Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 60

Ares pulls me toward the couch while my insides feel like they’ve been rearranged. But I can feel from his strong grip around my arm he’s not nearly done with me yet.

“Sit on his face,” he says.

“What?” I gasp.

I shriek when he lifts me by the waist and easily sets me down right on top of Blaine.


His tongue spearing me has me gripping the couch armrest.

I look down at him between my legs. “What about oxygen? You won’t be able to—”

“Who needs oxygen when we have you?” He interjects, placing both hands on my ass as he digs in.

Ares grabs something off a shelf, then gets onto the couch too behind me, ignoring Blaine’s still erect shaft as he sits down right on top of it and squashes it underneath his weight.

Blaine groans out of frustration but still continues to lick me, and I’m too lost in lust to care.

I didn’t even notice Caleb’s standing in front of me until he grips my chin and forces me to look at him before he pushes me down onto his length.

“Taste me like I’ve tasted you,” he says, pushing in deep right away.

I gag, but the sound only makes him harder.

“Now spread your ass for me, little slut,” Ares says. “You wanted me, then take all of me in every hole I demand.”

When my hands splay on my butt cheeks, I can feel his piercings poke against my ass.

“Blaine, lick that pussy like your life depends on it,” Ares growls.

A couple of squirts of cold gel, and he slowly pushes inside.

I mewl at the feel of his piercings while he enters me, and it feels so good, I begin to writhe against Blaine’s tongue.

“Oh, fuck yes, darling. Rub yourself all over my lips,” Blaine says.

“But you can’t breathe,” I murmur.

“He wanted to be suffocated, then take his fucking breath with that goddamn perfect pussy of yours,” Ares growls, thrusting in deeper and deeper until I lose all self-control.

I start gyrating on top of Blaine while Caleb takes my mouth and Ares takes my ass.

It’s too much for one person, too much arousal, too much lust all boiling over into another orgasm. Everything feels just that good.

“Yes, that’s it, come for me,” Ares growls, slowly amping up the speed of his thrusts.


Caleb buries himself inside my mouth, and I can taste my own sweetness on his shaft, mingling with the salty taste of Blaine’s cum. “Don’t fucking speak when you’re supposed to be coming, slut.”

“Good boy,” Ares says, and Caleb’s eyes find his behind me, egging him on to go even deeper and make me gag even harder.

But instead of hating these boys who ripped my heart out of my chest, I drown in them and let them sweep me away into their hedonistic, heavenly hell.

Caleb pulls out to allow me a short breath before he rams right back inside, the feeling of his pierced tip poking in the back of my throat only making me gyrate harder on top of Blaine, while Ares buries himself deep within me.

And I mewl against his shaft as they both begin to pulsate inside me.

“Yes, fuck yes,” Caleb groans. “Eat my fucking cum like a good little slut.”

An animalistic groan slips off his tongue as he jets into me, and it makes me wild with lust to the point that my clit begins to throb, and I come undone again.

“Four,” Ares says.

When Caleb pulls out, I whimper, “How?”

“You think I can’t feel your ass contract around my cock?” he muses, snorting. “I can feel you, just like you will feel every inch of me inside you as I fill you to the brim with my fucking cum.”

He buries himself inside me so far, I have to hold the couch.

“Oh God,” I say.

“Yes, pray to me, little rose, and your God will fucking come at your beck and call.”

One. Two. Three more thrusts of his giant dick inside me, and he spends his load in me, jetting so deep into me I can feel him in my abdomen.

I groan and fall over on the couch, completely wasted.

“Can’t. Breathe.”

I lift my hips. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be,” he says, sucking in the breaths. “I love being your ride.”

My cheeks flush from his comment.

Ares steps off the couch and immediately grips my hair, tilting my head back. “Look at me. Look at these words inscribed on my skin. Whose name is this?”

“Mine,” I say.

“Your name, and all that you are, has always belonged to me.” A smirk forms on his face as he leans in and presses his mouth on mine, suffocating me with so much greedy love I’d be grateful to die.

God, this man.

When his lips unlatch, I’m still lost on cloud nine as he brings his pierced tip to my lips. “Now open that pretty mouth and let me own these fucking holes of yours.”

He pinches my nose and makes me part my lips, thrusting in with no mercy as I struggle to take him.

“Oh fuck, I’m so goddamn horny again,” Blaine mewls beneath me.

Caleb climbs on top of the couch behind me. “You whimpering little simp,” he growls. “Fine? You want to be taken care of? Fuck her ass with me, then.”

“Wait, two?” I gasp as Blaine lifts me and crawls back further into the armrest of the couch. Ares has to hover over him to claim my mouth.

Caleb then grips Blaine’s shaft and guides it to my ass, pushing two tips against the entrance. “Yes, you will take both of us like the good little slut you are, won’t you?”

He slowly dips in, and my nails dig into the couch from the sheer thickness of them both inside my ass.

“Oh God, her ass is so tight,” Blaine murmurs beneath me. “Oh yes, just like that, I can feel your piercings. Fuck her harder, please.”

His mouth covers my nipples, and he suckles them like he wants to worship me.

“Fuck, Ares’s cum is such good lube,” Caleb groans, both of them deepening their strokes.

“Good, stretch her fucking holes,” Ares growls at him before returning his attention to me and sinking in farther. “That’s it. Take all of us like the good fucking girl you are.”

They fill me up on both ends, and I can hear Caleb and Blaine moaning as they fit into me, and it’s such a pleasurable ache I nearly fall apart again.

“You going to come from our cocks alone, little rose?” Ares says, bemused by my arousal. “Just like a good, willing slut.”

I nod even though he’s inside me so far tears stain my eyes. Still, he pushes on until he’s balls deep and I’m gagging, struggling to swallow.

“Look into my eyes, Crystal,” he says. “Look at your fucking god enjoying your body to the fullest.”

I can’t help but stare into those gray eyes I once thought soulless, now filled with so much passion I can’t look away. I won’t. Even though it’s like staring into the sun, knowing you’ll get burned. The pain is worth every second.

“Darling, you’re gonna make me come again if you go on like that,” Blaine moans at Caleb.

“Whore,” Caleb groans, thrusting in deep, forcing Blaine inside too.

Blaine’s tongue rolling around my nipple drives me insane as he howls with desire.

“Fuck, I can feel you throb,” Caleb groans, both of them pounding into me with fervor.

“Don’t get distracted, little rose,” Ares growls. “Eyes on me.”

I fixate on his eyes even though I’m being railed on both ends. But that look in Ares’s eyes has subdued me. It’s nothing like before, all the hatred has somehow vanished and been replaced by adoration. My submission has turned him from a monster into a lover, and I want nothing more than to be theirs.

Blaine’s hand finds its way between our bodies, flicking my nub while slathering my nipples in sweet kisses.

A moan escapes my lips, and Ares thrusts into my mouth, making me gurgle. Tears spring into my eyes as he squeezes my throat while fucking me, feeling himself go down my throat, almost like he savors the power he holds over me.

“Caleb. Blaine. You come on my command,” Ares growls.

As he hits the back of my throat, he remains put. “Hold it.”

Fuck. I can’t breathe.

But Ares’s penetrative stare calms me. “Trust. Me.”

Blaine’s lips cover my nipple, and he nibbles lightly while his fingers slide up and down my slit and roll around my most sensitive spot.


Caleb’s howl and Blaine’s aching moan reverberate through the room, and I can feel them spurt their cum into my ass, pushing me over the edge. I fall apart with them just from the sheer depravity of it all. Right then, Ares arches his back and jets into my throat, forcing me to swallow it all down.

An avalanche of cum has brought me to the highest peak imaginable, and I don’t want to take the journey down. Until I hear Ares’s voice and all I feel is pride. “Five.”


When Caleb finally pulls out, she slumps over the couch, breathing ragged breaths. I was planning on continuing until she had ten orgasms, but maybe we pushed her too far.

I lift her from Blaine’s face with an arm around her belly and carry her away.

“What the—I can walk, you know,” she says.

“No. You’ve expended enough energy. After today, it’s about time you had a rest,” I respond, setting her on my bed. “And I’m not taking no for an answer.”

“God, I need a chiropractor now. But it was worth it,” Blaine muses as he gets up from the couch.

“It wasn’t your butthole that got stretched to the max.” Caleb grins.

Blaine folds his arms and throws him back a smirk. “Darling, I’d let both of you stretch mine. All you need to do is ask.”

“Really?” Caleb retorts with furrowed brows.

“I’m just saying, my ass is always available, I don’t discriminate what enters.” Blaine raises a brow. “As long as it’s cleaned properly.”

Caleb’s eyes narrow, his lip twitching as his fist hardens. “Are you telling me I’m filthy?”

“You’re a pig, darling,” Blaine says, blowing him an air-kiss. “But a cute one. Like a little piglet. Oink. Oink.”

Caleb’s eyes boil over with rage as he raises his hand, ready to strike. “You motherf—”

“Caleb,” I warn. “Blaine.” Both of them stop whatever they were doing and focus on Crystal, and I can finally see their tenseness relax. “Enough.”

I put Crystal’s head down on my pillow and put the blanket over her, before I press my lips to hers, claiming that sweet, sweet aftertaste of hellish hedonistic enjoyment. And when she kisses me back, my heart almost beats out of my chest.

Kissing her makes me feel like the most powerful man on earth.

Like I could scorch the entire planet just to have her.

When I come back to a stand, my wound cracks open again, and I hiss in pain.

Her eyes shoot up to mine in panic, the kind of panic I haven’t witnessed in anyone else but Caleb, and it makes me pause.

“You’re still hurt,” she says.

“I’m fine,” I say, raising a brow at her. “Now sleep.”

She defiantly crosses her arms on the bed. “I’m fine. I don’t need sleep.”

Parroting me like a kid?

The filthy half smile on her face makes me tilt my head. This little rose is sharpening her thorns, and I’m not sure I entirely loathe it.

“Crystal …” I mutter.


“She looks adorable when she thinks she can win this from you,” Blaine murmurs, rubbing his own cheek.

“I’ll go grab the kit,” Caleb says, walking to the cabinet with supplies I keep in my bathroom.

I sigh out loud. “You really don’t have to—”

Crystal suddenly grabs my hand, and my mind goes numb. “Let him help you. Please.”

The way she looks at me has me momentarily stunned.

Caleb sits down behind me on the bed and says, “Sit down, please. I can’t reach the wound if you don’t.”

Grumbling, I do what they want me to, and Caleb unscrews the bottle, dabbing the cotton into the alcohol before shoving it straight into the wound.

The pain doesn’t faze me nearly as much as her warm hand squeezing mine, an unfamiliar feeling rushing to bring life to the shriveled-up heart still miraculously beating behind this rib cage.

“Do you need any help with that, darling?” Blaine asks.

“No, thanks,” Caleb growls back.

Blaine lifts his fingers and makes a claw. “Rawr.”

Caleb sighs behind me. “Can I kill him?”

Crystal snorts and hides her laughter behind her hand.

“No, you cannot,” I reply in all seriousness. “You need him, and he needs you.”

“Don’t be mad at me, darling,” Blaine says, approaching. “I’m just having fun with you.”

“There, all done,” Caleb says after he places the final suture and pats down the wound with some alcohol.

“Thanks,” I say, and I turn around to grab his face and kiss him on the lips.

His kisses are so different from hers, much more needy, but both taste divine. And I’ll be damned if I don’t have both of them.

“I mean it,” I say.

He leans his forehead against mine. “I know.”

“God, I’m so fucking tired,” Blaine says, yawning wildly.

I crawl onto the bed behind Crystal and drag her to me. “Caleb. Blaine. Lie down.

“What? In your bed?” Blaine asks with widened eyes.

“Is there a problem with my bed?” I retort.

His cheeks redden. “No. But you’ve never asked me before.”

“Don’t make me change my mind,” I say.

A smile forms on his face before he crawls onto the bed and lies down next to Crystal, with his back turned to her. “I want to be the little spoon.”

She wraps her arms around his giant body and laughs.

Caleb rolls his eyes and jumps between us, separating me from my girl.

“Scoot over,” he says, squeezing in, rubbing his butt against me.

“Caleb.” I sigh. “Fine, come here.” And I wrap my arm around both of them, then close my eyes. “Good night.”

“If this is going to be our new normal now,” Crystal mutters. “Then I’m not a prisoner anymore, and I will be going to school tomorrow.”

My whole body jolts up. “What?”

Is she insane?

She just got home after being taken by a bunch of traffickers, and she wants to go to school?

She doesn’t even look at me, but that mischievous grin makes me want to stab her with my dick for being such a bad fucking girl. “Good night.”

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