Alpha Inmate
: Chapter 33

Ronald dies unceremoniously, just like Gerard. He slumps over on the couch, a puddle of dark red dripping down his forehead.

He feels no remorse. He deserves none.

But he senses Ellie’s shock as she drops the gun, her shirt and hands now stained with blood splatter.

“Erik,” she whispers, staring at her hands. “Erik…”

He pulls her into his arms as she shakes. “Don’t look at him, baby,” he whispers. “It’s all done now, okay? You’re safe.” He presses a kiss to the top of her head. “I promise. I’m here. You’re safe, baby, and he’ll never hurt you again.”

“I killed him,” she murmurs into his chest. “I…I could get arrested…”

“No, you won’t. I’m going to take care of it all.” She lifts her head from his chest, and he wipes the single tear that slides down her cheek. “You’re in shock right now. Focus on me, okay? Focus on my scent. I’m with you.”

She nods, her eyes glassy. “I killed him.”

“You did, sweetheart. And you did the world a fucking favor.”

But his girl’s not a killer, and he can see the remorse in her eyes, as undeserving as it may be.

He presses his lips to hers, not caring about the blood that stains them both, pushing all of his emotions into her. “I love you,” he whispers against her lips. “Can you hold on to that? Until I clean up the mess, and get us out of here?”

She won’t say it back now, he knows, but she nods anyway. “Yes,” she says. “I can hold on to that.”

He gives her a smile and kisses her nose. “Get back in the car for me,” he says. “Stay there and keep your eyes closed. You don’t need to see the rest of this.”

Something dark flashes in her eyes as she looks back at the blood on her hands. “Okay. And Erik?” She stops at the doorway, meeting his eyes. “I love you, too. I think I have for a while.”

It’s the shock, he tells himself. The adrenaline. She can’t know yet.

But he smiles to himself as he rids the area of any evidence.

* * *

She fell asleep while she waited for him.

Which he’s grateful for, because he didn’t want her to smell or see the smoke of the fire he made.

Burning Ronald and his house down was the best course of action, but he wanted her to stay as far away from it as possible.

He remembers what the fire alarm did to her. He can’t imagine how she would react if she witnessed something like this.

Watching her take control of her life was incredible. She commanded the room as she looked at the Alpha in the face and told him what he’d done to her.

She was beautiful, bold, and free when he helped her pull the trigger.

And when she confessed her love…

But he refuses to accept she meant it. How could she, after everything?

He’s lost in thought as he drives them to their newest destination, when she finally wakes up. “Erik?” She asks, dazed.

“Hi, baby.” He purrs. “Did you sleep okay?”

She’s quiet for a long time. “I slept…peacefully,” she says softly. “A deep, dreamless sleep. It’s something I haven’t had in a very long time.”

The corner of his lip quirks up. “I know the feeling,” he says. “I’ve been sleeping that way the past few nights.”

“Lucky you,” she quips back.

“Lucky me,” he agrees.

They ride in silence for a while, and she watches as the freeway signs appear again. “What’s next?” She asks, staring out the window.

“We have reservations for a luxury hotel,” he says casually. “Under Mr. And Mrs. Jones.”

“We’re married now?” She asks incredulously. “Only an hour ago we were accomplices. When did marriage happen?”

He expected her anger, but delights in her humor. “Just makes it easier. We need a place to wash up and rest.”

“Hmm. Then what?”

“Then, we talk.”

He doesn’t mean for it to sound ominous, but he notices her subtle shudder.

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