
Two years later: It was their second anniversary and Sam was dressed and ready to go on her date with CJ. He came up behind her and pushed her hair over to the side and started kissing her neck. She had on a black dress, the zipper in the back. Even after two years of marriage, he couldn’t keep his hands off her. Pulling the zipper down slid the straps of her dress over her shoulders, his lips moving over her shoulder.

“CJ,” she said, her breathing becoming raspy. “We’ll be late for our dinner reservations.”

“It’s OK, I told them to hold our table if we’re late.” He slid her dress all the way now, turning her around he picked her up and carried her over to the bed where he removed the remainder of her clothes. “Don’t move,” he ordered as he got up and quickly shed his own clothes and got back in bed and climbed on top of her.

An hour later they were once again dressed and ready to leave. CJ was relieved that the restaurant saved their table, but that was only because he promised them a huge tip. He ordered them both a glass of white wine.

“I was going to wait till later to give you this but I think now is a perfect time.” He noticed she had forgotten to put her earrings on so he handed her the small gift-wrapped box. “Go ahead baby, open it.”

She covered her mouth with her hand and gasped. Inside was a pair of diamond stud earrings. “Oh, they’re beautiful.” Taking them out she put them on. “How do they look on me?”

“You make them look stunning.” He noticed she wasn’t drinking her wine. “You’re not drinking, is something wrong with it?”

She shook her head. “I’m sure it’s fine but first I want to give you something.” She reached into her purse and took out a gift-wrapped box and handed it to him.

“Sam, you didn’t have to do this.”

“I know, I wanted to.”

His eyes almost popped out of his head when he opened the package and he stared at her with his mouth wide open and then a smile spread across his face.

“Does this mean what I think it does?” he asked, holding the baby booties in his hand. Now he knew why she didn’t touch her wine.

Her eyes sparkled, her smile wide she nodded. “I’m pregnant, we’re having a baby.”

CJ jumped from his seat and going over pulled her up and his arms went around her. He leaned down and kissed her, not caring that the place was full of customers. Once he stopped he looked around at everyone and shouted. “We’re having a baby.”

Everyone clapped.

Sitting back down he took hold of her hand. “How far along are you?”

“Three weeks,” she said, holding up three fingers.

“When did you find out?”

“I took a test this morning.”

When the waiter brought over their food he had him bring over a non-alcohol glass of wine for Sam. “This is the best gift you could ever have given me. I love you so much.”

“I love you too.”

“Just wait till my mom and dad find out, they are going to be thrilled. Even though they think of Chad and Ellie as their grandchildren I know they were hoping we would give them one.”

After a lovely meal and a walk they headed home, CJ couldn’t wait to get her dress off and make love to her. There was something about a woman you loved carrying your baby that made you love them all that much more. As soon as they stepped foot into the bedroom he wasted very little time getting her undressed. Both naked he took her in his arms, stroking her back. Her arms around his neck she kissed him with as much passion as he was.

He lifted her up, loving the way she felt when she wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her over to the bed and gently laid her down. He would have to remember not to be too rough on her now that she had his baby inside her.

She liked how he had made love to her with so much tenderness and knowing why. “CJ, that was beautiful but you didn’t have to hold back. You know you can’t hurt me or the baby. I don’t want you to stop being passionate or aggressive.”

He touched her cheek. “I won’t, I promise.” He pulled her close, his hand rubbing her stomach. “I guess I was being overly cautious.”

Eight months later: Sam was still having mood swings, crying at the littlest things. CJ understood what she was going through and never once lost his temper with her. Not even when he painted the baby’s room and she cried, saying it wasn’t what she wanted. So he repainted it, hoping he had gotten it right.

Once the paint dried and the fumes gone she was allowed in to check it out. “No, no it’s too dark of a blue. What if we have a girl? I wanted a light powder blue,” she said and started crying.

Standing behind her he cranked his head from one side to the other and rubbed the back of his head. Up till now, she had been having a rough pregnancy and he didn’t want her upset so he put his arms around her waist, rubbing her belly. “It’s alright sweetheart, I’ll re-do it.”

“But the baby furniture is coming next week, there’s no time,” she sniffed.

“There’s lots of time and I’ll get Parker to come help.”

She turned around to face him, her tears, magically disappeared. “You’re the best husband in the world. I’m going to go lay down.”

He shook his head when she was gone from sight, she played him with those tears of hers to get her way. He called Parker and asked him to come over and bring Dakota to keep Sam company. He met them outside when they arrived with the kids.

“Thanks for coming, and I have to warn you, Sam is in a mood so just ignore it.” But she surprised him when she came out all happy and bubbly, giving the kids hugs and kisses. She and Dakota walked arm in arm-into the house.

Parker nudged CJ and snickered. “Looks like it’s only you, she’s moody with.”

The women and kids stayed downstairs while the guys went upstairs and got busy painting. “This is the third time I’ve painted this room and what we’re putting on now was the exact same color as the first time.”

“Well CJ, you’re a doctor so you know how women get when they’re pregnant.”

“Yeah I know,” CJ said and smiled. “One good thing about the mood swings is she gets really horny and can’t seem to get enough of me, she’s insatiable.” He went down and grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge and took them back upstairs.

CJ was happy to see that having Dakota and the kids over put her in a good mood. He was relieved when she loved the new paint on the wall in the baby’s room, even though it was the same as the first time around.

That night in bed she started caressing him, her lips kissing his chest. “Aren’t you tired out from having company over for dinner? it is getting late, you should get some sleep.”

She gave him a look, showing hurt and anger in her eyes. Getting out of bed she went over to the window and looked out. “I’m fat and you are repulsed by my body that’s why you don’t want to make love to me.”

He jumped out of bed and went over, taking her in his arms. “How can you say that? I am not repulsed by your body, I think it’s even more beautiful than before. I just don’t want you getting overly tired and for the record lady I do want to make love to you.”

He slid the straps of her gown down over her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. Grabbing a handful of her hair gently pulled back, exposing her neck. He kissed her and sucked on her skin, his cock grew hard when she moaned his name and her arms tightened around him. Lifting her up he carried her over to the bed and laid her down. He looked at her and smiled, she looked so amazingly beautiful with her breasts fuller and to see her stomach that carried his baby inside he fell even more in love with her.

“Are you just going to stare at me or are you going to make love to me?” she said, her lips out in a pout and her core aching to be touched and made love to.

He chuckled at the desperation in her voice, and who was he to deny a lady what she wanted? His mouth came down on hers, his hands caressed her in all the places she liked. He knew he was taking too long when she took hold of him and guided him inside her.

Later as they lay together she ran her fingers along his chest. “I’ve been a right old cow with you lately. I’m sorry. I bet you are wishing you were with someone else, someone not so moody.”

He turned to look at her. “The truth is, if I could be with anyone in the world, it’d still be you.”

This brought tears to her eyes. “I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you.” ********

Sam was now in her ninth month:

CJ came home from work late and found her sitting on the sofa, an empty ice cream carton in her hands and she was sobbing. Thinking something was wrong he rushed over, getting on his knees in front of her. “What’s wrong? Is it the baby? Are you in pain?”

Her bottom lip stuck out and she wiped her tears away. “I’m out of ice cream.”

He laughed, relieved it wasn’t something serious. “That’s alright, I’ll buy more tomorrow.”

“But I want some now.”

“You want me to go to town now? It’s late.”

“Yes, would you?”

He growled, knowing that was exactly what he was going to do. “Alright, I’ll go.”

She threw her arms around his neck. “Thank you. Make sure it’s chocolate, or maybe something with nuts in it. No, strawberry.”

Giving her a kiss he headed out and at the store, he bought several different varieties. The last time he got her one flavour she wanted something else. He also grabbed some chips and other snacks, just in case. She was fast asleep in bed when he returned home. Putting the ice cream in the freezer he went to bed, getting in he kissed her cheek and moved the hair off her face.

Two weeks later she called him in from outside.

“CJ, I think it’s time, the baby’s coming.”

He checked her out and started asking questions, the doctor in him coming out.

“Damn it CJ, I’m telling you it’s time.” She grabbed him by the collar and pulled his face close to hers. “Stop being a doctor for a minute and be a father, get me to the damn hospital.”

He pried her hands away as she was damn near choking him and he gave her a big smile. “Alright, let’s go sweetheart.” Helping her up got her settled in the car and went back for her overnight bag.

He got her to the hospital and into her room, he then called his parents to let them know the baby was coming. He also called Dakota and Parker before going back to Sam’s side. She looked so uncomfortable and he felt bad for her.

“Why isn’t our baby coming,” she complained three hours later when still no baby.

He wiped her forehead with the cloth and tried to get her to suck on some ice chips which she swatted away. “He or she is not ready yet.”

The others showed up to give their support, bringing gifts of flowers for Sam and stuffed teddy bears for the baby. The men went to get coffee, leaving the three women to talk, CJ hoped it would take away some of Sam’s anxiety.

The doctor who was going to deliver their baby said it was time, the baby was coming after being there for over seven hours. They were sent out of the room except for CJ. He held her hand, telling her to breathe, earning a few curse words from her.

Finally, their seven pounds and six-ounce baby boy was born.

“I love you, Sam,” he said, a tear trickling down his face as he stared at his son laying in her arms. “We need to decide on a name for this little guy.”

“I love you too. What do you think of the name David, David Fisher?”

“I like it, let’s add a middle name. David, Calvin Fisher.”

Once mother and baby were cleaned up and taken to their room the others were allowed in to see them. Dawn cried softly when she held her grandson in her arms for the first time, with Calvin Sr. looking over her shoulder.

CJ had his arm around Sam, he never thought in a million years he would ever be this happy or be in love with a woman who loved him back. “I think we ought to have a couple more,” he said, giving her a huge grin.

“Yes, I agree,” she said, smiling back.

To sum it up three years later they had twins, both girls. Their love grew stronger with each passing year.

The end:

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