Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Theo had been extremely busy all week. Every minute of the day without Carmine was insufferable. The need to be with her was more than his need to breathe. However, he just couldn’t meet her because he wasn’t in the Gold Moon pack.

A war between a pack of rogues and the Silver Moon had erupted. Since the Silver Moon pack was under him, he had sent his warriors to control the situation and help the Alpha of the Silver Moon pack, but the war grew intense because one of his adversaries, Alpha Jake, of the Neon Moon pack joined the war, thereby helping the rogues. The entire war became so ugly that he personally had to go to the borders of the Silver Moon pack and take control of the situation.

He was dying to return to Carmine and as soon as the situation was under control he rushed back. However, upon his return, Scarlet informed him about the annual ball in the evening. It was supposed to be held in the city hall, but she held it in the manor instead.

“I am not going!” he growled as he wore his white shirt and rolled his sleeves up. He tucked it in his jeans, disregarding the bandages that were wrapped around his chest.

Scarlet had been waiting for this moment. It was important that she showed everyone that she was close to Theo and had already started the rumors that she would be his next Luna. Hence, the appearance in the annual ball along with him was a must. That would also seal the fate of his mate, Carmine. Once she implanted herself as the future Luna, pack members would see Carmine as the woman who was hellbent on stealing her love and position like a gold digger.

“Please, Alpha Theo,” she begged him in a soft, exasperated voice. “Come with me. There’s every Alpha and Luna under you

his Luna Ruby have come. Would you who will has attend it. Even Alpha Kade and

show them your weakness by not attending it?”

Theo’s brows furrowed. He hated Kade Marshall. Not because he was his half-brother, but because of him he had lost Carmine. “I’ll be there only for five minutes and then I’ll be gone.”

“Done!” Scarlet said, clasping her hands. Five minutes were enough to show the world that she would be the next reigning queen of the Gold Moon pack. Moreover, she had already got the information from her informers that Carmine had come to the ball.

She knew Theo would never like it if she held his hand and walked all the way to the main hall, so she grabbed his hand just before they entered the main hall and intertwined her fingers with his. With a wide smile plastered on her l*ps, she walked in confidently. And as soon as she walked in, her eyes landed on Carmine. Looking at her.


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Chapter 18

shocked expression, her heart filled with joy. The intention of showing to her she was marrying Theo Wilson was fulfilled while everyone else now watched her with awe and respect she had been craving for. It was a statement she made. She was going to be the Gold Moon pack’s future Luna. However, what she didn’t like was that Carmine was looking extremely beautiful.

Theo was stunned when he saw Carmine. She was the most gorgeous woman in the whole gathering. He was attracted to her like a moth to the flame. She was standing with Winn and Kade was not very far away from her. That ignited his anger. He started going towards her, but she retreated her steps back. He could feel her eyes moistening and instinctively knew that she was in distress. His need to reach her and wrap her in his instinctively knew that she was in distress. His ne arms consumed him. There was a lot of explanation to be done, but he would tell her everything slowly. As soon as he was in the middle of the room, Alphas under him crowded him, thereby stopping him from going further.

Carmine lowered her head, hating the situation she found herself in. She bit her l*p and batted her eyelashes to blink away the tears. When she lifted her head up, she realized Winn had left her to be with Theo. But who was Theo? Through her blurry vision, she saw Scarlet coming towards her. She was wearing the same golden dress she had bought from her along with golden heels and a red l*pstick.

“So you’ve come,” she mocked, lifting a wineglas s from a ser vant’s tray. “Now you know who Theo Wilson is?” She circled Carmine and came to a stop in front of her. “He is the Supreme Alpha. I hope you know who that is because I heard you are a werewolf.”

Carmine gasped, her eyes going wide. Theo was the Supreme Alpha? So he already knew that she was a werewolf? Did he lure her to buy his cottage? And was this the reason Scarlet invited her to the party?

Scarlet chuckled, mocking her. “Don’t act so innocent, Carmine. Remember that I am his future Luna, so stay away from him. Is that clear?

Carmine jerked her head back. “Why would I go to him?” she said. “He is all yours, for 1 care! Are you not confident about your relationship with him?” she snapped.


“Hey Scarlet!” Ruby came to her and hugged her, cutting her off. “I see that you have. already announced it to everyone that you are Alpha Theo’s future Luna. Congratulations.”

Scarlet grinned widely at her. “Thank you. It was high time. He had been asking me for so long, so I decided to say yes finally.”

Ruby giggled. “You deserve it, Scarlet.” She glanced at Carmine, giving her a d*rty look. “And since when have you started having such people in the annual ball?” Ruby was sizzling with anger. She wanted Scarlet to throw Carmine away.


Chapter 18

Scarlet laughed. “Don’t mind her,” she said. “She owns a non-functional wedding boutique on the outside of the Gold Moon pack.”

“Oh!” Ruby laughed. “That explains her tacky taste in dresses.” She looked at Scarlet from top to bottom. “And you have an excellent taste. Just like a Luna.” She rolled her eyes at Carmine. “Goddess, how is that some people are so disgusting?”

Scarlet clenched her jaw a little as she glanced at Carmine, who had a horrified expression on her face. “Well, what can I say?” Scarlet said. “I bought this dress from a very upscale boutique.”

Carmine was speechless. Scarlet just denied that she bought that dress from her and if she insisted it was her creation, Ruby would never believe. In fact, they would mock her more. As usual, she noticed Kade watching them from a distance, not intervening as they threw the insults at her. This time, her eyes became teary. She needed to get out of here as soon as possible without attracting attention.

“You know what?” Scarlet giggled. “Her dresses are so pathetic that no one goes to her boutique. It is lying-”

“How do you know no one goes to her boutique?” A deep, throaty voice stopped her mid-sentence.

“Alpha Theo!” Scarlet rasped. “We were just talking about Carmine’s wedding boutique. Sh-she needs to revamp it! I-I was suggesting some changes.”

Ruby stilled and immediately bowed to him. “Alpha Theo, it’s an honor to meet you.”

Theo ignored Ruby completely and said to Scarlet, “Have you visited her boutique?”

How could Scarlet admit to that? She had already told Ruby that the dress she was wearing was from some other place. “N-no,” she stuttered.

“Then how can you say that no one goes there?” Theo shot her a glare before stepping in front of Carmine. His intense gaze landed on her. Ever since he had come to the annual ball and saw her, he was so pleasantly surprised that he wasn’t floating in the air. He itched to be with her, touch her, or smell her. At the same time, he noticed that Alpha Kade was staring at Carmine with a possessiveness that made him angrier. He broke away from the crowd surrounding him and walked to his flame.

“Alpha Theo,” Scarlet called to him as terror rose in her spine. “You have to make a speech.” She had to divert his attention.

“Yes, Alpha Theo,” Ruby added a little loudly. “Don’t waste your time with this sc um. She’s a disgusting wench!”

Theo’s eyes flashed a golden as he whipped his head at Ruby. She winced and stumbled

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Chapter 18


back. Kade strode to Ruby’s side. “Alpha Theo, Ruby is right. Carmine belongs to my pack and I will take her with me.”

Theo narrowed his eyes at him, as he stifled an urge to kill him. Then he did something that no one ever expected. He reached for Carmine and caught her hand in his. “Can I have a dance with you?” he asked, his voice going husky.

Carmine gulped. She was shocked at his disposition, but she nodded, only to take her sweet revenge from Kade, Ruby and Scarlet. Besides, she had a small proposition to offer to Alpha Theo..

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