Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 152

Chapter 152

Alora’s POV con’t

My face was hot with my blush, I closed my eyes and buried my face in my mates

chest. Damien chuckles and rubs his hands up and down my back in a soothing

motion. “It’s alright my mate, lets get you and our pups something to eat.” He says

in his deep rumbly voice.

My father was chuckling and my mother was giggling. “Don’t worry my sweet girl,

your carrying twins, naturally you’ll need to eat a lot more now.” Mom says in a

soothing voice, love in her tone. I peeked up at her from my hiding place against

my mates chest, she had a warm and caring smile on her face making me feel

better. 2

Enter title…

“Your having twins?” Sunny asked excitedly. 2

Lifting my head up further from Damien’s chest, I look at Sunny who was now

standing next to me. She was so petite, with a thin structure…like a human sized

fairy, or pixie…the ones you see in those online graphic pictures when you do a

search on those words. She was just so adorable and cute, I wanted to just wrap

her up and hug her, adopt her as a little sister. .

“Isn’t she adorable.” K a ss asked, she was walking next to Kian, her arms

wrapped around one of his.

Kian was looking down at her with a smile on his face. “I find you adorable mate.”

was his reply, causing my sister to blush.

“I find her adorable too Ka ss, I just want to hug her.” Bella said, Galen was

standing behind her, his arms wrapped around her waist.

“I want to adopt her, make her our little sister.” I tell them.

Sunny was looking at each of us as we talked, an awe struck look on her face.

“Alora that’s perfect! I would love to have her as our little sister.” K as s said looking

happy and excited at the prospect.

Bella laughed “What do you think Sunny, want to be our sister?” she asked her.

Sunny looked up at me, her eyes full of a questioning hope, and fear, so I smile at

her gently. Stepping out of Damien’s arms I turn fully to Sunny and open my arms,

“I would love it if you would be our little sister.” I tell her.

Tears start to trickle down from the corners of her eyes, but a bright smile lights

up her face and she throws herself into my arms. I wrap her up tight, giving her

the love she had been neglected since her mother was so cruelly taken from her.

“I would love that.” was her teary voiced response.

Asher stood off to the side, looking like he didn’t know what to do. He had his

hands up, like he wanted to take Sunny from me and into his own arms. I could

tell he wanted to offer her comfort within his own arms. “Sunshine…don’t cry, you

have us now…and…well make sure your life is a happy

one from now on,” he tells her, his voice soft and caring.

Sunny lifts her head up to look at Asher with those gorgeous tear filled eyes,

blinking them at Asher in curiosity, “Sunshine?” she asked.

He smiles at her gently. “When you smile, it’s like Sunshine.” then he frowns. “Do

you mind if I call you that?” he asked her in concern.

She gifts him with a small smile and sniffs, she lifts herself out of my arms and

wipes her face. Shaking her head she says. “I don’t mind.” then she blushes. “I…

kind of like it.” she admits in a small voice.

Her words made Asher smile so brightly, it was almost as if he sparkled. I turn

back to face my mate to smother my giggles in his chest. Damien had his face

buried in my neck, attempting to smother his own laughter.

“Sunny you’ll be happy with our family, I’m glad you chose to stay with us.” Cathel

says in a bright and happy voice.

“It brings this old wolfs heart joy to see such a wonderful family. My mate is just

going to adore you all.” the Alpha says, the tone in his booming voice was happy.

If only it wasn’t so startling, I jumped a little and nearly squeaked at his suddenly

loud words. 2

They however, had the needed effect of getting our party moving again, and soon

we were siting at a very large heavy antique wooden table with high backed

chairs. The room was done in mixtures of golds and creams, with beautiful golden

candlestick chandeliers over the tables.

The cream colored table clothes and napkins had intricate gold colored

embroidery around their edges. Everything looked elegant and expensive. It was

a little intimidating, and would have been even more so, if I hadn’t been so used

to the Heartsong Mansions elegance and wealth.

There was old world music being preformed on a stage in the corner of the large

restaurant. The harp was absolutely beautiful and blended so well with the cello,

flute, tambourines and drums. It made me think of one of my favorite songs from

one of the other continents. It was called Federkleid by Faun, it was about flying

away from a place and dancing in the skies.

I started to hum the song, I thought I was being quiet about it, but I was forgetting

I was in the company of wolves. “Do you sing Clan Alpha Alora?” Alpha Logan

asked me.

Looking at him, slightly embarrassed at being caught “Alora, please…and yes, I

sing Alpha Logan.” I told him.

“Alora then, and if you would, just call me Logan.” Alpha Logan said. “The tune

your humming, if you wouldn’t mind, I would love to hear you sing it.” he says. 2

“It’s not in this continents dominate language.” I warn him.

“I don’t mind, it’s always better to hear the words as they were originally written.”

He says.

I smile “Okay, if my mate has no objections, I’ll sing the song for you.” I tell him.

My mate lifts my hand and kisses the back, I meet his loving gaze, he has a small

smile on his face. “I don’t object, I love hearing you sing, no matter the language.”

he tells me, his voice a little raspy.

I nod and look at the Alpha, the Alpha had signaled a waiter over, and told him to

lead me to the stage, so I could sing the song I had been humming. I get up and

follow. I looked a little out of place in my clothes, most of those eating here were

dressed elegantly. The females were in knee and calf length silky and lacy

sundresses, some had fluttery material, on their feet were many strappy stilettoes.

Not a wedge heel in sight, and they wore delicate and fancy jewelry.

The males were mostly in three piece suits, some were in just button up shirts

with ties, but they were paired with pressed slacks and shined shoes. However I

didn’t get the feeling that they looked down on me for my choice in clothes. In fact

at a few of those tables, with the elegantly dressed Pack members, were those

that were in casual clothes, like me and Damien. It made me think that, this was

work attire for many of the Pack members here.

I got fascinated looks from those around me, and there were many whispered

questions and comments. Mainly it was a “Who is she?” “What Pack did she

come from?” “Are those stars in her hair?” “Why is their a crown on her head?” I

get to the stage and I tell the band the song I wanted played. Luckily, this band

was familiar with the song, they were originally from the other continent, their

accents attesting to that.

I turn and face the room with the mike. “Hello everyone, I would like to introduce

myself. I am Clan Alpha Alora Luna Heartsong, Lunar Princess and Pack member

of the Moon Mountain Pack. I’m hear with my mate Alpha Damien Moonstar

Heartsong, eldest son of Alpha Andrew Moonstar of the Moon Mountain Pack and

Alpha of Alpha’s. Your Alpha has requested that I sing a song for him, and as his

quest it is my honor to accept that request.” By giving this information, I gave the

beings in the room the necessary information to answer most of their questions.

I wait a moment for everyone to settle down a bit before signaling the band, then I

began to sing my favorite ballad. I didn’t know how many here would be able to

understand the words to this song, but I still put my heart into it. After I was done,

I hand the mike back to the lead band member, to the sound of applause and

appreciation from my audience, I step off the stage.

When I get back to the table the Alpha is smiling, he looked very pleased. “That

was a beautiful song dear Alora, luckily, I was indeed able to understand the

words, as that is my mates home countries language.” he says surprising me. “I

met my mate on a trip to a World Council meeting that was being hosted by her

Pack so many years ago.” 2

Before I could start to ask him questions, a waiter came to take our orders, I look

down at the menu, and immediately start to drool. It took me a good minute to

look over everything on the menu, and I wound up getting seven different entrees

and a ton of different side dishes. I felt a little guilty when Damien only ordered a

few things, looking at me, he chuckled softly.

“Don’t worry mate, this is so that whatever you don’t eat, I will eat.” he said,

making me feel better at all the food I had ordered, I was happy knowing none of

it would go to waste.

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