CJ took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He and Parker watched as Chad and Ellie walked down the aisle. Being the perfect little gentleman, Chad held his sister’s hand, making sure she wouldn’t fall. CJ and Parker looked at each other and smiled, the kids were so cute it brought a tear to their eyes.

Dawn was busy snapping pictures when Dakota walked down the aisle, her eyes went to Parker who was staring at her with so much love showing in his eyes.

Calvin Sr. hooked Sam's arm through his, he could feel her shaking. “Are you ready to become Mrs. Calvin Fisher Jr?”

She took a deep breath and looked at him and smiled. “Yes, let’s do this.” She started moving when he did. She could feel all eyes on her as she made her way towards the front. Looking up she saw CJ, he was smiling, his dimples showing and God, he looked drop-dead gorgeous in his suit. Seeing him she no longer felt nervous, their eyes locked as she and Calvin Sr. slowly made their way to him.

When CJ saw Sam walking up the aisle he got choked up, his heart started racing. She looked like an angel in her beautiful long white gown, her hair curled and hung down over her shoulders. His stomach felt like there were butterflies dancing around when she looked at him and gave him a smile that had him weak in the knees.

When they reached him and Calvin Sr. gave CJ her hand he pulled her closer, taking her other hand when she handed her bouquet to Dakota. He saw a tear trickle down her face so he reached up and wiped it away with his thumb. It was as if he had forgotten that they were in church, standing before a room full of people when he spoke to her.

“You take my breath away with your beauty, I love you so much,” he said, leaning over he kissed her, pulling her closer. It wasn’t until he felt Parker pulling on his arm and the crowd snickering that he let go of her.

The minister cleared his throat, by the look on his face CJ knew he was mad.

“Are you ready to move on?” he asked in a snarky tone.

Smiling at a red-faced Sam he nodded.

Everyone was quiet when the couple said their vows, having the part where they promise to obey and in its place promised to love and respect each other. There wasn’t a dry eye in the place as the vows were being said. The rings were placed on their fingers and they were pronounced husband and wife. CJ held her hands, just staring into her eyes and not making a move when the minister said he could kiss the bride.

Again he cleared his throat to get CJ’s attention. “Now you can kiss your bride.”

CJ pulled her into his arms. One arm around her waist his other hand cupping the back of her head he kissed her, it was long and passionate, earning a disapproving look from the minister.

“We did it, we’re married,” CJ said, picking her up off her feet and swinging her around before setting her down. They turned to their guests who were on their feet clapping. Taking her hand they made their way down the aisle and out into the fresh air, followed by the others.

The newlyweds were surrounded by people, Ellie tugged on CJ’s pants and he lifted her up into his arms.

“Will you marry me when I grow up?” she asked, her arms going around his neck.

He kissed her cheek and smiled at Sam. “But when you’re old enough to get married I’ll be an old man.”

“No you won’t,” she said, giggling when he tickled her belly.

Parker took her from CJ. “Come on sweetheart, it’s time to go back to the ranch and party.”

Sam and CJ were given a ride to the ranch, sitting in the back he took her in his arms. “I know I’ve already said it but you look beautiful, wow, this dress. I can’t wait to take it off you.”

“CJ,” she said in a whisper. “Shh, the driver will hear you.”

“I don’t care who hears me,” he said as his mouth lowered down onto hers, his kiss deepened and he heard her moaning softly into his mouth. He stopped when he heard the man up front saying they were home.

They were greeted by well-wishers and handed a glass of champagne. Dawn was busy taking pictures.

“Your mother did real good decorating the place,” Parker said as he gave CJ a smile, his arm around Dakota.

“Yes, she and Dad went all out.”

“Why don’t you put that champagne down and let’s go grab a beer? I’m sure your bride won’t mind if I steal you away for a bit.”

“Go on,” Sam said, taking the glass from him. “I’ll finish this for you.”

He leaned over and gave her a kiss. “Alright, but don’t drink too much. I have plans for you later,” he said, winking at her and left with Parker.

The men gathered together, all talking and drinking. CJ kept looking over at Sam, he liked watching her having fun as she talked and laughed with the women. When Dawn announced that it was time to sit down and eat he went over and taking her hand they walked over to their table.

During the meal people kept clinking their glasses, getting the couple to kiss. The speeches began halfway through dinner. Calvin Sr. got up and made the first one. He welcomed Sam to the family. There was laughter when he said he never thought CJ would settle down but was happy that there was someone who was willing to handle him. He then turned serious.

He raised his glass to CJ and Sam. “All jokes aside I want to say how very proud I am of you my son, and I am glad you found love. I know this girl loves you and you’ll both be very happy. To you and Sam.”

CJ got up and hugged his father. “Thanks, Dad.”

Other people made speeches, Parker went last.

“CJ and I grew up together. We are like brothers and have always had each other’s back. I love this guy. Now as some of you will remember when Dakota and I got married he was my best man. Let me tell you he put me through hell, like when he pretended he forgot the rings. Or how he kept barging in when my wife and I wanted some alone time. I thought of doing the same to him and then decided not to. But there is something I have to do, and that is to do what he did at my wedding” He leaned over to Dakota and whispered in her ear. She looked at him, smiled and nodded her head, giving him permission.

Parker went over and stood between CJ and Sam. “I figure there is only one way to give him a taste of his own medicine.” Leaning over he took Sam’s face in his hands and planted a big kiss on her lips. He let her go and turned to a grim-faced CJ. “I owed you that.”

CJ put his hands on Parker’s shoulders. “Alright, now we’re even, but no more.” He smiled at him. I love you, brother,” he said and then they hugged.

After the meal was over it was time to cut the cake that Dakota had made for them. For the last couple of years, she had been making cakes for birthdays, anniversaries and other occasions, she made a good living at it, giving her a sense of worth.

With CJ standing behind her, both hands on the knife they posed for the pictures before cutting into it.

“I almost hate to cut into it, it’s so beautiful,” Sam said as she admired it. But since everyone was dying to have a piece and they started chanting cut it, cut it so Sam gave in and they made the first cut. She put some on a fork and fed it to CJ, he, in turn, did the same for her. “Oh my God, this is to die for.” She closed her eyes and moaned softly.

CJ leaned in to whisper into her ear so that the others wouldn’t hear. “The way you are moving your lips and moaning is getting me hot. You best stop before I pick you up and drag you inside and have my way with you.”

She batted her eyelashes at him, she could tell how aroused he was when he pushed up against her. “Later Doc,” she said, smiling at him.

The place was buzzing with happy chatter and children running around. Soon the music began playing and Calvin Sr. announced it was time for the newlyweds to start off the first dance, and then the others could follow.

CJ took her hand and they moved to the dance area, he held her close as they moved to the music.

“Thanks for arranging for someone to video the wedding ceremony and reception so that I can send it to my parents to watch. I know how much they wanted to be here and they told me not to postpone the wedding. It would have been too late to do that anyways.”

“You can thank Lila for that, she’s the one who suggested it.” When CJ bought the pearl bracelet for Sam, Lila, the owner of the jewelry store. She was also a friend of the family and when he told her Sam was upset about her parents not being there she suggested videotaping it.

“I will. I love you so much,” she said, lifting her mouth for him to kiss her.

“We’ll have to go change soon if we want to make our flight,” CJ said, his lips going to her bare shoulder to kiss.

“Will you tell me now where we’re going?”

“Nope, you’ll have to wait.”

“Oh, you are frustrating,” she said, gripping the collar of his shirt and yanking. “Once we get to the airport I’ll find out.”

“Yes you will,” he said chuckling when she made a face at him. “We best go up now.”

They were able to sneak away and once upstairs he started removing his clothes. What they were changing into lay on the bed.

“CJ, will you help me? Just pull the zipper down, I can’t reach it.”

He came up behind her, his lips going to her neck he slowly pulled down the zipper. He kissed her neck, the fire below was lit and his cock grew hard. “I think we might have time for a quickie before we have to leave.”

She turned to face him, holding her dress up so that it wouldn’t fall off. “I don’t want our first time as man and wife to be a quickie. It should be special. Can you wait until we get to wherever we’re going?”

“You denied me sex last night and it’ll be hours before we get there. But I get what you’re saying, so yes, I will wait.” Seeing her smile made it all worthwhile. But then when she dropped her gown and he saw her in only a pair of white, silk panties and nothing else he regretted it. What made matters worse was when she bent over to pick up her shoes, making his member ache. He watched as she went to the bed, picked up the dress she was going to wear and slipped it over her head. His eyes traveled up her legs when she crossed them to put her shoes on.

She looked up at him. “Aren’t you going to get dressed?”

Did she not know how she was affecting him the way she dressed seductively? “I’d rather make love to you.”

She got up and went over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I would too, but you said yourself we don’t have time. Get dressed sweetheart and I promise when we reach the hotel you can do to me whatever you want.”

“Whatever?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

Ten minutes later they were dressed and ready to leave, all they had to do was go down and say their goodbyes to everyone.

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