Alpha Inmate
: Chapter 34

She’s a murderer now.

And she harbored a fugitive.

What’s next?

We talk.

But what is there to talk about?

She made her choice the minute she pulled the trigger. She altered the course of her future, with him at her side.

Maybe he’s changed his mind. Maybe he wants to be on the run by himself.

Or maybe he wants to use her as leverage for the murder in exchange for a lighter sentence if he gets caught.

But she recognizes the signs of shock and tries not to drown in irrational thoughts.

Right now, the only person she trusts is right next to her, driving her electric car through the northwest states.

His scent wraps around her, caressing her with comfort. When he confessed his love, she was sure he heard him wrong, or that he was saying it in the heat of the moment.

But his scent is richer and more potent than it ever was, and she revels in the care.

She loves him too.

He’s her family now.

“What are you thinking about?” He asks softly, as they turn off an exit.

“The future,” she replies.

She swears she can see the beginning of a smile.

“Me too,” he says wistfully.

* * *

The hot water is heaven on her skin, beating down the last of her nerves and washing away the painful memories of the day.

By the time she emerges from the water, her soul is quieted, her mind calm.

She expected guilt to take over and paralyze her, but instead, a weight is lifted off her shoulders.

Nothing will ever bring her mother and sister back, but she brought a balance to the situation.

She’s a vigilante now, just like the Alpha that waits for her in the hotel bedroom.

She steps out in just her towel, and he smiles at her wickedly. Her womb clenches and her nipples harden just from him looking at her.

“We’re famous, baby,” he says, handing her his phone. “They think I’ve abducted you.”

Inmate Escaped, Woman Kidnapped, the headline reads. She skims the article, and almost laughs at how inaccurate it is.

“They think we’re heading to Mexico?” She smiles up at him.

“Well, technically, they think you’re in my trunk, accompanying me to Mexico.”

A week ago, his words would have scared her. But now, a delicious shiver races up her spine.

“Isn’t that what you’re doing, though? Kidnapping me?”

He takes a step towards her, his dark eyes smoldering. “Is that what you want me to do, Miss Winters? You want the big bad Alpha to take you, and steal you away forever?”

She’s soaked now, slick dribbling down her thighs. “Ah, I think you do,” he purrs. “You can fight me all you want, baby, if that makes you feel better. But I’m not leaving your fucking side.”

She looks at the man who liberated her, who did everything he could for her, and smiles.

Then she lets the towel fall.

“Fuck,” he hisses, his eyes dropping to her breasts. “You’re fucking perfect, Ellie. But if we do this tonight…I won’t be able to stop myself.”

She hears the unspoken words.

I’ll mate you tonight.

“I choose you, Erik,” she murmurs. “I want it to be you.”

“It’ll trigger your Heat, sweetheart. And my Rut.” But he’s not arguing. Instead, he flashes her a wolfish grin. “You want to fuck this hotel room up? It’s going to be violent, baby. I have no more suppressants.”

Oh, fuck.

She sinks down to her knees in front of him, looking up at him through her lashes. “I want it rough, Erik. I need you to fuck the violence out of me.”

She’s speaking words she never thought she’d say, and for one delusional moment, she wonders if she’s losing her mind.

But no, it’s just her, coming alive after being liberated from the ghosts of her pasts.

She’s finally free.

Her hands work at his belt and she quickly yanks his pants down, exposing his massive cock to her.

She doesn’t even hesitate. Her mouth starts at the tip, and she pushes forward, forcing his length in as deep as he can go.

Erik roars and his hands fly to her hair as she works him, sucking him so deeply he hits her gag reflex.

“Fuck, yes,” He hisses, thrusting his hips. “Gag yourself on my cock, baby.”

A pool of slick gathers between her legs as she sucks him off, one hand working at his shaft while the other fondles his balls. She squeezes hard, a little too rough, and he jerks in her hands.

“If you’re going to be difficult, I’m going to have to fuck your mouth,” he warns, and she hums around his cock. Without warning, he pushes his hips until her nose meets his stomach and holds her there.

She squirms, her gag reflex kicking in, but he holds her until she starts shaking.

“Never forget who’s in charge,” he whispers as she struggles. Slick pours out of her, staining the hotel carpet. “Every one of your holes is mine to fuck. For as long as I want.”

Her eyes water and her head swims, and he finally lets her go. She falls to her hands and knees with a sob, a trail of saliva following the tip of his cock to her mouth.

“You’re fucking crazy,” she hisses, even as her cunt begs for more.

Without warning, he picks her up and tosses her on the bed. “You already knew that, beautiful,” he scolds her. “And your pretty little pussy loves it. Now sit on my face.”

She doesn’t need to be told twice. He lies down on the bed and she lowers her ass to his mouth, watching his cock twitch.

“You don’t know how long I’ve thought about this,” he whispers against her core, before gripping her hips and pushing her cunt directly onto his face. He spreads her open with his fingers, licking a thick stripe with his tongue as he feasts on her slick.

Her mouth opens in shock as he suckles on her clit, and she gently rides, careful not to push too hard.

He pauses, his lips leaving her clit, and she cries out from the loss of sensation.

“Don’t hold back, baby,” he warns, pinching the inside of her thigh. “Ride my face. Bounce on it. I can take it.”

So, she does. Drunk on the pleasure, she uses his face, grinding her ass down on him, his tongue invading her. He works her until she’s a panting mess, little mews escaping her mouth as she struggles to keep herself upright.

He knows exactly where to lick her. He knows exactly how to suckle on her clit, with a gentle sucking of his lips.

It’s ridiculous. It’s like he’s been with her for years, not days, with the way he expertly pleasures her.

But she wants to return the favor.

His cock, massive and demanding attention, twitches in anticipation. Leaning over, she takes him in her mouth, situating herself over his body. He groans into her cunt as she inhales his scent, then takes him in her mouth as deep as she can. She thrusts on top of him, smothering his face with her cunt, while deep throating his cock.

It’s exquisite.

She’s coming before she can warn him, and a burst of slick drips from her core, soaking his face. As she moans around him, her throat relaxes, and she feels him inflate.

His knot inflates in her throat.

It should be horrifying, but it only spurs her on, as load after load bursts in her mouth.

It’s filthy. It creates a mess, and she finally has to release him and suck in air, choking on his seed.

“Holy fuck,” he growls into her thigh. “Fuck, baby, you’re still coming. Holy shit.

She’s barely lucid as she maneuvers off him, gasping for air. Her skin burns, the fever from before returning.

She spasms on the blankets as he tends to her.

“Fuck,” he hisses, rolling out of bed. She keeps her eyes closed, gyrating helplessly on the mattress, needing more.

He returns to her in seconds, a cool cloth wiping at her face and fevered brow.

“I’m going to lose myself soon,” he whispers in her ear. “I can’t wait much longer. Ellie…I need to claim you.”

“Do it,” she whispers. “Do it, please. I need it. Fuck me, Erik, please.”

The cool cloth is gone, and she’s lifted higher up the bed. His eyes are wild, full of hunger and dark with need.

Growling, he climbs on top of her and hoists her thigh around his hip. He’s torn off his shirt, and her hands wander up his naked chest, her nails leaving scratches in their wake.

He closes his eyes and hisses. “Fuck, yes,” he whispers. “Make it hurt, baby.”

Then he slams into her and steals the air from her lungs.

He’s so deep, deeper than before. His knot still inflated, she stretches painfully, whimpering at the ache.

“Good Omega,” he hisses, his hips thrusting. “So fucking good for me.”

Alpha is pleased!

“More,” she begs.

“You want more?” He growls, thrusting in harder. “You want me to split this little cunt open?”

She nods, and he works her harder, until she’s sure she’s going to break.

But she needs this. She needs him.

“I love you,” she whispers, and he roars.

His lips are at his shoulder, his teeth at her gland, and her vision whites out.

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