Chapter: 504

Lyla’s heart sank. She had a terrible feeling about this. She quickly logged into the company’s intranet

to see what was going on. Sure enough, the post was back up.

But this time, the anonymous account had been stripped of its anonymity and her own profile picture

had been used in its place.

Trembling, Lyla clicked on the post and felt her stomach drop as she saw the contents.

It was a series of photos showing her with different men, entering and leaving a hotel room. Her mind

went blank with shock. ©

The comments were even worse.

“Wow, Lyla really knows how to entertain so many men. I wonder how she does it.”

“Lyla, the social butterfly of SJ Entertainment, is living up to her name.”

“It’s funny that she had the nerve to post about Ariana. She obviously has more interesting stories


“Oh my god, why are there photos of them in bed? How could she even sleep with such a fat man?”

“Did you see what’s even juicier? The second to last photo is Mr. Russell, the manager of the technical

operations department!”

“Whoa! Mr. Russell’s daughter is about the same age as Lyla. He seems like such a simple person.

How could he be seduced by a temptress like Lyla? This is just shocking.”

“Wait, isn’t Lyla married?”

Lyla’s hands shook as she held her phone. She had never expected her secrets to be revealed like

this. She had thought she was being discreet, but now everyone thought she was a whore. @

“Lyla, calm down,” the tall man said mockingly. “It’s all out in the open now. Why don’t you tell us who

else you’ve slept with?” He never liked Lyla to begin with. To him, she was just a soulless husk with a

pretty face.

“Fuck off!” Lyla’s rage boiled over, and she struggled to keep it under control. The hushed whispers

around her made her feel like a spectacle, and even her close colleagues looked at her with suspicion.

Frantically, she clicked the delete button, but to her horror, it didn’t work. She tried repeatedly, but the

post remained firmly in place, mocking her. In desperation, she attempted to deactivate the account,

but a message appeared, informing her that she lacked the necessary authorization.

Damn it! Why did this happen?! ©

When Ariana went to the public office area to get some files, she noticed many people looking at their

phones and whispering.

She felt something was definitely wrong. Instinctively, she took out her phone and went online.

The intranet was restored, and Lyla got into trouble.

Ariana quickly read the viral post and couldn’t help but think that Theodore’s retaliation against Lyla

was pretty ruthless. She couldn’t help but wonder how he had managed to dig up those photos of Lyla

in such a short time.

Lyla’s private life was so messy that people who didn’t know her might think she was sleeping with

different men to get through the cuffing season. ©

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