I woke up in the middle of the night, in an unfamiliar room. I blinked twice until my vision became clear. The room was nice and it was an all purple theme. It was a killer color and I loved it. "Where am I?" I looked around until my eyes landed on the pictures on the wall. They belonged to a beautiful girl who looked just like Aunt Lilly. Brown hair and brown eyes, bright smile and she was beautiful. Wait... Wait... Yup. She must be Loren, her daughter who was in College with her two brothers. But let’s talk about mama’s past for a bit. It was some higher level of bullshit because no one told me before. I had the right to know. Yet... Dad, you rock!

When I grow up, I was going to tell my kids that their grandpa kidnapped their grandma, but eventually fell in love with each other and had wonderful kids and an amazing daughter and they named her Remi. Someone should write this. Wait, dad is an author, he should write about their adventure. That would be cool.

As I was drowned in my thoughts, my tummy decided to leave me a side note saying: She was starving. And yes, ‘she’ because... Just because. I got up and headed to the door. When I opened it, I looked around and saw no one. Great. I’ll take over the kitchen.

I went to the kitchen on my tiptoes, not wanting to wake anyone up. As my hand found the light switch, I turned it on but screamed like crazy when I saw someone standing there. He was facing the fridge, so I didn’t see his face. I felt a little scared so I did what I had to do. "People wake up! There is a burglar. People!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and seconds later, I was scooped in strong arms. I expected him to be one of my brothers but I was so wrong. He was Ian.

The burglar shouted in surprise, he had a delayed shock which left me speechless. "Who are you? Show your face!" Ian yelled at him in a firm tone while tightening his grip on me. When the burglar wanted to speak, everyone was standing behind us. "Who the hell are you?" Uncle Aaron asked in an intimidating tone. It was the first time that I saw him like that.

The burglar raised his arms in surrender and cleared his throat. "It’s just me, relax," he simply said. I arched my eyebrows trying to remember where have I heard his voice before. He turned around with a big smile on his face and I finally breathed. "Hello everyone," Uncle Owen greeted us. Wait... Uncle Owen?

"Owen, what in the world-" Dad began and uncle Aaron finished, "are you doing here?" We were all in shock.

Uncle Owen was holding a big jar of Nutella, with a big spoon in his other hand. "Way to make me feel welcomed!" He sassed with a roll of his eyes and I chuckled. "I wanted to surprise you, I planned to wait until morning to make an appearance, but Remi the devil blew my cover," he explained then looked at me and I smirked. I am a devil for sure. A cool one too. "By the way, what are the McKnight's family doing here?" He asked and I released myself from Ian and approached Uncle Owen then gave him a warm hug.

I whispered in his ear so no one could listen. "You are dead meat," I countered and he looked at me with confusion. He wanted to ask why but was interrupted by others. "Um, dad?" Nick and Logan pointed out, grabbing his and my attention. "Yes?" Uncle Owen looked at them, waiting for them to speak. "You better run," they declared then we saw mama holding a frying pan, walking slowly towards uncle Owen.

When did she manage to find this? Never mind... we were in the kitchen. "Owen, Owen, Owen!" Mama sang with a devilish smile and he gulped. Shit, she’s mad. "I didn’t do anything wrong, I swear!" Uncle Owen stood back, hiding behind me. Yeah, because it’s a manly thing to hide behind a 16-year-old girl.

"Are you sure? Because of what I’ve heard, the boys kidnapped my daughter and they said that it was your. Stupid. Freaking. Unreasonable. Dare." Mama replied with the smile. You know, that smile when someone does it and you know that you are screwed, it says: You better run, before I go to prison because I killed him by ‘mistake’ - Yeah that smile. Brought back some memories. Unpleasant memories.

I felt scared so I stepped away and stood behind dad. My dad, my hero. "Oh, that dare! It um- ah... eh, was a j-joke-e, I di-dn’t know that they will take it seriously. Please, Ariel, spare my life, I have kids to feed and they are standing right behind you and I have a wife to love and a car to drive and rooms to clean..." Uncle Owen started ranting random things out of fear. Anyone would do that if they wanted to survive.

Mom put the frying pan on the counter then she grabbed him by the shoulder. "Are you done?" She asked with a sigh. He nodded. "I’m very sorry, I’ll make sure that they get their punishment later." He tried to switch to the 'father mood' but failed epically due to his laughter. We cracked after him. "Man, you should have seen your face!" Dad laughed at him.

Aunt Lilly clapped her hands, catching our attention. "Okay, guys, it was a funny moment but you all need sleep, it’s 3:25 am." Aunt Lilly reminded us and we nodded. "Yeah, let’s go, guys," Sammy put his hand around my shoulder and led me to the room that I was sleeping in.

"Wait," Ian suddenly called and we all stopped walking. "How did you get in? You don't have a key," Ian asked uncle Owen. He grinned. "Ninja skills," with that we all went to sleep.

I woke up to see all four of my brothers on my bed. Not exactly my bed, Loren’s bed. They did it again. They used to come to my room whenever they felt bored in their dreams, that’s what they told me. Crazy, right?

"Quads, Remi, wake up," mama called from downstairs. I looked at the clocked then groaned. It was just 8:12 am and it was a Sunday morning. I put my head back on my pillow, closing my eyes but- "Kids, wake up or I’ll start singing I’m a Barbie girl near your ears, wake up!" She threatened and we all jolted from the bed.

"I’m awake," we all said in unison. She can be super annoying when she sings that song, even with her beautiful voice, she can manage to ruin our morning with it. "Good," she said and I headed to the bathroom to take a shower but then realized that I don’t have anything with me, neither my brothers. I looked in Loren’s closet but unfortunately for me, her size was bigger than mine. And she was taller than me. Everyone is taller than me, except for mama. We are the same height.

"Guess I’m staying in the same clothes," I stated to myself but my brothers were still in the room. "Yeah, us too. We can’t take clothes from Ian because we are four, he will have nothing left to wear." Cole spoke and we sighed.

After we ate breakfast and talked a bit more, it was time for us to leave." So when are you moving next door?" I heard Jack ask Ian. "In two days, on Tuesday. We are starting school on Wednesday. See you later guys," they all hugged each other brotherly hugs and I felt left out. Why was I the only daughter in the family?

Ian looked my way and smirked. "See ya later, Remi,” he waved goodbye and I smiled. "Yeah, bye guys." As I wanted to hug them goodbye, Derek pulled me back in his arms. I thought they were already in the car. "Forget it," he pointed out then led me to the car. Ugh, what’s so wrong in hugging a buddy? Their overprotectiveness can be a pain in the butt.

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