Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 40

Chapter 40

A soft sigh escaped her l*ps when he skimmed his fingers beneath her shirt, over her skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. His patience and kindness made her want to do something nice for him in return. “No,” she said softly, lifting her thick eyelashes to look at him. His brows furrowed, and a look of confusion crossed his handsome face. She held his hand and tugged him to the bed where she made him sit.

“What are you doing, Carmine?” he asked, his eyes fixed on her. His whole b*dy was tightly wound up, filled with anticipation.

Carmine switched off the lights using the switches beside the bed and turned on a small lamp on the nightstand. It had a bandana over a classy lampshade to give the room a soft red glow. She lowered her l*ps to his and k*ssed him. “Will you allow me, Alpha TheoF”

A shudder ran down his b*dy. He had the urge to seize her and f uck her senseless, but he controlled himself by clenching his fists. He nodded, and she helped him take off his


Alpha Theo had many tattoos on his chest and back. She didn’t know why he had so many, but each of them seemed like they had a story. Her eyes roamed around his chest and his tattoos. She brushed her fingers over the wolf on his left chest while. pushing him gently to lic down. There were some vines on his left chest, extending all the way to his left biceps, just above his heart. It had thorns and roses and a name written around them over and over again. His mother’s. Angel.

Her fingers trailed over his right pectoral, where a black and gray portrait of a woman sat with letters “RIP” underneath it and “ANGEL” over the top. Theo’s mother, who died. just after his father died because she was his true mate and couldn’t live without him.

His right biceps sported the insignia of his pack, a gold coin with a golden wolf embossed clutched with a Bald Eagle’s claws. It was beautiful and pretty detailed.

Rest of the arm had tribal tattoos that stretched till his fingers, which she saw often. There were numerous smaller tattoos that covered his stomach. She turned him back and saw a massive black and gray skull with roses all around it with letters inscribed in a language she didn’t understand.

Just the way she was looking at him and feeling his skin beneath her fingers made his muscles leap towards her. He was rock hard and was dying to remove his pants. Carmine exploring him was a start, something he wouldn’t miss for the world. He wanted her to explore him as much as possible. It meant so much to him he would willingly lie down for her quietly, even if she dissected his chest to see his heart. His teeth clenched when her hand went to the bulge in his pants where she lightly brushed


Carmine was enthrallest by Alpha Theo There was a ghot in her eyes she wanted to ke every inch of the man who desired her, and who she desired she never felt tids intimate with anyone. The rawness of this new desire to be so intimately close to a man and explore him was intense. Except for that one occasion when she was drugged hve

years ago.

She opened his pants and zipper, and he pulled his pants down, unable to wall. Carmine gasped when she saw a beautiful, but huge, red and black viper ending around his hips. Its mouth ended right in front of his S** where hits erection was joining out proudly, needily. Her eyes watched him grow. A lusty man escaped her manh Without thinking much, she circled the root of his c ock with her fingers and k*ssed the crown of his head.

She looked up at him through her thick lashes and said, “I’ve never”

“I know, baby,” he said as the muscles in his n*eck strained. “Just de wintever you want to.” He was desperate for her touch, to see those l*ps around his co ck, just as he had fantasized about her a thousand times.

“You have to guide me,” she breathed.

“Take me in your mouth, baby.” His hips bucked in her direction. He had never imagined that Carmine would do this. He was determined to uncover her secret about the wolf, and now he was prepared to offer all his secrets for her l*ps to wrap around him. His breath no longer sounded steady.

She opened her mouth and wrapped her l*ps around his co ck. His fingers dug into the sheet and his claws came out as his chest vibrated with a rumble. His eyes rolled back in his head at the mere sensation of his mate’s mouth over his coc k. He had to fight hard to restrain his wolf, and refrain from ejaculating inside her.

His co ck was thick and at first, she gaped at the sight, but when she took it in, she could taste him. It was salty and all male. As if driven by instinct, she wrapped her hand around his balls and squeezed sofily while taking him in one fluid motion. His hips bucked off the bed in an attempt to go deeper, to hit the back of her throat.

Without removing her mouth from his shaft, she positioned herself between her legs. He opened them wide for her and folded them. Her eyes drifted to him and she found him watching her intensely with half-mast eyes. When their eyes locked, he let out a grunt and his hands shot to her head.

His fingers gripped her hair, and he guided her in and out of her mouth. She sucked

him harder, causing him to lose his mind. If this was the rear he had when she

mouth-f ucked him, what would it be when he was inside her? His co ck swelled at the thought, pulsating inside her mouth with lust so strong that sweat broke out on his forehead.

Sde van der tongue along his throbbing vein, circling his member before descending. eagerly sucking every inch at the root.

“Pack Carmine,” he groaned, his head tipping back. “I want to stop” Every muscle in his b*dy rippled with tension. His wolf wanted to surface, wanted to mate with his mate and put his knot inside her.

But she wouldn’t listen to him. She got wet in the process of sucking him and her arousal hit his nostrils. “Puck” he moaned. Her pus sy clenched with need. She wondered if she would climax just by sucking him. The sucking, nibbling, and licking by her tongue left him in a state of frenzy. He gripped her hair tightly, making her move faster up and down for her to take him deeper down her throat.

“F uck! I can’t hold it!” He wanted to hold on for as long as he could because he was really enjoying this first intimate contact with his mate, but he felt like he was holding

on forever.

She loved the feel of his shaft in her mouth so much that she took him hard, and then she did something he had only fantasized about. She took him all the way down, hitting the back of her throat.

His eyes flew wide open. A shiver ran down his spine, all the way to his thighs. His chest rumbled and with a deafening roar, he shot his release inside her. Stars burst into his vision. He couldn’t stop himself as he continued to release down her throat. It was unbelievable how she milked him. He felt like he was going to d ie of the or gasm. He had never had such a strong one in the last five years after he had met her

He thought of pulling it out of her mouth, but was surprised to see how she was licking it off him. The next moment, he g r abbed her by her shoulders and pulled her up to his chest. He slammed his l*ps on hers, tasting h is cu m. “You are so f ucking …..tul!” he rasped in between his k*sses. “Now it’s my turn, baby.”




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