Alpha Inmate
: Chapter 35

He wanted to make this last longer, but her words broke him.

The gland breaks easily under his teeth, and her delicious blood fills his mouth. Her life essence tastes even sweeter than her slick, and he moans as he licks at the wound.

His Omega has succumbed to pleasure, her body twitching and spasming, but he’s more alert than he’s ever been.

The bond connects them, and suddenly she’s everywhere.

Whatever is left of his heart, the remnants of his soul intertwine with hers, and he feels everything.

He sees her life, the emotions she buries, and the goodness in her heart. Her sorrow and anguish dance through his veins, and he sees many of his own emotions reflected in her.

As he pumps into her, his cum filling her to the brim, he absorbs every stolen memory and secrets she still keeps.

She can’t hide from him. Not anymore.

Just like he can’t hide from her.

His past is now hers, and she gasps as his emotions tumble into her, his soul melding with her own.

“Mine,” he whispers into her ear, his hips slamming against hers. “Your soul is mine, Omega.”

He swallows her cries of pleasure with his mouth, his tongue plunging into hers deeply, tasting every sweet inch of her mouth.

His Alpha roars, insane with possession and pleasure.

He wants more.

Blood and spit drip from her shoulder as he maneuvers her, rolling them onto their sides. His hand wraps around her throat, pulling her closer to him, as he rocks her on his knot.

“You’ll never run from me again, will you?” He snarls at her. “You’ll never take this pussy from me again, will you, Omega?”

He hisses filthy demands into her ear, and she chokes out her agreement.

And the little minx likes it. Her cunt drips, and another orgasm takes her as he works her clit into a frenzy. He thrusts once more until his knot is so large and stiff neither of them can move.

He releases her throat, allowing her the sweet pleasure of oxygen, and sucks at her neck.

He continues his ministrations until they both pass out.

* * *

Her Heat is as violent as his Rut.

She wakes up needy, clawing at his chest until he forces her on her hands and knees, shoving his cock inside her.

This position is different, and he swears he can feel her fucking womb as he pounds into her, one hand gripping her hair, forcing her neck back.

“My little Omega,” he snarls, the beast inside unleashed. “My good girl. You like when your big bad Alpha fucks you?”

She babbles nonsense, and he can barely believe the words that come out of his mouth.

“Gonna breed you, baby. Keep my cum in you until you give me a fucking family.”

She screams, and her walls clench him impossibly tight. He releases her hair and grabs on to both hips firmly, slamming into her as deeply as he can.

When she’s unable to keep herself upright, he bounces her on his lap until she whimpers.

“Alpha,” she breathes, and the sound makes his cock twitch.

“Look at me,” he snaps, moving her hips up and down with his hands. “Look at me when you come, Ellie.”

Her eyes find his, her gaze burning with passion.

“It’s always been you,” he hisses, working her on his cock. “And always will be you. You’re mine. Forever.

He grunts out the last word and she stills, milking every drop of cum out of his body. He roars, a primal, feral sound that shakes the walls.

They collapse together, his arms locked tight around her.

They wake it up and do it again.

* * *

After what feels like days, her scent changes.

Her Heat finally starts to end.

He’s taken care of her the best he can when his Rut isn’t in overdrive. He’s fed her, washed her, and kept her tucked into as many blankets as possible.

And of course, he’s fucked her senseless.

But she finally stirs, her beautiful face no longer pink from a fever, and she gives him a small smile. “Hi.”

“Hey,” he responds, smiling back. It’s impossible to not smile when his mate is in his arms, and her soul is stamped permanently onto his.

“I think we broke the hotel room,” she whispers.

He glances at the damage. There’s a hole punched into the wall above the headboard, and a table is flipped over on its side, the chair missing.

“It’s fine,” he murmurs, kissing the top of her head. “They have a card on file for a reason.”

“For ‘Mister Jones’, right?”

“Sure. Jones, Davis…whoever you want us to be.”

She squirms out of his arms and sits up, wrapping a sheet around herself. “You said we would talk,” she says quietly. “What does that mean?”

For a moment, anxiety spikes throughout him.

She’s going to try and leave him, again.

He’s going to have to actually kidnap her.

“It means we discuss our plans,” he says slowly. “The ones where we start the rest of our lives.”

But to his relief, she smiles, and the bond between them floods with delight. “Well, I have a bit of inheritance left…”

“No.” Now it’s his turn to sit up. “You don’t understand. I could buy this hotel if I wanted to. Hell, I’d buy you a fucking island. It’s not about money. It’s about what you want.”

Unless you want to leave me, is the unspoken threat.

But she doesn’t seem to hear it, her mind deep in thought, until her eyes narrow in accusation. “You could have left Green Woods years ago,” she whispers. “You could have bought Gerard off a long time ago and been in a different country by now. Why didn’t you?”

He had asked himself that question before, but he didn’t have the answer until he met her.

“I was waiting for something,” he replies simply. “I didn’t know what it was. I was tempted to leave, but something inside me kept saying to wait. Then you showed up.”

Her eyes are wide and shiny with disbelief. “You were there for three years,” she says.

“The first year, I didn’t care,” he says. “The first year was…awful. They had only found Cassie’s body months ago, and I didn’t really care what happened to me.”

Ellie’s pain melds with his, but he forces himself to continue. “But by the second year, I had the entire place mapped out. I knew everything about their security systems, because they modeled them after the ones I built. I learned too much. I could have left that second year, but there was no place I wanted to be.”

He reaches out to squeeze her hand. “Then you came along.”

Her eyes fall to her lap, and she shifts uncomfortably.

“I don’t need to finish the rest of the story.”

“No, you don’t,” she says quietly. “But I’ve already forgiven you.”

He doesn’t deserve it, but he still relishes it.

“I meant what I said, though,” he continues. “I’m not leaving your side. You’re not alone, anymore.”

She gives him a small smile, and her love shines through the bond.

“So, where do you want to go?” He asks her.

She smirks, her eyes blazing.

“Surprise me.”

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