Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 39

Chapter 39

After Alpha Theo and Carmine picked up Thor from his school, they drove to an ice cream shop in the main market square. Thor insisted that if he ate ice cream, he would become cool. So Theo bought ten bricks of every flavor for his pup despite Carmine grumbling about it.

“Loose it, Carmine,” Ruffling Thor’s hair, Theo said to her as he made him sit in front while driving. “The pup hardly ever demands anything.”

Carmine shook her head. “You are spoiling him.”

Theo shrugged. “This is not spoiling. I haven’t plucked the moon from the sky for him. These are just ice creams. Besides, Thor said he would become cool after eating them.” He couldn’t stop laughing. “Why do you want to become cool, Thor? Do you have a crush on some girl in your school?”

Thor’s cheeks became red. He stopped eating and bit his bottom l*p. Then he dipped. his face and lifted his thick eyelashes to look at Theo with his amber eyes. “How do you know?”

Carmine and Theo held back their laughter.

“I know because a wolf tries to be cool only when he loves a girl,” Theo explained.

Thor blinked once and then twice, like he was caught, but what he said made Theo shift in his seat. “You are also so cool in front of my mommy. Do you also eat ice cream?”

This time Carmine burst out laughing as Theo looked at his son with wonder. Thor was definitely his pup. Too smart. “Well, you didn’t answer my question,” Theo directed the topic back to him.

Thor sighed. “I like this girl called Bella. She is very cute, has golden hair and they are this long.” He touched his hips, indicating the length. “She has gray eyes and-” He glanced at his mother. “I think I love her.” When Carmine’s eyes went wide in surprise, he added, “That doesn’t mean I don’t love you, mommy. I just love her as well.” Tears welled up in his eyes as he wondered if his mommy was hurt.

“Oh, sweetie!” Carmine chuckled. “I know you love me, too. So when are we meeting Bella?”

Thor immediately relaxed and continued with his ice cream. “I haven’t told her I love her. Yet.”

Theo laughed his way back to home, teasing Thor all the time. He hadn’t had such a good time in his life. With Thor, his time seemed to fly away so soon. He regretted not being there during his growing up, but now that they were together, he would make


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Chapter 39

every effort to treasure each memory and spoil him, just like Carmine suggested.

Theo left for the office after he dropped them home, and the first thing he did was to call his people in the human world to find out about those who had attacked Carmine. He had received a message from Lester Grange, his human liaison in the human world.

“We scanned every video in the vicinity of her house, Mr. Wilson,” Lester said in a strained voice. “Two hunters had come a day carlier to look for her. One of them even went up to check where she lived while the other remained downstairs. I have run facial recognition software on both of them and found in the database who they were. They belong to a rogue agency who works independently by taking orders for contract killing. So it means that whoever had given the contract to kill her knew she was a werewolf.”

Theo gritted his teeth. “Find out about that agency. I want to know every detail and I want it asap!”

“Yes, Mr. Wilson,” Lester replied in a shaky voice.

“Once you’ve found out about it, you will give me the details and not do anything.” Theo disconnected the call, rage rising in his chest. He was going to wipe out every da mn hunter of that agency and then some more. But not before finding out who was the one who sent hunters after Carmine.

In the evening, before going back to Carmine, he met Scarlet in the dungeons. As soon as she saw him, she peeled her l*ps back and darted at him, but shrieked in pain when her silver chains pulled her back to the wall. “Release me!” she shouted. “You have no right to put me in the dungeons!” Her wrists and ankles had bruises.

Theo pulled a chair from outside, screeching it on the floor until he reached just a foot. away from her reach. “I heard you wanted to make a deal with me. Trade information for your release?” he said, sitting on the chair, putting his ankle over the knee of the other leg.

“I will, but you have to promise me you will release me!” she growled. “You have jailed me with no evidence of my misdeed. What did I do?”

Theo ignored her. “So, what is the information?”

Scarlet didn’t answer his question. Instead, she said, “I just brought the cake for Thor. I got nervous with the way you interrogated me. How could I eat a cake in front of you when Flint had clearly told me it was for the Alpha?”

Winn pushed himself off the wall. “But you said that you saw Flint adding something on the top of it before he gave you.” He had checked the entire footage of the

it to kitchen and there was nothing that Flint did other than to make the cake normally.


Chapter 39

Scarlet gaped at him. “Th-that was-” She pursed her l*ps. “That’s not the point. The point is, you have to release me! You forcefully fed me the cake, but did anything happen to me? Nothing! Not a single thing.” Except that she felt a vise-like grip on her heart. “Then why am I in the dungeon? Release me!”

His l*ps peeled back and, with a snarl, Theo was at her throat, pinning her to the wall. “This is your last chance, Scarlet. If you have anything concrete, tell me, else you stay here for the rest of your life. And about the cake, I know you used a witch’s potion. It’s written in your blood. I read the doctor’s report. So f uck with you spouting nonsense!”

Scarlet paled as she watched him with wide eyes. “The doctor?” she croaked. When did the doctor come?

Her thoughts were so loud that Theo could listen to them easily. Your blood was taken by the doctor while you were unconscious.

Her l*ps quivered. “It is not correct… There has to be a mistake.”

“This is a complete waste of my time!” Theo said, pulling away. “You have twenty-four to share the information. After that, I will personally kill you.” His voice was so low and deadly that she started shaking and fell to the floor. Theo walked out of the dungeons with Winn behind him.

“She is fooling you, Alpha,” he said when they were out. “There’s nothing she wants to share.”

“Keep a watch on her,” Theo instructed and strode back to his mansion. He had a truth to be extracted from Carmine. About her wolf.

He found his mate and his pup in the dining hall. Carmine was urging Thor to eat food as he continued to talk nonstop. He sat with them and had his dinner. While having dinner, he couldn’t help thinking how beautiful his family was. This felt so normal that he didn’t want to disturb.

Carmine and Thor’s presence filled all the empty gaps he felt in his heart about not having his mother with him. She died long back, leaving him alone in the world. She was the nicest thing that was with him and couldn’t live after Theo’s father died because

she was his true mate.

After Carmine put Thor to bed, he reminded her about their talk in the morning. “Your

room or mine.”

Carmine blushed and said, “Your room.”

On an impulse, he lifted her by her waist and carried her to his room, k*ssing her all the way. He made her slide down her b*dy, ensuring that she noticed the

in his pants.

A whimper left her mouth. “I’ve been waiting for this moment from a long time,


Chapter 20

Carmine,” he said, lowering his l*ps to touch hers. His hand went beneath her shirt and unclasped her bra. Her skin felt so velvety beneath his touch, and he was going to worship it just the way he had imagined thousands of times.


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