It was Monday and I was heading back to school for the new semester. Yay.... Not. I was not ready for the school drama where the Queen bee just keeps on yelling her name and showing her cleavage to every passerby. She may be pretty, however, she was a true airhead. On the bright side of this horror story, I get to see my best friend, my sister, my partner in crime and pranks: Aurora Walker.

I was desperately looking for my phone until I found it under the counter, near my bathroom door. Don’t ask how it got there, because I don’t know. I pressed the speed dial, which was Aurora’s number, then called her. After 3 rings, she picked up. "Remi, I missed you!" She screamed through the phone really loud that I had to remove the phone from my ear. She sounded like a Leonardo DiCaprio fan. I loved Leo.

"Geez, calm down Roo. I saw you two days ago," I replied while putting my hair in a tight ponytail. It was easier that way and it suited my face structure, that's what my family told me. "I know but I missed the pranks. Who’s our next target?" She asked straight to the point, I liked her way of thinking first thing in the morning.

I smirked. "Well, we will be having 5 transfer students, tomorrow, I think. They are my brothers best friends and they did something to me and I want to repay them so bad. Are you in?" I asked after I put on my Adidas shoes.

"Oh absolutely, but first... are they hot?" Here it was, that question. And that’s ladies and gentlemen Aurora Walker, give her a round of applause, please.

I rolled my eyes nevertheless smiled at her stupid question. "Yes!" I didn't deny because that would be lying. "Now, get ready, I’ll come with Derek and Sammy to pick you up." I cleared. "Okay," with that she hung up. Aurora was an only child. Her mom passed away when she gave birth to her, hence she was living with her dad. He loved her so much and he can be super protective over her as my family over me.

The reason why I offered her a ride was because her car was being fixed, after it broke down or, crashed to be more accurate, near the mall we went to four days ago. And it may or may not be my fault because I was the one driving. I ran into a tree, after I avoided a child who jumped on the road to grab his ball. Technically, I saved a soul.

"Remi, come on. We are gonna be late," I heard Sammy call for me from downstairs. I put on my leather jacket, then got out of my room and headed to the kitchen. As soon as I stepped foot into the kitchen, I was warped in dad’s arms. "Good morning Muffins, how are you today?" Dad asked after he kissed my head. I smiled brightly at him. "I'm great, and good morning guys," I greeted everyone with a wave. I saw the usual scene.

Derek was sleeping on the counter while holding his fork, he was not a morning person. Jack was eating Cole’s pancakes, and Cole was too busy talking with mom to notice that. Sammy was watching the football game that was aired yesterday, on his phone while eating. That was my family everyone. "Morning," the quads said after they looked at me. I sat in my usual seat near dad and began eating.

"Hey, Derek, don’t forget that we need to pick up Aurora from her home." I reminded him and he nodded. Everyone here loved her, she was a part of our crazy family. After 10 minutes of eating, I looked at the watch and my eyes widened. "Guys, we are going to be late. It’s 7:50, we start at 8:15 move it," I jumped from my seat with the quads and we started running to the cars.

"Hey Remi, make sure to tell me if you find a cute boy!" Mama yelled and I giggled. My brothers snapped their heads at me with a glare. "She will not, absolutely not!" The quads replied and I huffed. I’m dying alone, aren’t I?

We were waiting for Aurora to get in Derek’s car when Sammy received a message from Ian saying they were moving today. That meant I’ll have to think fast of the perfect prank. "Hello guys, the great Aurora Walker has arrived, you may drive because we only have like... less than 7 minutes to arrive!" She pointed out after she hugged me.

Derek looked at his watch and sighed. "Shit, buckle up." He ordered and then drove off. While on the road, Aurora looked at me with a cheeky smile. "So Remi, tell me about the boys," she whispered in my ear, knowing that my brothers hated it when we talked about boys. They were even protective over her since she was like a sister to them.

"Change of plans, they are moving here today, they will live next door. We need to think of a prank and fast." I replied and her eyes widened. "What? I need at least a day to think of a good prank. Remember the one that we pulled on the principal?" She chuckled while remembering that day.

"Oh yes, how can I forget when he had to walk around the school with bright pink hair for a month. Ahh, the good old days." I smiled proudly at my amazing prank. We didn’t get suspended nor got detention because the principal is a kind-hearted and sweet... Nah, he was pure evil. We just blackmailed him.

"Okay, but we have to do it tomorrow, it’s either gonna be at home or at school," I mentioned and she crossed her arms then began thinking of the prank. The boys turned to look at us, Derek was driving so he quickly turned back to the road. "Oh no, what are you two planning?" Sammy looked at me with a worried expression that was written all over his face.

"You know. the usual," Aurora replied and the boys facepalmed themselves. "Who is it this time?"' Derek asked. I smiled my sly smile and cleared my throat. "My dear kidnappers," I replied but then Aurora jumped and hit her head really hard. She forgot that we were still in the car.

She whined and held her head with her hands. "Ouch... more importantly, your kidnappers? What? Tell me!" She wiggled me like a 4 year- old who was whining about getting a new toy. It was annoying. "Okay, okay. So yesterday..."

After I told her what happened to me, she had a very scary smile on her face. "Oh, the prank has to be epic!" She declared and I laughed. That’s my best friend. Watch out boys.

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