Chapter 9 

Chapter 9 


But his reaction was something I never expected, I thought he would at least slap me back like Terry did before. Instead, he grabbed my 


“Are you hurt?” 

1 had fully expected he would be furious, and he might even explode. I knew he could easily hurt me, if not from the size difference then from the vicious rumors I heard about him. I had no doubt he could easily overpower me. Maybe he would hit me like Alpha Ashe hit Nora

But I had my fair training under my belt, I would definitely fight him back and try my best to kill him. Even if I couldn’t kill him, I would make him suffer, make him pay for his action 

But not this, not him holding my hand so gently and asking me if I was hurt by the slap. And it did hurt. Because it was a hard slap 

I didn’t know what to say after looking into his eyes. There was something I couldn’t place, but I wouldn’t be so foolish to think it was anything than possessiveness. 

I tugged my hand back and shook my head. I couldn’t exactly say that my hand was hurt from slapping him, right? It would seem so weak. 

“Don’t you want to kill me?” I asked. 

“Why would I do that?” He frowned. 

“I’m not a whore. I won’t be anybody’s sex slave, nobody could force me.” 

“It’s fine if you don’t want to do it tonight, we have plenty of time, I will wait for the day that you want to do it with me willingly, “he lowered his head to whisper into my ears, “Or who knows, I might even have you begging for me.” 

Heat immediately flushed my face and ears after hearing the last part. He was so shameless

Then he bent down, he carry me to bed in bridal style. I thought he would throw me onto the bed roughly, but he did it in such a gentle way, that it made me the illusion that he cared about me. And then he put both of his arms on each side of me, hovering above my body

But when the moment my body hit the bed, I suddenly realize that I believed his nonsense. He said it was fine if I didn’t want to have sex with him tonight. Did this mean that he wouldn’t rape me? 

It was like he had seen through my thoughts. 

“Don’t worry, I won’t force myself on you.” 

“What do you want from me then? If you are not planning me having sex with me.” 

“Well, I didn’t say that. I said one of these days, I will have you begging.” 

He then plopped down beside me. I immediately turned to the other side to avoid looking at him. I heard him chuckle. And then I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my middle, he was hugging me from behind. 

“I am drawn by your charm, women like you pose a challenge for me, and I like a challenge. Only a loser would love an easy–to–control 


I couldn’t help but laugh at his words. Yeah, that’s true. 

I felt his warmth enveloping me, his cold cedar scent coming from behind, getting stronger because of his heat. And my eyelids were genting heavy. A lot had happened today, my brain and my body were willing me to sleep, despite the fact I was insistent on sleeping after he did. 

I wa 

like a light. 

She tried to dodge my question, but I caught onto this. But it was fine, it was not like she could hurt me or anything. 



Then she asked me why I chose her. I looked down to see her in sheer lingerie, I saw her round cute little white mounds standing in the clothes, so cute, I wonder what they felt like in my palms. 

I started touching her, her skin was so delicate and soft, her iris scent was mixed with the body wash, and she smelt wanted to cat her. 

so delectable. I 

She didn’t even realize she was trembling slightly under my touch, and when I finally put my hand on her chest, I couldn’t help but squeeze it. It was so soft to the touch, and fit right into my palm, It was like she was made for me. 

And her sweet moan, I wanted to kiss her, to swallow everything that was coming out of her full pink lips. 

“What reason could it be? I want to fuck you. That’s all. In this room, on this bed, maybe in the bathroom, or in front of the mirror, the balcony should be great too. Don’t you think?” 

I said this as I filled my head with my imagination, taking her on this bed, on the bed she was supposed to share with her ex Alpha, now that I was her Alpha; or taking her in the bathroom, the bathtub should be big enough for both of us, or maybe in front of the mirror, where she could see how she would look during sex; the balcony was great too, we could do it under the starlight. 

I wonder what she liked though. It didn’t matter, I would know all about them then. 

“Need I to remind you that I am used well? I’ve been claimed.” 

And then I saw her mark, the crescent moon mark on her neck, I couldn’t help but touch it, it was more like a scar than a mark. I didn’t mind a scar though, it was just an existence that told us she was hurt by something or someone before. 

It didn’t mean anything. But I couldn’t help but pressed down hard on her scar. 

“If that useless Alpha of yours wouldn’t renounce you. I will hunt him down and kill him. 

After I said that, she was lost in her thoughts, I was not happy about this. She shouldn’t be thinking about other things when she was right in front of me. And I kept staring at her slightly parted lips, I need to kiss her right now. 

When I did, I saw her eyes were wide open. 

“Didn’t your Alpha taught you that you should close your eyes when you kiss?” 

I planted another kiss on her lips. Her lips felt so soft, it was nothing like her words or action. 

Just as I was about to go further, she pushed me away and slapped me. 

No one had slapped me before, they either wouldn’t dare to or were stopped before they could. 

I was right, I had never seen a woman like her before 

E to me. 

Then I saw her palm was red from the slapping, it must be a hard slap, although it didn’t even feel like anything t 

“Are you hurt?” 

I gently pulled her hand into mine. She shook her head. 

“Don’t you want to kill me?” 

“Why would I do that?” I frowned. Did her ex Alpha threaten to kill her every time she slapped him? 

“I’m not a whore, I won’t be anybody’s sex slave, nobody could force me 

I knew she wasn’t, that was why I want her. Plus, what kind of a loser would force himself on a woman? 

“It’s fine if you don’t want to do it tonight, we have plenty of time, I will wait for the day that you want to do it with me willingly, “I lowered my head to whisper into her ears, “Or who knows, I might even have you begging for me.” 

Her face and neck immediately flushed because of my words, she was so cute like this, even the tips of her cars were tinged with pink. 

I carried her to bed, and then I saw she was still looking at me full of suspicion, I could practically see her mind racing. 

“Don’t worry, I won’t force myself on you.” 

“What do you want from me then? If you are not planning me having sex with me

“Well, I didn’t say that. I said one of these days, I will have you begging.” 

Chapter 9 

Yes, I wanted to conquer her, but not force her. I plopped down beside her, and she turned to face the other side like a child, I couldn’t help but chuckle, I wrapped my arms around her middle, she felt so good in my arms as well. Like she had always belonged to me. 

“I am drawn by your charm, women like you pose a challenge for me, and I like a challenge. Only a loser would love an easy–to–control 


Whatt if someday she decided to submit to you, when she is on her kneels, in front of you, would you still feel this way?” Diego suddenly asked. 

“Who knows. I doubt she would ever do that.” I replied, I knew I want her now. That was all that matter, 

Her laughter broke me out of my trance, this was the first time I heard her laugh, it was good and it felt right, her had her beside me. and laughing in my arms. 

I felt her breath getting steady. She was asleep now. I sat up to look at her, she was so calm right now, without her tough look, she looked so young and innocent. 

I leaned down and kiss her forehead, she stirred but didn’t wake up. 

It was fine, just sleep. 

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