Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 151

Chapter 151

Alora’s POV

I nod at the Alpha “I’m learning that, Damien found me a really great therapist,

and he’s been there for me every step of the way.” I tell the Alpha. “I know my

strength now, and I’m no longer under their thumb anymore.” Damien kisses my

temple, and gives me a squeeze.

“I can see the love and dedication you have for your mate Alpha Damien. I’m glad

to see happiness come from such a horrible life, I hope your future together is

long and happy.” Alpha Logan tells us, his tone telling me he was being genuine.

Enter title…

“Oh my sister will definitely be happy, she has us now.” Cathel spoke up, his voice

holding pride and confidence.

The whispering from the two officer wolves caught my attention. One was crying, I

assumed he was Gage. “Stop crying, you’re embarrassing me.” whisper hissed

the one I assumed was Josh.

“I can’t help it, she was only a pup.” Gage says, then seems to cry more.

“She’s got a mate now remember.” Josh points out to him.

By this point everyone is looking at them, but they seemed oblivious to our stares.

Gage sniffs “But what if that sister comes back to bully her again?” he wined at


“Who in the hell is going to mess with that female, when she’s got that scary as

f uc k Alpha next to her huh?” Josh askes Gages, they were still whispering.

Gage dries his face and looks at Josh. “I guess your right, now I know why he

was so moody when we pulled him over.” he says, a look of realization coming

over his face.

“I would have been to, if all that happened to my mate.” Josh says

They turn to look at us, when they realized we had been listening, their faces

change to matching comical looks of surprise. Damien bursts out laughing, and I

smile as the others join him, and I couldn’t help letting out a few giggles.

After a moment my mate sobers up enough to talk to the two officers. “I do still

want to apologize for behaving like an as s, I would also like to say thank you, for

understanding.” he tells them.

The rest of the visit with the officers went well. When Damien asked what fun

things there would be to do tonight, Josh, Gage and the Alpha gave us a few

suggestions. The conversation continued as the sun set, and when it did there

were gasps and surprised looks on all three of their faces, as my regalia became

physical adornments.

“A Lunar Princess.” The Alpha whispered in awe. “I mean you already said so…

but to see it in person….” he trailed off, his look full of wonder.

“I know what you mean.” Bulma said. “When my little nephews sent me a video of

her, I had seen her

in her regalia, but it really didn’t hit me till I was seeing it in person. It was a shock

to my system.” she tells the Alpha.

“That is exactly it, thank you my dear…what is your name, I never got it?” The

Alpha asked her.

“My name is Bulma, these are my mates, Tobias and Alex.” she tells him,

gesturing to each of her mates as she introduces them.

“Bulma, that is and interesting name, and from what I can tell from your scent, you

are a Tribrid.” his words full of excitement.

“I am, I’m a Vampire Witch Werewolf Tribrid.” she tells him.

My stomach growled loudly before the Alpha and Bulma could say more, and I

blushed when everyone looked at me. “My mate is pregnant, would you mind

excusing us, I would like to take her to some food.” Damien says.

“We have a restaurant on the bottom floor of this complex, it has our Pack’s best

dishes.” The Alpha said.

I perked up at that “Will you lead the way.” I asked him, looking up at him, I felt a

pleading look on my face. I really, really wanted food now that I realized I was


“Of course my dear, a pregnant female should always be given the best of care.”

The Alpha says, in response. “Come, I’m positive you’ll find something you’ll love.

Josh, Gage, lead the way.”

The two Wolves nodded and said, “Yes Alpha” at the same time, before taking the


Cathel and Sunny were walking beside Gage and Josh, both asking them

questions, and the two wolves, looking delighted at their attention, were

answering them. I found just by listening to them, I was gaining knowledge about

this pack and the way it was run. They had so many Clans in the Middle Plains

Pack, it made my Pack seem so small in comparison.

Asher trailed them with Nathen next to him, he would ask Sunny a question every

now and then, getting her attention. When he had it, it was like the sun came out

from behind the clouds, but when her attention was diverted, the sun went back

behind the Clouds. It made me giggle, poor Asher, I was beginning to wonder

when he would no longer feel so dejected, when it came to Sunny paying others


We get down to the restaurants lobby, and even from here I could tell there are

Werewolves, Vampires, Witches, Shifters, Hybrids, Tribrids, and even some

Humans, in the restaurant. This Alpha had an incredibly divers Pack. It reminded

me of my own Pack, the Frost and Northmountain Clans had been the only two

Clans that had been so insular when it had come to mating and breeding. @

That was at an end however, with the remaining members of the Frost

Northmountain Clans being more open. Those that hadn’t already found their

fated mates in the Pack were looking, many had plans to start visiting neighboring

Packs to see if their mates would be there. Some were waiting for the Gathering

Alpha Andrew had planned. Through my father and mother, Alpha Andrew was

able to invite mateless Witches, Warlocks and Vampires from all over, to the

Gathering with mateless Pack members from our Pack and other Packs.

Thinking on that… “Alpha Logan, have you been informed of the Gathering our

Pack will be hosting in a few months, for Pack members wanting to find their

mates?” I asked him.

“Yes I’ve heard of it, I’ve already sent out a notice to all my mateless Pack

members of mating age, it was an extremely popular idea.” The Alpha booms in



“I’m glad, I would like to extend an inventation to stay at the Heartsong Mansion,

should you ever come to our Pack for a visit.” I tell him.

I feel that my mate was pleased by my statement. “We would love to have you

visit us when you are able to.” Damien says, offering is own welcome.

I can hear Gage and Josh start to whisper about me. “She’s a Lunar Princess,

how could her birth mother treat a Lunar Princess that way?” came from Gage.

“I don’t know, she’s a blessing to her Pack, her mates so lucky to have her.” Josh

responds. O

“I wonder what her fighting is like.” Gage commented.

“We have videos of her training battles.” This was from Daniel, he and Bryce

hurried from behind me to stand with Cathel, Sunny, Josh and Gage.

“Our sister is epic in battle.” this from Bryce. I felt a blush on my cheeks at the

awe and pride I heard in their voices.

“Alora battles?” Sunny asked.

“Everyone in our Pack trains, unless they have some kind of disability that

prevents it, or a female is to far into pregnancy.” Victor explains.

“Really! Oh wow.” Sunny gushed. “Can I see the video’s?” she asks, her voice full

of excitement.

Alpha Logan chuckled next to us. “It seems my dear, that you are very well liked

by your new family and friends,” he says in a gentle voice, how his voice could be

gentle as loud as it was, I could not figure out.

I smile, despite the blush on my cheeks, feeling truly happy. “I like them all very

much too. I feel blessed with what I have now.” I tell the Alpha.

“And you young Alpha of Alpha’s to be….how do you feel?” He asked my mate.

“Determined to deserve every bit of love and devotion my mate has for me.” He

tells the Alpha.

The Alpha laughs and I look up at my mate in astonishment, to think that was

something he worried over, blew my mind. Why? He was such a wonderful mate,

and he was more than deserving of my love. Wanting to give him that assurance I

turned abruptly and faced him. He meets my gaze.

“You are, and will always be, deserving of the love and devotion I give you. I love

you more than life itself Damien, my darling mate.” I tell him, my tone fierce. I

reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, and I bring him down for a kiss,

making sure to put all of my feelings for him into that kiss.

He felt it, I could feel that he felt it, he wrapped his arms around my waist and

hugged my tightly while we kissed. When we broke the kiss he puts his forehead

on mine. With our gazes meeting, and our breath coming out in pants, he says “I

love you more than life itself my Starlight.”

It was such an incredibly sweet moment that had my heart was overflowing with

emotion….until my stomach growled loudly…again.

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