Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 61

“Everyone’s staring at us,” Caleb says as we walk through the university’s hallways.

“I’m enjoying the spotlight,” Blaine says, throwing his hair over his shoulder.

“This is such a bad idea,” Caleb says, pulling up his hoodie.

“Yes, go and hide your face, then,” Blaine jests.

“Shut up,” Caleb growls at him.

I snigger.

This day is already going so well. Everyone in the school hallways is staring at us when we walk past, probably wondering why three of the most toxic guys on campus are walking along with me like they’re some kind of lap dogs. And the fact that Ares actually snarls at anyone who dares to look too long doesn’t help either.

Blaine taps Ares on the shoulder, who grips his finger and squeezes so tightly Blaine whimpers.


“Don’t touch me,” Ares grits.

“I just wanted to ask if you could please pretend you don’t want to kill everyone staring at us.

Ares releases him. “Fine.”

Blaine retracts his finger and pouts. “That was my good finger.”

“The one you stick up your own ass?” Caleb snorts.

Blaine throws him a glare. “The one I use to unlock my katana from my umbrella, the kind of tech you wouldn’t know a thing about, you brute.”

Caleb grunts at him, but I stop in the middle of the hallway and they all nearly bump into me.

I spin on my heels and point at them. “Stop.”

They all look like they got caught in the act, and Caleb’s even blushing underneath that hoodie of his.

“If you want this to work, you guys gotta stop fighting like that.”

“He started it,” Caleb snarls.

“What?” Blaine scoffs, offended.

“Shut it. Both of you,” Ares tells them. “We’re just going to school. Act normal.”

“Normal?” Blaine laughs in an exaggerated manner. “Good one, darling.”

“I’m serious,” I say. “I can’t have people thinking I’ve lost my mind walking around with you three. I just want things to go back to normal.”

Ares suddenly directs his stern gaze to me, making me gulp. “You will have your normal. But I will not allow you to walk around unguarded.” His gentle caress to my cheeks makes me blush too. “So go to your classes and we will be by the door waiting when it’s finished to take you to the next.”

He places a kiss on my forehead in front of everyone, unafraid to claim me while the school watches. Part of me is mortified, but another glows with pride.

“Now go on. Get to class, little rose.”

I blush and give him a kiss on the cheek before I turn around and walk off under their searing gaze, as well as pretty much everyone else in this hallway.

Good God.

I head inside for my first class and nearly faint when I see Penelope sitting there with bruises all over her arms. When she looks up, she drops the pen she was holding, and I can barely breathe.


She sounds shocked, and I don’t know how to react as I approach.

“Is that you?” She looks like she’s seen a ghost, and suddenly gets up and hugs me tight. “Oh my God, it really is you. I was so worried about you. Are you hurt?” She immediately pushes me away and inspects me.

“I’m fine,” I mutter. “At least, physically. I’m still a little shaken up from what happened.”

“How did you even get out of the Bonesmen grasp?” she asks. “Felix and I looked everywhere for you. We even scoured all the Bones Brotherhood locations we knew about.”

“I was taken to a different compound where they tried to sell me again. Luckily, the guys from the Tartarus House found me.”

“Caleb?” she asks. “Oh wow, I’m impressed he managed to find you.”

I nod. “And Blaine and Ares too.”

She hugs me again, and I sink into her chest, breathing out a sigh of relief. “I’m so glad you’re okay. We were all worried sick. I didn’t even know you were in there. No one did. We went into the first compound to get Lana out together with the Phantom Society boys, but then we lost you, and I couldn’t get to the van in time …” she says, lowering her brows in shame. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t there in time to save you.”

“It’s okay,” I say, rubbing her back. “I’m here. I’m safe. I’m not going anywhere. At least not without screaming at the top of my lungs.”

She sniggers. “When Caleb said he was going to ask his boys for help, I didn’t expect him to actually come through.”

I make a face. I don’t think she knows the full truth. “Yeah … about that …” I squeak. “We’re actually kind of, sort of, dating?”


I cover her mouth so no one hears her scream.

“Don’t make a scene, please. They already hate that everyone is looking.”

Her eyes widen. “They?”

Oh God.

“Are you telling me you’re dating multiple Tartarus boys?”

“Uhh … I plead the Fifth?”

The blush on my cheeks apparently gives it all away, and she grabs me and shoves me back and forth like a crazy person. “Oh my God, Crystal! A foursome?”

“Shhh …” I murmur, looking around. “It’s hard on them.”

“Right, right, I get it,” she says, winking. “Is the sex good? They say the boys from Tartarus are like hedonistic fuck toys.”

“Don’t embarrass me. I’m already mortified.”

“But it’s so much fun,” she jests, and she pulls me in for another hug. “But I’m so glad you’re back, girl.”

“What did I miss?”

Kayla’s voice makes me look up. She just walked into class, which is about to start, and the look on her face immediately goes blank the moment she sees me sitting in one of the benches.

“Oh my … God.”

She throws herself into my arms, practically smothering me. “Crystal! You’re back! I’ve missed you so damn much.”

“It was only a couple of days,” I say.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Mini family vacation,” she says, rolling her eyes, which confuses me. I stare at Penelope, who just shrugs and touches her lips like she doesn’t want me to tell Kayla the truth.

I guess Kayla is not aware of all the things that go on around this campus. Maybe it’s better this way. Wouldn’t want her to get dragged in too.

“It’s not the same here without you,” she says.

“I missed you too,” I say. “But you’re killing my back.”

She laughs and leans away. “Sorry, girl. You look scrawny, though. Did your mom feed you well?”

I rub my lips together. “No, she was far too busy with her new boyfriend, so I was the one doing most of the cooking,” I lie.

“Oh, is it that same guy we saw last time at Fi’s Cups and Cakes?” she asks.

I nod. “Yup. Caleb’s dad. Awkward.”

“Oh wow …” Penelope says with owl-like eyes, and it makes me want to hide underneath the table. “That is messed up.”

The teacher begins his class, and we sit and listen, but Penelope still texts me.

Penelope: I want to talk with those guys. Ares, Blaine, Caleb. I just want to make sure they have good intentions with you. Do you have their number?

Me: Please don’t ask. I don’t want you dead too.

Penelope: They can’t kill me that easily. Besides, I’ve got Felix, Alistair, and Dylan to back me up.

Me: Okay … if you’re sure about this. But don’t blame me if they end up killing each other.

Penelope: Do you care about them?

It takes me a few seconds to respond.

Me: Yes.

Penelope: A lot?

Me: Like a lot, a lot.

She smiles at me before she continues typing.

Penelope: I don’t judge. I remember that feeling from when I first got together with the Skull & Serpent Society guys. I just want you to be safe. You’re my friend.

Me: I know. I trust you.

Penelope: Good. Because I think it’s already making rounds at school.

She lifts her phone and shows the group chat for our class, which is filled with responses and comments to a picture that was shared. A picture of me kissing Ares while Caleb and Blaine happily stand behind us.

Oh God.

Me: Nathan’s going to try to kill them, isn’t he?

Penelope: 99/100 chance.


When she finally gets out of class, my heart begins to race with excitement.

My beautiful, darling Crystal so content to finally make it back to her college education like a normal girl even though she’s far from it after what she’s endured.

Of all the joys in life, this is what makes her happy?

I snigger to myself.

“How was it?” I ask.

“Good,” she replies. “Why are you all acting like you don’t go to this school too?”

“We do, but we don’t enjoy it like you do,” I muse.

“Did you learn anything?” Caleb raises his brow. “I saw a ton of texts flying by in the group chat.”

She tucks her hair behind her ear. “A little bit. It’s just good that I can finally go back to semi-normal.”

“Whatever that is,” Caleb growls.

“I’m guessing you guys saw the texts about us?” she asks.

Oh, we all definitely saw, and I don’t mind one bit. Let the world know I love her, I don’t care, not even the slightest, as long as she’s mine.

Ares sighs out loud and turns around, walking off. “Don’t want to talk about it.”

Party pooper.

“Oh …” She follows him, clutching her bag, but when Ares glances at her over his shoulder, she stops and gazes up at him with doe-like eyes.

“What they say has no influence whatsoever over my feelings for you. None.”

Her whole face turns red, and oh my God, I am living for this literal real-life romance novel.

None of the books could ever come close to this.

She gulps and murmurs, “Me too.”

“What’s that? You have feelings for us?” I lean over her shoulder to look into her eyes, and she nearly squeals like she forgot I was there.

“Jesus, don’t scare me like that.”

Caleb bursts out into laughter, and it irritates me. “Don’t make me pull out my—”

“Sword?” Caleb interjects.

Now he’s really ruined my good mood.

“It’s a katana, you seventh-century swine,” I retort.

Caleb narrows his eyes at me. “Oink, oink, motherfucker.” And he sticks up his middle finger.

What the—

“If you don’t stop, I’ll have you both fucking each other’s assholes tonight,” Ares growls.

“Fine, fine, although … I wouldn’t be opposed to that,” I say, winking. “I was just saying, I’m happy she’s content. This is what I wanted.”

“What you wanted?” she parrots like she can’t believe it.

“Of course, darling.” I grab her hand and kiss the top as I always do, instilling my love for her with my lips. She’s like a precious jewel I want to cherish. “I never thought you’d actually fall for these violent boys, but I am glad it led you straight into my arms.”


We head outside to the fountain, where Nathan, Kai, Milo, and Lana all sit on the stone edge, smoking.

“Wait here,” I tell my boys.

“Are you sure?” Caleb says, narrowing his eyes at Nathan like he’s got a beef.

“Yeah, I’m safe with them. Don’t worry,” I reply.

“We’ll keep an eye on you to make sure,” Ares says.

“Good luck, my little diamond in the rough,” Blaine says, squeezing my cheek like I’m some kind of chipmunk before I walk toward the fountain.

But every step I take feels more and more unreal.

“Lana?” I mutter when I see her throw her black hair over her shoulder.

Her body freezes at the sound of my voice. Her eyes are as wide as can be when they finally find mine.

“Crystal?” she mutters in disbelief.

She jumps off the fountain, runs across the pebbles, and throws her arms around me. “I can’t believe you’re here and that you’re safe. How did you even get out?”

“Long story, but … the guys from the Tartarus House got me out of that hellhole,” I say, sighing because I really don’t want to think about my time there. “Ares, Caleb, and Blaine were there to save me,” I say. “Anyway, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. It’s my fault those pictures—”

“I don’t want to hear it.” She interjects. “I’m not mad at you. I’ve made peace with it. I don’t blame you, and I don’t want you to feel guilty. In fact, I’m the one who should feel guilty for leaving you all alone in that Bonesmen den.” She hugs me even tighter. “I’m sorry. They were after me and then took you too as collateral damage.

My eyes tear up, but I swallow them away. “Thank you.” I lean away. “But why were they after you in the first place?”

She takes one glance over her shoulders at the three boys standing there, watching us, and Kai’s penetrative stare makes me gulp.

“Them?” I whisper.

She nods and smiles.

“So … those fuckers actually managed to find you?” Nathan chucks his smoke into the fountain. “I’m impressed.”

I unfurl myself from Lana’s embrace and run to him, hugging him tight.

“I’m glad you’re safe, Crystal,” he says. “I just wish I got there in time to save you too when we got Lana out.” He leans away and grabs my shoulders to take a good look at me. “Did they hurt you?”

I shake my head. “One of them hit me, but—”

“Remind me to cut off some extra fingers the next time I come across any of those Bonesmen,” Nathan hisses at Milo behind him.

“Oooh … I love it when you get all aggressive,” Milo says.

“I’m okay,” I say, placing my hand on top of his. “I don’t want you to get into more trouble because of me.”

“Don’t worry about me. So what happened after you got taken away in that van?” he asks.

“The Bones Brotherhood tried to sell me to some rich men, but Ares, Caleb, and Blaine got to me before they succeeded.”

“Ares?” Kai raises a brow and chucks his smoke away too. “Interesting.”

“Is it that strange?” I say, feeling brave. “You wanted to save Lana too. Brothers think alike.”

“Brothers?” Lana’s eyes almost bulge out of her skull. “Ares is your brother?”

Kai shrugs.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Oh boy. I did not realize what I was about to unchain by saying that out loud.

“Didn’t think it was necessary. We don’t see eye to eye.”

“That’s an understatement,” I say.

Kai and Ares make eye contact, but Ares immediately looks the other way and pulls out a smoke instead.

“We have our issues. Just like any other family,” Kai says. “I don’t like to talk about mine, however.” Kai turns around and yells at Ares, “Ares. Explain to me why you wouldn’t help us find Lana, yet you happily assisted in finding Crystal, a girl you don’t even know.”

Ares, Caleb, and Blaine walk toward us like they finally feel invited to join the conversation.

“Who says he doesn’t know her?” Blaine says.

Kai frowns. “How?”

“You think you’re the only one who’s been fucking around?” Caleb retorts, tilting his head.

Nathan’s eyes widen. “You’ve been fucking Crystal?”

Oh boy.

“What the f—” Lana glances my way. “Seriously?”

“Holy shit,” Milo muses.

I hide my face in my hands. “This is not how I imagined this would go.”

“Oh my God,” Lana says. “So it’s true? You’re dating Ares?”

My whole face turns red. “Dating is a complicated word.”

Ares folds his arms, staring at them all with contempt. “She’s mine.”

Milo fans himself. “When you put it like that, I understand.”

“Really?” Nathan scoffs at him. “She’s my friend. She should not be dating any of those guys.”

A smug grin spreads on Caleb’s face. “Tough luck for you then, because she wants all three of us.”

“Jesus Christ,” Kai says, rolling his eyes. “You’ve been busy.”

“So a foursome, huh?” Milo says. “Guess we’re all banging like crazy.”

Nathan smacks him on the head with a packet of cigarettes.

“It’s not like that. We just … stumbled into it,” I say, trying to tone it down.

“Uh-huh,” Milo responds.

Nathan jumps off the fountain. “I never gave you permission to go ahead and jump in bed with my goddamn friend, Caleb.”

“I don’t need your permission to fuck who I want,” Caleb retorts.

Nathan grabs Caleb by the collar. “Give me one good reason not to punch your teeth out.”

“Guys, guys.” I shove my way between them. “Please stop.”

“And all this time, I thought you just wanted to get back in my pants,” Nathan grits.

“I never said that. I said I missed you as a friend,” Caleb replies.

“Whatever,” Nathan says.

Ares steps up and points a finger at Nathan. “You touch Caleb again, and I’ll kill you right here, right now.”

“Possessive,” Milo hums. “I love it.”

“Can we stop fighting, please?” I ask, placing a hand on Ares’s chest to calm him down. “I don’t want more bloodshed.”

His nostrils flare, but he finally backs away. “Only because he is your friend.”

“So you three have been doing this behind everyone’s backs?” Lana asks, narrowing her eyes like she can’t believe what she’s hearing.

“I could say the same for you,” I retort, smiling.

She rolls her eyes but smiles anyway. “I guess you’re right.”

“Guess everyone here is lucky,” Milo says, grinning like a bastard. “You get a foursome, we get a foursome, everyone gets a foursome!”

I just stare at them for a moment before I burst out into laughter eventually.

It’s all so ridiculous that it’s starting to make sense in a weird way.

Suddenly, Caleb’s phone rings, and he turns away to answer it.

“Yeah, Dad?” His voice begins to tremble. “What?”

He suddenly goes down on both hands and knees, still clutching the phone. A scream unlike anything else decimates all happiness from my heart.

I immediately run to him and place a hand on his shoulder. “What happened?”

Ares marches to him and goes to his knees in front of him, gripping his face to make him look at him. “Tell me.”

“My mom … is dead.”

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