(Alexander POV)

It wasn’t that long after I left my moon that I already started to miss her a lot. Sadly, I needed to get things done here before I could be with her. In the middle of me looking over some of the packs’ finances that I hear a knock on my door.

“Come in.”

As the door opened, all of all sudden I felt this wave of dread. When I looked up to see who was there that I saw it was my father, the last person I wanted to see today.

“Father, I thought you weren’t coming back until this evening.”

“I decide that I needed to come back sooner after that I heard that you have found your mate.”

My heart stopped; how did he find out about my little moon?

“What about it, father?”

“So, why didn’t you tell me about her?”

“I wasn’t sure how you would react to her being my mate.”

“How do you think I would react to my son being mated to a low rank wolf like Aurora?”

“It doesn’t matter what rank she is because she’s my mate and I will not be without her.”

My father’s eyes filled with so much rage and anger, but I know my eyes were reflecting the same as his.

“Boy you’re not the King yet and you’ll do as I say. You’ll reject Aurora as your mate, and you will announce that Kimberly is your true mate. You will do this or else.”

“Or else what?”

“Or else Aurora will die tonight.”

When he said that about her dying, I just lost it. I slammed him against the wall as he laughed at me darkly.

“Careful boy, it doesn’t matter if you kill me. Her fate has already been sealed the moment you put that ring onto her finger.”

“What the fuck are you talking about you bastard?!”

He just gave me an evil smirk as the door opens to reveal the pack witch Blair. She’s about 5”6”, slim with raven black hair, dark eyes, and very pale skin. She walked into my office without making any eye contact with me.

“Why don’t you explain things to my dumbass son?”

“Sorry Prince Alexander, but I swore my loyalty to the King of the packs.”

“Go on and explain what you have done.”

“Yes, tell me now!”

“The ring that you asked me to get you because of the painite stone. Well, I put a curse on the stone that can kill her within seconds. It can be activated with the orb that I gave the King.”

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I don’t know what I am going to do. How am I supposed to live without my moon, but I can’t live knowing I could have protected her from death.

“I can see that you’re going to need some time to think things through. You’ll have till tonight at the ball to figure out if you’re going to announce Kimberly as your mate and the packs future Queen.”

He walks out of my office leaving me with the question of what I am going to do. I’m not sure how long I was standing in a fog until I heard a knock on the door.

“Come in, but this has better be fucken important.”

I looked up to see Dani standing in the doorway waiting to come into the office.

“What’s wrong Alex? I can tell there is something wrong because it’s written all over your face.”

I know I can trust Dani with anything because he and Seb are like brothers to me.

“One moment Dani boy, let me get a hold of Seb and then we will talk about this.”

I’m glad that it didn’t take Seb too long to get to my office. I then explain everything that just happened in my office with my father.

“You’re kidding me, Alex? How can your father do this to his own son? I’d kill if anyone where to threaten my Autumn like that.”

“What are you going to do about Aurora?”

“I’m not sure Dani. All I know is that I can’t lose her.”

Just then there was a knock on the door, now what?

“Who’s there?”

“It’s doctor Dariana Mihaila, Prince Alexander.”

“Come in.”

She walked in with some folders in her hands.

“Hey mom.”

“I’m glad you’re here as well hon. I got the test result for Jasmine’s blood work, and I also have Aurora as well.”

“Well mom?”

“Oh, Dani hon everything is fine with Jasmine. I need to talk to Prince Alexander about Aurora blood test though.”

“What about Aurora? Is my little moon, alright?”

“Prince Alexander, did you and Aurora have sex? Unprotected sex?”

“Of course, we had sex she’s, my mate. What about it?”

“Prince Alexander, hasn’t anyone taught you about the birds and the bees.” I gave her an annoyed look letting her know I wasn’t in the mood for this. “Aurora is pregnant.”

My moon is pregnant with my pup. No, no that means not only I need to worry about Aurora’s life, but that of my unborn pup as well. What am I going to do now?

“Hey Alex, I think I might have an idea.”

“Well, what is your idea Dani boy?”

“Just pretend to do what your father ask you to do. Then Seb and I will get Aurora to a safe place till we’re able to find a platinum witch to dispel the ring.”

“Why a platinum witch?”

“Each color is a different type of spells a witch will use. Our witch is a black witch, and she is well known for dark magic and curses. A platinum is a witch is practice in all the colors and depends how old they are for how many they will know.”

“Do you believe this is going to work?”

“We’ll make this work, Alex. Dani and I won’t let you down because we’re more than friends, we’re brothers.”

“Thanks, Seb, and Dani I know I can depend on you two. Now let’s figure all the details out before tonight.”

All three of us went over the plan on what we be doing tonight. We went over everything and anything that could happen, but sadly things went wrong. I did as my father told me to and announce that Kimberly Stone was my true mate. It hurt me so much watching Aurora heart break right in front of me as so dis mine. After my announcement, Dani was supposed to go grab Aurora and take her to a safe place. She disappears before Dani is able to get to her. Where did she go? Did she go home? Should I go to her house? I know her father and brother were supposed to come home today, but I did hear her father might be staying with his mate at her sister’s house. I decided to wait a few days, but I will find out that was a big mistake on my part.

(Ethan POV)

When I came back to the pack house that my father decided to go get my mother at, her sister’s house, but he also decided to stay there with her for a few days. That and I get to spend some time with my mate. Yes, I met my beautiful mate Zariah Davidson at the River stone pack on our month trip. She was a pack warrior and an orphan of the pack after her parents were killed in a battle of another pack. It was rumored that the moon goddess was mated with the Alpha of the pack hundreds of years ago. I was so happy to finally have found her and happier that my father allowed us some alone time together. I know those of the royal family, or the royal house must do a mating ceremony where they need to mark each other in front of all the packs, but since I’m not. My mate and I can mark each other in private. Our first night alone was beautiful, we mated all night and marked each other as the sun was coming up. We spent about two days in bed together except when we got food or our time in the shower. I wake up to see my beautiful mate snuggling into my chest. I watch her as she sleeps, her thick blonde hair I gently brush away from her face. I look at the mark on her neck feeling the mark on my neck. Just looking at the mark made me happy we were able to finish the mating and now we will be able to start our own family. Slowly I get out of bed trying not to wake her up, so I can go downstairs to make us breakfast. As I started to make breakfast my father burst through the front door.

“Aurora, where are you?”

“Father, what is going on?”

“Gamma Xavier got a hold of me and explained what happened at the ball. He tells me that Aurora has left the castle and thought maybe she came home.”

“No, father she isn’t here. What happened at the ball? I thought Alexander was going to announce that Aurora was his mate.”

“I was told that he announces Kimberly Stone as his mate and that’s when Aurora disappears.”

“What! We need to go and demand that Prince Alexander to explain himself.”

“Yes, let us get going to the castle and talk to the Prince.”

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