Chapter: 503

Ariana waited calmly for the elevator, smiling to herself. Now they were scared. Just because she had a

good temperament didn’t mean that Theodore was easy to deal with. Why did they have to mess with


Lyla glared at her and demanded, “Did you do this?”

Ariana smiled and nodded. “Yes, I told my sugar daddy about it. Just wait and see.”

With that, she stepped into the elevator and left without looking back, leaving her colleagues with

uneasy expressions.

“Lyla, do you think something’s really wrong?” a round-faced girl asked cautiously.

Lyla’s narrow eyebrows furrowed as she sneered, “What are you afraid of? No matter how powerful

that bald sugar daddy is, he can’t control what happens inside our company. This is Anderson Group’s


She didn’t believe that Ariana could really have landed a top rich and powerful sugar daddy.

Though Lyla’s family wasn’t filthy rich, she had seen all kinds of wealthy people in the entertainment

and media industry. In her experience, there was no bald or fat person like the one they had just seen.

If there was, the media would have already exposed him.

“Lyla, I think we should be more careful. Don’t mess with Ariana,” another woman, long-faced and

chubby, advised.

Lyla grew impatient. “The post has already been sent, and almost everyone in the company knows

about it. We used an anonymous account, so it can’t be traced back to us. Plus, I deleted the post

before the internal network went down, so there’s no trace left at all. Stop being such a coward. There’s

nothing to be afraid of.”

Ariana happily returned to her office and shot Theodore a message, “Hey, Mr. Sugar Daddy! Did you

work your magic?”

Meanwhile, Theodore had just wrapped up a video conference and was staring at his phone. As soon

as he saw Ariana’s message, a smile crept onto his face. He quickly responded with a message that

had a dagger emoji whizzing through the air, “Just sit tight and watch. I’m going to teach the person

behind this a lesson he or she will never forget.”

Ariana felt grateful to have someone in her corner. She was pleased to see that Theodore was angered

on her behalf.

But before she could bask in her gratitude, Theodore’s next message took her by surprise, “Can you

believe they had the audacity to call me bald, greasy, and fat? No one has ever insulted me like this


Ariana couldn’t help but roll her eyes at Theodore’s outrage. So this was the source of his anger.

In the afternoon, the company’s intranet returned to normal, and the turmoil that had already subsided

broke out again.

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