” she cried and started chasing her org an. “Oh, my Go d” the moaned as he spread her flesh, took her cl it with his tongue and l*ps, and slowly sucked her. “Yes””” she cried, her back arching as her hips rocked against his mouth. “Theo, Ah”””

He removed his mouth again because he knew she wouldn’t tell him a thing once she reached her climax. “Please, Carmine.” he pleaded, his voice filled with emotion. “My wolf really wants to know about yours. Won’t you tell me this little secret?

“I will, I promise!” She bucked her hips, asking her to help her out of her misery. “When?”

“As soon as—” she bit her l*p. “After this.

His l*ps curled up. “I hope you won’t renege on your promise.”

Chapter 41

c litoris, making her dig her heels into his back. When he pulled back, she hated it and gave him a puzzling look. “M-more?The hunger in her eyes was so strong that he knew he couldn’t refuse lier.

He k*ssed her on her c lit and asked, “Why can’t I sense your wolf, Carmine?”

She gulped as frustration rdse inside her. “I told you she’s sleeping.” She squirmed under him, undulating her hips to reach his mouth. “Please.”

He lowered his clever mouth on her cl it. Parting her l*ps, he directly went for it. As soon as he took it in his mouth and sucked hard, his fangs grazed her hard over there. Crying loudly, she felt the tightness in her belly and knew she had to chase it or risk dying.

After teasing her cl it for a while, he lifted her face again, making her cry in frustration. “Why is she sleeping? Thunder wants to know.”

“Please Theo,” she cried.

“Please what, Carmine?” he asked, spreading her legs further.

“Please, just help me!”

He knew she was on the edge. “I will give you the best org asm of your life, love, but Thunder is howling inside me. He wants to know about your wolf.” That was a lie because Thunder wanted his mouth over his mate’s pu ssy. He was enjoying to the hilt and growled at Theo for making him wait like this and hated him for making his mate wait.

The fear of Theo’s judgment caused her l*ps to quiver, torn between keeping her secret or risking their opinion of her. “Can I talk about it later?” she insisted.

“No,” he said and sucked her cl it hard.

“Ahhh!” she cried and started chasing her or gasm. “Oh, my Go d!” she moaned as he spread her flesh, took her c lit with his tongue and l*ps and slowly sucked her. “Yes!” she cried, her back arching as her hips rocked against his mouth. “Theo, Ah!”

He removed his mouth again because he knew she wouldn’t tell him a thing once she reached her climax. “Please, Carmine,” he pleaded, his voice filled with emotion. “My wolf really wants to know about yours. Won’t you tell me this little secret?”

“I will, I promise!” She bucked her hips, asking her to help her out of her misery.


“As soon as-” she bit her l*p. “After this.”

His l*ps curled up. “I hope you won’t renege on your promise.”

Chapter 41

“I won’t.”

He brought his mouth back to her cl it as he put one finger inside her core. She began to climax, moaning his name again and again as he pumped his finger inside her and suckled her c lit with frenzy. Her legs trembled and the heat inside her erupted fiercely, causing her to scream his name when she came around his finger.

“F uck!” he rasped as he watched her writhe beneath him. “Look at you, clasping my finger inside you.” He could feel her muscles clenching his finger and his imagination ran wild. He removed his finger from her core and licked her until she was breathless.

With a fresh towel, Theo cleaned her and himself before settling beside her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and drew her near. They were both panting, and his c ock was raging hard. Again. He gently pressed it against her belly but held himself back to prevent scaring her. Maybe later, when she was relaxed, she might help him. He wondered if he would always have a raging erection when she was with him.

“You promised,” he reminded her in a soft voice, smelling her, which was now mixed with her sweat and her arousal. It was so heady that he could bottle it as his personal cologne.

She closed her eyes and threw her arm over her eyes. “I was rejected,” she spilled out and then her throat choked. He froze beside her, and she knew he would also feel

hatred towards her.

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