Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 93

Chapter 93

Damien’s POV

I couldn’t get enough of her, she kissed me as I stiffened inside her again. I

couldn’t keep my hips still, thrusting up into her tight hot wet core. Each thrust

sending shocks of pleasure up my spine, her moans and sounds of pleasure

making my balls tighten again. I start moving faster, thrusting deep, feeling her

tighten and more of her hot honey coat her walls. Just as we were about to go

over Alora moves her mouth to my neck and bites down.

Enter title…

As she bites her walls clamp even tighter, strangling my co ck till I had no choice

but to come, the pleasure I was feeling intensified, building higher and higher.

Each pull of her mouth at my neck, sent another shock of pleasure that would

start at the base of my head, go straight down my spine and into my toes, causing

another jet of hot seed to spurt into her womb, her core would then flutter and

clamp down, pulsing and gushing more of her hot honey over me. 2

Over and over again this went on, until I was absolutely spent, and could finally

pull out. I clutch at Alora as she licks the bite she put on my neck before relaxing

against me laying her head down on my chest. “Goddess that felt good.” I tell her

in a husky growly voice. (This novel will be daily updtaed at

www.noveljar.com)She rubs her face against me and lets out a pleasured moan of

agreement. We rest like that for a while, just touching, I felt wrapped in a warm

glow of satisfaction.

Sitting up, shifting her side ways into my lap as I do, I scoot us to the edge of the

bed, then holding her in my arms I get up and carrier her into the bathroom. I

stand her next to the shower door as I open it and set the shower heads to a

certain temperature. The very large shower stall quickly fills up with steam as the

water reached its set temperature, I pull Alora into the shower with me. 3

She’s looking up at me, with a soft loving, and satisfied smile on her face. I can’t

help but smile back, feeling pride in my part in providing that smile. “I love you my

Starlight.” I tell her softly in a husky voice.

“I love you too my darling.” she says, then stands on tip toe and kisses me. I don’t

even hesitate to kiss her back, losing myself in her hot mouth for a moment. I pull

away and look into her eyes for a moment, reveling in being here with her like

this. I reach for the coco nut shampoo she favors and start to wash her hair, she

had so much of it. 2

I massaged her scalp, enjoying when her wet body melted against mine and she

let out a small moan. Once the lather was done and I was satisfied the shampoo

had nourished all of her hair, I start to rinse it out. Running my hands through her

hair as I rinsed the rich lather from her beautiful locks. Once done with that I get a

po of and put a healthy dollop of her favorite coc onut body wash on it. I would

pass over a patch of skin with the p oof and rub my other hand over the spot after.


I took special pleasure in soaping and washing every part of her, feeling her skin

under my hands, watching and hearing how it stirred her up. Her sent getting

stronger. Rinsing her off was another pleasure that I used my hands to do. The

wash leaving behind soft nourished skin. I reach for her favorite coc onut

conditioner, and I start to work liberal amounts to her lengths. Working it in root to

tip, giving her scalp another massage, with her breasts pressed against my chest

I could feel her hard

My co ck had already let me know it was ready for another round, but I was

enjoying pampering my mate. Pampering her had it’s own kind of pleasure for me.

The pride I felt being able to do something as simple as this for my mate was

immense. Her noises of pleasure had been music to my ears. I have her sit on the

shower stool while I wash up real quick. (1)

Once done I stand her back up against me as I rinsed the conditioner out of her

hair. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)Once she is rinsed off,

she looks up at me her gaze meeting mine I lean down to kiss her. The kiss is

electric, sending fire through my veins, I deepen the kiss and she moans, shifting

against me. I walk her back until the wall stops her. Her hands that were rubbing

my chest move down, her fingers brushing over my abs. I let out a groan when

she grips my co ck.

I reach down with one hand to make sure she’s ready, she moans while my

fingers explored her. Finding her wet and juicy I lift her by her hips and bring her

down on my co ck as she wraps those long legs around my waist. We both gasp

and moan into each others mouths. It was a slow build at first, the pleasure like a

rolling summer storm.

I start to move faster and harder, driving deep, gaining cries and moans of

pleasure as my reward. Then I feel it, that tension that lets me know she’s almost

there, and I feel it tingle inside my balls, they tighten painfully in preparation.

Pulling away from her mouth I meet her pleasure hazed gaze and say “I love

you.” before slamming deep.

She screams ” I love you!” as her body clamps down around mine and her

or ga sm rips through her, taking me right over the edge with her into pure bliss. It

takes me a moment after to catch my breath, I barely kept from falling to the floor

with that last one. Regaining my strength, I rinse us off again and turn of the

shower. 2

The bathroom had heated floors so it was still pleasant to step out of the glass

enclosure to the rest of the bathroom. I grab a towel and wrap it around Alora

before drying myself off and wrapping it around my hips. Then I grab another and

start to dry Alora’s hair, getting as much water as I could out with the towel. Then I

gently rub the rest of her limbs dry, leaving the towel wrapped around her torso in


Sitting her at the little vanity in my double sink bathroom cabinet, I grab a hair

dryer and brush and start drying her hair. I had made sure to have a couple of

things I knew she would like stored in my bathroom, I had refused to think upon

that impulse. The hair brush and blow dryer were mine, mother said if I was going

to have long hair, I needed to take care of it properly. They came in handy now,

because I can use them to take care of my mate.


Even though every time I tried to picture my future mate, the only person who

ever came to mind, had been Alora. She was who I had always wanted as my

mate. To actually have her as my mate was a blessing I would continue to enjoy.

With her hair dry I stand her up to face me and I kiss her softly on the lips.

“Goddess I can’t get over how lucky I am to have you.” I tell her, my voice was

husky with emotion.

She smiles at me, tears shine at the corners “I can’t tell you how many times I told

myself not to dream, not to hope, that it would be you.” she said softly. “I’m so

glad it was, I’ve loved you for so long.” she says.

long.” she says.

I grab her up and kiss her fiercely. I kissed her for a long moment, savoring her.

Breaking the kiss I look at her, my palm cradling one cheek. Smiling at her. “We

need to get ready for dinner my Starlight.” as I looked at her, I knew the sun must

have set, because her hair now twin kled with thousands of stars, and her crown

and bracers were in their physical form.

She smiled. “Okay, but I need to get clothes out of my room.”(This novel will be

daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) I think a moment, I don’t want to be away

from her for even a second right now. I was away for five years already.

But I didn’t want to be too clingy and suffocate her, so I kissed her lips once more,

and with a towel around my waist, I walk her to her room. At her door I pull her to

me and kiss her again, I just couldn’t get enough of her and her taste was

addicting. “I’ll be back after I’m dressed, I want to walk with you down to dinner, if

that’s all right with you?” I say and ask in a husky voice.

Her eyes glowing as she looks up at me, a smile on her face, she says “I’d love to

walk down with you.” then she frowns slightly. “Do you know if we should dress

casually, nice or dressy?” she asks me.

I smile looking at her “As this is technically just a family gathering, I believe you

should wear whatever you are comfortable in.” I kiss her one last time before

returning to my room to dress. I grab a red wide crew neck t-shirt and a pair of

form fitting black jeans. I wasn’t going to bother with shoes.(This novel will be

daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) I blow dry my hair and brush it. The collar of

my shirt exposed my mates mark on my neck, I can’t help but smile in pleasure as

I look at it. The mark declared that I belonged to Alora, and I always would.

I felt so much peace and satisfaction in knowing that, and I would make sure I

always deserved this spot at her side. 2

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