
After all the hugs and kisses goodbye they got into the cab and headed to the airport. Sam was dying to see where he was taking her. Like a couple of teenagers, they necked all the way there.

“We’re here folks,” the driver said as he pulled up to the curb.

CJ helped her out and grabbing their bags went in and up to the desk. Sam looked up at the flight numbers flashing and she gasped, covering her mouth. “Oh my God, we’re going to Santorini, Greece.” She threw her arms around his neck and started kissing his face all over, she didn’t care that people were staring.

CJ smiled and looked toward the woman behind the desk. “She’s happy,” he said to her and handed over the tickets.

“I’ve always wanted to go there,” Sam said excitedly.

He put his arm around her waist, pulling her close and looked into her eyes. “I know. I remember you telling me when we first started going out.”

Once seated in first class they were handed a glass of champagne. “Here’s to us Mrs. Fisher,” CJ said, clinking his glass to hers.

“Say it again, I just love being called that.”

“Mrs. Fisher, are you happy?”

“Yes, I’ve never been this happy in my whole life.”

“Me either,” he replied, taking her hand, brought it to his lips and kissed it.

She leaned back in her seat. “Ten days in Greece, besides you, it’s a dream come true. How can I ever thank you?”

“You can thank me when we get to our hotel. I must warn you, my thoughts are dangerous and impure,” he said, giving her a sexy grin.

“Whatever my husband wishes he shall get,” she said. Holding her hand up she watched as her wedding rings sparkled. He had picked out matching wedding bands for them and it went perfectly with her engagement ring.

It was really late and they were both tired, grabbing a blanket he covered them both when she snuggled into his arms. They soon drifted off to sleep.

They were starving when they woke up and asked for their breakfast to be served. They would be landing in Greece soon and CJ couldn’t wait to get her into bed.

Later: Sam stared out the window when they arrived. “We’re here,” she said happily as she took his hand. “Look down there,” she said, pointing at the view below.

God, he loved seeing her so happy and promised himself he would devote his life to making sure she would always be happy. “It’s beautiful.”

They landed and after collecting their luggage he called for a cab to take them to the hotel. He had spent hours searching for the perfect place to stay. It was close to the beach, near the best dining spots around with plenty of other things to do. She rolled down the window to get a better look at everything as they drove to the hotel.

Arriving at the hotel CJ held out his hand for her to take and helped her from the car. Putting his arm around her waist they walked into the hotel, and the driver followed behind with their pieces of luggage. CJ tipped him and he turned to the clerk behind the desk. “I believe we have the honeymoon suite, we’d like to book in.”

The young woman looked up and smiled, she spoke in English. “Your name sir?”

Pulling Sam closer, a wide grin on his face he replied. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Fisher.”

“Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher. I will have a bellhop take your luggage up to your room. Will you be heading up now or are you wanting to explore the hotel?”

“We’ll be going up now,” he answered, taking the key from her.

A man in a uniform walked up and placed their bags on a trolly. “Follow me, sir,” the man said and led them to the elevator.

CJ stood behind Sam, his arms around her waist as he started grinding into her, checking to make sure the bellhop was looking straight ahead. He heard a small gasp escape her lips when she felt his hardness pressing against her.

“Here is your room,” the man said. Opening the door moved aside so that they could enter. He then took their luggage off the rack and set them down. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

CJ pulled out his wallet and handed him a tip, thanked him but said there was nothing they required.

Sam kicked off her shoes and looked at the room, it was like something out of a magazine. It was bright and clean, the furniture was white and powder blue. It had everything from a minibar and even a hot tub to the side. “This is amazing, I can’t wait to see what all is in the other rooms.”

CJ was removing his jacket and tie as he went up behind her, taking her by surprise when he scooped her up bridal style. “There’s only one room I want to see right now and that’s the bedroom. We have a lot of catching up to do.”

She giggled and put her arms around his neck. “We sure do,” she said kissing him. When they entered the bedroom she was amazed at how lovely it was, her eyes looked at the bed “This is beautiful.” Just knowing what they were going to do in it got her wet.

“Finally I got you alone and in bed,” he said as he laid her down. Removing his shirt he straddled her. She had on a dress that buttoned all the way down to her waist. Undoing them pushed the material over to reveal her breasts. His member grew hard when he saw she wore no bra. He moaned as he lowered his mouth onto one, his other hand went down and he began rubbing between her legs and over the panties. He could feel her panties getting wet and he wanted to feel his fingers inside her. So pulling the panties down he rubbed as he slipped a finger inside her now wet pussy. Her arousal was obvious when she started squirming, pushing up on his finger and her moans got louder.

He ran his tongue over her nipples and between her breasts and down her stomach. As he licked her skin, moving lower took the dress with him. He kept going till he had removed the dress and panties, throwing them to the floor. Taking her foot in his hand sucked on her toes, then slowly moved his mouth up till his head was between her thighs. His tongue dipped and twirled deeper into her, her screams were loud when she called out his name. He knew by the way her body began to shake she was close to coming. He wasn’t about to let her yet, not until he was buried deep inside the warmth of her.

When he stopped and got off her she opened her eyes, drops of sweat rolled down her neck and between her breasts. “CJ, why? Why would you stop?”

“Because my love I want us to come together for the first time as man and wife,” he said as he removed his pants and briefs. He had to smile when he saw the desperation on her face, knowing she needed him now. Getting on top he entered her slowly, his cock throbbing. “Making you smile and horny are my two favourite things,” he said as he started thrusting faster.

“Well, I’m horny as hell so stop teasing me and fuck me,” she said, wrapping her legs around him, her fingers digging into his back. For the past hour, he kissed, sucked, caressed and teased her to the point where she thought she’d go mad. She felt his cock swelling so she clenched her muscles around it, knowing it would raise his desire and then he would give her the release she was craving for. It worked, he speeded up, thrusting harder and she heard him grunt when he finally let go, giving them both an earth-shattering orgasm. When he collapsed on her she hugged him tight, her breathing slowing down she kissed his neck. “Umm, that was so amazing, I think you have outdone yourself.”

Lifting his head he looked down at her. “I can say the same thing about you. Is it possible that sex is even better now that we’re married than it was before?”

“I think so,” she said, smiling back at him.

Moving onto his side he moved his fingers slowly along her body, he couldn’t get enough of touching her. “What would you like to do today?”

“Today I would like to stay in, order room service and spend the day in bed. We have ten days to go exploring.”

Pulling her closer kissed her. “That sounds good to me.”

Their honeymoon was spent on the beach, sightseeing, and shopping. They got gifts for the kids. A dress and a doll for Ellie and a football and a Dallas cowboy jersey for Chad as he was really into football. Of course candy too.

In nine days they crammed as much sightseeing in as they could, nights were spent making love. On their last night in Greece, he booked them a table at the finest restaurant, one with a window view of the boats going by.

“This has been an amazing honeymoon, thanks for bringing me here. I have to admit it will be good to get back home.”

CJ, with a grin on his face, took her hand and rubbed his thumb over the skin. “I have a confession, well it’s actually a surprise for you.”

“What?” she asked, curious as to what he had up his sleeve.

“We’re not going home tomorrow.”

“We’re not, are we staying longer?”

“No. I made plans to take you to see your parents. I called them and told them how sad you were that they weren’t at the wedding and you were missing them. So I said I was going to surprise you and everyone was sworn not to breathe a word to you. You’re not mad are you?”

Right there in the restaurant she got up and went and sat on his lap, putting her arms around his neck. “No, I’m not mad, I’m happy. I can’t believe you did this for me. I love you so much,” she said, giving him a passionate kiss, one that got him aroused.

The next day when they landed they took a taxi to the Cain’s residence. Her mother Ellen greeted them, giving Sam a hug and then looked at CJ. “So you are Calvin Fisher, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

CJ took her hand and kissed the back of it. “The pleasure is all mine Mrs. Cain and please call me CJ.”

Ellen took them to the bedroom to see Edward who was still on bed rest. Sam went and gave her father a hug. “I missed you, Dad.”

“I missed you too and sorry we had to miss your wedding. But thanks to your husband we were able to watch the whole thing. Go with your mother to the kitchen and get us all something to drink. I want to talk to your young man.”

When Edward and CJ were alone he motioned for him to sit. “I’m going to talk CJ, and you are going to listen.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Samantha’s mother and I were not around much when she was growing up, we were busy working and traveling. I’m sad to say we neglected her and for that, I will forever be sorry. But we do love her very much. When she married Jonathan we were relieved, thinking she had settled down and found someone to love and take care of her. When she left him and filed for divorce we were mad, until we found out what he had done to her. Making our guilt all that stronger.”

“You don’t have to worry about Sam, I love her and I swear on my life I’ll never hurt her,” CJ said, his eyes staring into Edward’s eyes, letting him see he meant every word.

“I ’m glad to hear it and I can see how much you both love each other.” He chuckled. “You will have your hands full young man. She is strong-willed and won’t take any shit from you.”

“I already know that sir.”

They spent two days with her parents. Sam was able to reconnect with her parents and they were able to forgive and forget the past.

When they arrived back home he picked her up in his arms and carried her through the front door. He looked down at her face, his heart swelled with so much love for her. “I’m glad we’re home baby, now we can start our lives together as husband and wife. I say we go upstairs and christen the bed as a married couple.

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