Karen was secretly wondering whether she should redirect her subordinates to investigate the expenses incurred when the patient was hospitalized. This way, she could trace the funds directly and find out more about the person who got into a conflict with the patient.

There was a slight flutter in her thoughts.

Susan remained composed, sipping her coffee and observing Karen's changing expressions.

She was aware of Pierre's broken leg and knew that Karen's thoughts were now leaning toward him. As an heir destined to end up with a limp, Pierre held little significance. It explained why Karen was so anxious to find someone to treat him.

"Madam Mallory?" Susan softly reminded her when she noticed Karen was deep in thought. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing. I was thinking about what you said earlier. Madam Crawford, thank you for reminding me," replied Karen. Even though Susan could not offer much help in this matter, she did play a certain role. "Don't mention it. Even if I hadn't mentioned it, you would've figured it out yourself," said Susan. Something crossed her mind when she saw Karen in such a state.

It seemed that Karen was genuinely interested in Luca.

Otherwise, she would not have inquired about her.

If Luca had the ability to help Karen treat Pierre, her relationship with the Mallory family could become even closer in the future.

Susan felt uneasy at the thought of this. She thought Luca was just an ignorant woman relying on men to climb up the social ladder. What made her think that she could rely on the Crawford family and still seek support from the Mallory family?

However, Susan kept rational and stopped herself from spilling anything. She knew that once she said it out loud, it would mean acknowledging the relationship between Luke and Luca.

Susan suddenly felt magnanimous for going the extra mile to cover up for Luke.

Once Karen's thoughts started to wander, she appeared to be preoccupied. She was no longer as engaged in the conversation.

Her mind was occupied with Pierre's situation, and she had no interest in gossiping with Susan about other matters.

Susan could see Karen was distracted but said nothing. She simply sipped her coffee and eventually told her that she had something to attend to and needed to go home.

Karen let out a sigh of relief. After settling the bill, she saw Susan out. Then, she quickly returned to her car and began making a phone call, instructing her subordinates to change their focus. The driver, who had been waiting in the driver's seat, asked, "Madam, where to now?"

"Home," answered Karen. She had no other place to go at the moment, and her priority was to confirm if Luca had the capability she was rumored to possess.

If it was true, Karen would find a way to persuade her to treat Pierre even though they had disagreements in the past.

If Luca refused to help her, she was willing to go as far as kidnapping her to make her agree.

Pierre was her priority!

"Yes, Madam." The driver nodded. When he started the car engine, Karen remembered that Nina seemed to have a good relationship with Luca. She changed her mind about going home. "No. Take me to Percy's villa," instructed Karen.

"Madam, I'm afraid we can't enter the neighborhood now after what happened last time," reminded the driver.

"That's true..." Karen frowned. After what happened last time, it would be even more difficult to meet Nina.

"Besides, our sources report that she's no longer staying there. She's staying in Luke's villa now. It might be even harder for you to meet her if you go there." The driver reminded Karen that they had been tracking Nina's whereabouts.

The reason was simple. It was to catch evidence of Nina betraying Percy.

Percy could not tolerate betrayal. If he found out that Nina had betrayed him, he would never accept it, no matter how stubborn he was.

Karen furrowed her brows tightly, realizing that amidst her recent thoughts about Pierre, she had forgotten about this matter.

"Ah, forget it. Let's go home. I don't believe this stubborn girl can hide in Luke's place forever," said Karen.

The driver remained silent. He initially wanted to say that Nina would move back when Percy came back from his business trip.

Hence, it was nearly impossible for her to cause Nina trouble.

"Madam, I'll start driving. Please fasten your seatbelt," reminded the driver. Then, he drove in the direction of the villa.


Night fell, and the villa became lively due to Old Master Crawford's arrival.

Luca and Aunt Neile were in the kitchen, while Nina assisted them in preparing a sumptuous dinner.

"Luca, your home-cooked food smells so good. Maybe I should pay some rent and food expenses. Let me stay here from now on," Nina could not help but swallow her saliva while looking at those dishes. It was not because she was a big eater. Luca just had the talent to make her crave food.

"Sure, I'm fine with it. But are you sure Mr. Mallory won't mind?" Luca asked with a smiling expression. "I'm afraid he might not be happy if you continue to stay here."

"It's simple. Let him move in too. The guest rooms here are big enough. We can split the rent. Wouldn't that be great?" replied Nina with a smile on her face.

"Besides, he's always complaining about how skinny I am and that I should eat more. I think I can eat more only if I live here. That's why he wouldn't mind."

"No problem. If you both are okay with it, you're welcome to stay here anytime." Luca went along with her as she knew Nina was just joking. "Okay, please help me carry the dishes out. Let's get ready for dinner."

After that, Luca filled the plate with blanched vegetables.

"Alright," replied Nina. She put on heat-resistant gloves and helped to serve the dishes on the table.

In no time, a table full of delicious dishes was served.

Old Master Crawford sat happily in the usual spot where Luke usually sat and exclaimed, "Luca, did you prepare all these?"

"No, Aunt Neil and Nina helped too." Luca shook her head, not taking all the credit for herself.

Nina immediately chimed in, "Grandpa, I didn't help much. Luca and Aunt Neile did most of the preparation."

Aunt Neile, who had also joined the table for dinner, added, "I only helped out. The bulk of the job was done by Ms. Craw."

"Smells good." Old Master Crawford knew that Luca was exceptionally skilled in cooking. His appetite surged while looking at the bountiful spread.

The three kids were no different.

Tommy eagerly eyed the dishes and could not help but urge, "Great-grandpa, let's start the meal. I'm hungry."

"Alright, let's eat," said Old Master Crawford, beaming with joy.

As soon as he finished his sentence, Lanie picked up a piece of fish and said, "Great-grandpa, have some fish. There's no bones."

"Oh, my precious great-grandson is such a sweetheart." Old Master Crawford affectionately patted Lanie's head and then picked up the fish.

Tommy also wanted to imitate his elder brother and serve his great-grandpa some food.

Just as he was about to stand up, Mr. Griffin said, "Young Master Tommy, let me handle it. Enjoy your meal."

"Okay, Mr. Griffin." Tommy had no choice but to give up the thought of it.

Luca then served Nina a piece of grilled lobster tail and said, "Tell me how it tastes."

Nina responded with a cheerful smile, "Thank you."

Luke watched the interaction between the two of them, feeling a bit uncomfortable. Why did he feel like a woman could become his romantic rival?

He whispered in Luca's ear, "I want some too."

Luca looked at him in surprise. She was about to tell him to go ahead and serve himself. However, when she caught his gaze, she suddenly understood that he wanted her to do it. He was getting jealous over Nina.

Luca could not help but find it amusing. Luke, a grown man, was jealous over Nina. It was kind of... cute. "Here. Try it and tell me how it is." Luca picked up a piece of grilled lobster tail and placed it on his plate.

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