Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Scarlet felt her face go hot as embarrassment and anger clawed her cheeks. She felt as if she was being put in place by Carmine. She thought Carmine was a very mild woman and so Scarlet never expected that she would be so smart to take up Theo’s offer to dance. As per the expectations she had set in the house, she was supposed to do that first dance because after all she was touting as the future Luna of the Gold Moon pack. Scarlet gulped her insult down as she looked at Theo and Carmine. She could feel of other Alphas and the Lunas in the crowd on her, which added to her humiliation.


“I am so sorry,” Ruby said in a low voice. “I didn’t know that Carmine was such a gold digger. She doesn’t even know Alpha Theo, and she has accepted his dance.” Even though Ruby was saying those words, she was feeling utterly jealous of Carmine. Theo never once glanced at her or asked for a dance. She was definitely better than Scarlet and a thousand times better than Carmine.

Scarlet made a face that was etched with misery. “It’s fine,” she said in a low, hoa rse voice. She wiped a tear that wasn’t there beneath her left eye. “After all, Alpha Theo is the Supreme Alpha. He has needs and Carmine is fresh in the market. Perhaps he found her attractive.

Ruby tsked. “No, I think it is Carmine who enticed him with that innocent look on her face. She’s a bit ch on the inside.”

Scarlet let out a deep sigh. “I don’t know… I’ll just wait for Alpha Theo.” She set her cards in place and now waited to play her game. If Ruby was sympathizing with her, then she was sure that all in the hall would sympathize with her. She had to take advantage of their sympathy. So she made a long-drawn face. “I will have some wine…” She lowered her head and walked to the bar counter.

Kade’s eyes went wide with shock and rage when he saw how Theo held her hand and took Carmine to the center of the hall for a dance. He wanted to wrench Carmine from him and run away with her back to his pack, where he would cage her. He gritted his teeth and waited for the dance to get over. After that, he would smuggle her away

from here.


Kade hated Theo from the core of his heart. There had been many altercations between Theo and Kade’s mother, Ivy, about family dispute. Ivy had categorically told him he would never inherit a dime of the wealth that belonged to his father, but Theo didn’t need that wealth. He was obscenely rich. Only if he knew Theo’s weakness… He would strike his weakness one day in a way that Theo could never recover.

If it was up to him, Kade would have already killed his older half-brother, but the ba sta rd had become extremely powerful and wealthy beyond words. He had many

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Chapter 19

allies and ruled his kingdom with an iron fist.

The music started, and Theo held Carmine’s hand in his. This was the touch he had been craving for a week. “This color suits you well,” he said. “Royal blue.”

Her l*ps parted as a pale blush dusted her cheeks. “Thank you,” she replied in a soft voice, craning her n*eck to look at him. His intense gaze traveled to her belly, fluttering a nest of butterflies. “But, why didn’t you-”

The music picked up and Theo moved across the floor with strong, steady steps, holding her close to him. She bit her l*p, her voice drifting off.

“I don’t know how to dance,” she said, delicately moving like poetry in his arms.

“Just keep looking at me. I’ll guide you.” He made her twirl, creating a mesmerizing symphony as if trying to depict his love story for her.

“Why didn’t you tell me about your true identity?” she asked when they slowed down a little.

He picked her up by waist and, gliding her through air effortlessly, made her land on the other side. She gasped. He was so strong that she felt like a rag doll in his hands when he picked her up. He was truly an exceptional dancer. They dipped and swayed to the rhythm of the music as if trapped in the dance of cosmos. Carmine had never felt this entranced. It was as if the world faded around them, leaving only the two of them in focus.


Like fireflies in the night, their chemistry lit up on the dance floor for all to see.

When the music slowed down a little and they were swaying lazily to it, she realized that not once his gaze had strayed from her. “Was my identity of any importance?” he asked her, deflecting her question.

She shook her head. “Not when you met me, but it is now.” She blurted the truth. After all, this was the world where power meant everything.

His gaze bore into her with intensity, and a blush rose on her cheeks. She knew that many were looking at the woman who Alpha Supreme was dancing with. She had a thousand questions in her mind and the topmost was that why did he sell that house to her in such a puny amount? Other than that, why was he interested in her? Did she fancy him? If that was the case, then she was sure that within a few days, he would tire of her.

“What if I say that I like you?” he said in a de ep thro aty voice that rumbled against her skin. They were standing too close to each other, their bodies brushing. The way he was staring at her, it made butterflies slash in her belly with the sole purpose of bleeding


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Chapter 19

She chuckled. “I don’t want to joke about this, Alpha Theo. I am shocked that while I thought I was going to a different human town, I have found myself stuck in another werewolf pack. Honestly, I don’t want to be a part of any werewolf pack after what happened with me. Once I will feel safer, I will go far away from here with my son. I am -“she bit her l*p. “And at the moment, I want to feel safe,”

“Has anyone threatened you?” he asked, his brows furrowing and his eyes turning dark. His grip on her tightened.

How could she reveal that Alpha Kade rejected her, and that he intimidated her previously? Those were her problems. “Yes, and no…” she replied vaguely,

“Tell me what it is, Carmine.” Theo almost growled. His hand wrapped around her waist, bringing her close to his hard chest on an instinct.

She swallowed. Kade’s earlier words stabbing her chest. “I want to keep my son safe from… wolves. Can you help me?” Her eyes flitted to Kade, who was standing in the audience, watching them with a clenched jaw. “There are some people who want to sn atch my independence and cage me.”

How could she reveal that her heart was broken into a million pieces and chances were that it would again be shattered in the most brutal way?

His finger curled beneath her chin, and he tilted it up, making her face him. “Eyes on me if you are talking to me.” Her l*ps parted, and his gaze flitted to them. He suppressed an urge to k*ss her senseless right here, right now. “I can help you,” he replied. “But for that, I need something from you in return.”

She knew what he wanted. “I can’t-

“I want you to stay in my manor, and I swear I won’t touch you if you don’t want it.”

Carmine gulped. She was expecting him to make a deal, but she wasn’t expecting this kind of deal. A soft smile spread across her face. “Why are you doing all this for me?”

she asked.

“Let’s just say that I am interested in a deeper relationship with you?” he tried not to stress the word ‘deeper, but it practically came out as a growl.

Her eyebrows shot to the roof. “I-I am the mother of someone’s pup,” she stammered.

“Thor is like a son to me,” he chuckled at her weak objection. He wanted to tell her that Thor was his, but that would push her into a lot of confusion, so he played safe.

“Why?” Earlier, she thought he was joking. He couldn’t be serious, right?

“I have my reasons,” he said, his eyes glinting mysteriously. He wanted to tell her she

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Chapter 19


was his mate. She appeared to be shell-shocked. He had to take it slowly. He had to prove to her first that he deserved her.


“So you are helping me because of your personal intentions?” she asked, still. flabbergasted. She wondered why Alpha Supreme would want to help her? There was nothing she could offer in exchange. After Kade’s rejection, she didn’t want any man in her life. However, when she looked at him, she felt… attracted.

Seeing her baffled, he proposed, “How about we talk about this in my library?”

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