Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 92

Chapter 92

Alora’s POV

I waived ‘bye’ at my new siblings as my mate urged us back to the Pack House. I

could feel his want of me, and it only raised my own want of him, burning me up

inside with my own desire. The Luna had it all in hand, as my sister and Bella

were currently being carted off by their own mates too. The Luna had given us

two hours, and the newly mated couples were not going to be wasting any of that


I heard the Luna giggle in amusement as Damien had us practically in a run. (This

novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)Not that I minded, the sooner we

got back to my room, the faster I could have him. With that thought in mind. I get

Enter title…

out of his hold on my wrist, and start running ahead of him. I knew what I was

doing, and it was going to drive him and his wolf wild. I was giving them a


“Catch me if you can.” In a husky ‘come and get me bad boy’ tone. The loud growl

he nearly roared out let me know one thing…..challenge accepted.

With a jump, and a squealing giggle, I run faster. I can hear him and feel him just

the barest of seconds behind me. Dashing across the courtyard and through the,

fortunately open, kitchen patio doors, through the kitchen, down the hallway, up

the stairs. He was gaining now, his legs longer then mine, I tried to move faster, I

got to the landing at the top of the stairs when he caught me.

He scooped me up, tossed me over his shoulder and kept running…to his rooms.

He slammed the door shut, quickly flipping the lock into place the second we were

behind his door. Then with me still on his shoulder, he swiftly crosses his large

sitting room to his large bedroom and tosses me in the center of his king sized

bed. He stood over me, his eyes glowing, his shoulders rising and falling with his

harsh breathing, and it set me on fire.

My nipples were hardened to painful peaks, my cl it throbbed, my core was slick

with hot fluid, (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)the fluid

already starting to coat my thighs. I raise up on my elbows and he growls, my

gaze is locked onto his as I get up onto my knees. I pause a moment in that

position, then I quickly take off my top, getting a longer deeper growl. Keeping his

gaze locked to mine, I slowly get off the bed, standing in front of him I let my

shorts drop to the floor.

Standing naked in front of my growling mate, I could smell his arousal, and

through the bond, I could feel his intense desire. I come closer and he growls, I

step close enough to tug his shirt, he moves fast all of a sudden, and whips the

shirt up over his head. I touch the top of his shorts, and he strips them of as well,

allowing his fully engorged co ck to spring out, a stream of his own fluid leaking

from his tip. I licked my lips, wanting to taste him.

Looking back up I meet his glowing gaze again, and drop to my knees in front of

him. He freezes, like he couldn’t believe what I was doing, when I flicked my

tongue over his tip, tasting his delicious maleness, he let out a deep growling

moan. Taking the tip into my mouth I suckle a little, getting more noises of

pleasure out of him. His taste and the feeling of the pleasure it gave him has

made me even wetter if possible, my core was pulsing with need. But I wanted to

taste more of him first.

Grabbing him by the base and using my other hand to cup his balls I put my

mouth on him till I meet my hand, wiggling my tongue against his co ck as I did so.

He tossed his head back, and lets out a long and loud growling groan as his hips

jerked forward. I pull him out of my mouth, licking my tongue around his tip before

drawing it back in, his breathing hitching in between growling moans and groans.

He has one hand gripping my shoulder and another gripping my hair, I suck

harder and feel his grip tighten. Then I bob up and down a few times slowly,

sucking hard, licking his co ck as I do, his hips jerking. Suddenly he pulls me off

grips me under my arms, lifts me up and tosses me on the bed, his growled “My

turn.” making me breathless and needy for his attention.

With his glowing eyes on me he jumps on the bed, with his large hot hands on my

thighs, he pushes my legs apart and puts his mouth on me. I threw my head back

and cried out in pleasure, those cries then alternated with long deep moans.(This

novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) He sucked my cl it into his

mouth, then he starts to lick me slit to cl it, stabbing inside my core occasionally,

mimicking the movement of his co ck going in and out of me.

He drives me up and over, I scream my pleasure as it bursts behind my eyes and

my hot fluids gush out to cover his chin. He wipes his face on each thigh before

crawling up me, his eyes meeting my pleasure filled gaze, he grips my thighs on

either side of his hips and notched his co ck at my entrance. I gasp at the feeling,

still meeting my gaze he slams himself to the hilt into my still throbbing core,

causing another or gasm. I scream as I come, the pleasure not stopping, not going


He was thrusting swiftly in and out, hilt to tip, over and over, driving me up and

crashing into that precipice twice more before he leans down and kisses me

deeply, thrusting his tongue into my mouth as he kept moving so deep. It built in a

roaring wave, then suddenly it was slamming into us, ripping his mouth from mine

he roars out and comes as my core slams tight around him with the force of my

o rga sm.

Milking jet after jet of his hot seed into my womb, causing another wave of

pleasure that had me whimpering. Finally it passes enough for him to pull out and

crash down next to me, he reaches out and despite our harsh breathing clutches

me close. We stay like that, coming down from that incredibly intense high. My

nerves were still buzzing, a happy, completely satisfied, floating feeling.

After our breathing calms down he brings my mouth to his, kissing me, while

petting me with his hands. I start rubbing his chest with my hands, getting a deep

rumble of pleasure from him. I wanted more, I couldn’t help it, he was my mate,

and everything about him just did it for me. He moves his mouth away from mine,

nibbling and kissing along my chin to my mark.

He licks and nibbles at my neck, driving my desire up higher, my core pulses.

Then he nibbles down my collar bone, over my breast to my nipple, causing me to

moan loudly in pleasure. He sucks in my nipple and with his other hand starts to

squeeze and massage the other breast, occasionally pinching it’s nipple and

pulling enough to cause a streak of electricity to go straight to my cl it.

He suckles on the one breast before switching his hand and mouth to the

opposite breast. Then he

starts all over, causing a gush of fluid to come out of my core. After a moment he

lifts up then rolls us over. I’m now on top and he’s seating my core onto his co ck.

He goes in deeper this way, the shock of pleasúre zings through me, causing me

to wiggle my hips. He grips my hips and starts to move me up

pleasure zings through me, causing me to wiggle my hips. He grips my hips and

starts to move me up and down on his co ck, causing me to moan in pleasure as it


He starts to go faster, and harder, thrusting his hips up into me as I come down on

him. He reaches down with one hand, and starts to play with my cl it, driving me

up higher, faster. I’m gasping and groaning and moaning. Then he presses down

hard on my cl it as he drives himself up to the hilt and I throw my head back and

scream in release. I feel him jerk with his release, as he once again, coated my

walls with jet after jet of his hot seed.

I collapse on his heaving chest after, just staying there, he had one arm around

my waist, keeping me snug against him, his other hand was rubbing over my

head and down my back, petting my hair, with the occasional kiss to the top of my

head as we calmed down again. We stay there for awhile, it felt so good,(This

novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) I felt so complete.

I feel like I had been drifting in a haze of satisfied pleasure for awhile, when

he askes me a question.

“What would it do for you, if you were to take my blood?”

I sit up and look down into his eyes, curious. “I don’t know, why?” my tone soft

and loving, my voice husky from the pleasure we had together.

“I was wondering what it would feel like to have you take my blood.” he tells me. A

wave of hot desire starts to burn through me.

“Why don’t we find out.” I tell him and lean down to kiss him, felling his softening

co ck, stiffening again to it’s full length inside of me.

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