Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle
Chapter 3048 Family’s Reputation

"Madam Crawford, what's the matter?" Karen saw her in such a state and asked again.

"Oh, nothing much. I was just thinking about something. Madam Mallory, you didn't invite me out for coffee just to talk about fashion, did you?" Susan no longer wanted to listen to her talking about those fashion brands, lest her desire to shop be stirred up again.

"Of course not!" Karen shook her head. At that moment, the door of the private room was knocked before it was pushed open. A waiter walked in carrying Susan's coffee.

"Madam Crawford, here's your coffee." The waiter carefully placed the coffee in front of Susan. He then turned around and left, closing the door behind him.

The aroma of coffee filled the room, but Susan's enthusiasm remained low. She went straight to the point and asked Karen, "Madam Mallory, the coffee is here. Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I saw in the news before that Luke is having an affair?" As Karen noticed that Susan had no intention of discussing luxury brands, she went straight to her intended topic. Susan raised her eyebrows. It was indeed related to Luke.

She knew Karen would not have invited her out just to discuss luxury brands. It seemed that she wanted to ask about the rumored relationship between Luke and Luca.

However, was it not her who informed the reporters about this rumor in the first place?

Logically speaking, she should be more aware of the situation.

"It shouldn't be true, right? Hasn't it been clarified? It was just those reporters making a fuss over nothing, creating stories that don't exist." Even though Susan was not fond of Luke, she knew that the reputation of her family needed to be maintained.

She was not sure about Karen's ultimate purpose for asking her out, but her mind was clear. Some things were better left unsaid. She should not fall into someone else's trap.

"Really? Is it just a misunderstanding?" Karen put on a surprised expression.

"It's been clarified. There's no need to believe in such news." Susan picked up the cup of coffee and took a sip. She could taste that the coffee beans were of high quality, but she did not like the taste of the coffee itself.

It was not from the coffee shop she usually went to.

That was why the taste was different, and she could not say she liked it.

"True, it's better to believe the parties involved." Karen had heard that Susan had moved out of Crawford Manor and was not on good terms with Luke. Therefore, she thought that Susan might not be aware of the information she had leaked to the reporters.

"Yes, you know, those reporters insist on making up stories when they see young people getting along well. But Luke is different from those celebrities. I don't know why they keep latching onto him as if he were a star," continued Susan.

"Indeed, those reporters have quite the knack for gossip. But to be honest, isn't this situation a result of Luke and Luca being close to each other?" Karen continued along the lines of Susan's words while she secretly muttered to herself.

They were a family, indeed. They did not get along well, but they still spoke up for each other in situations like this.

They could really keep secrets for each other...

What Karen said made Susan frown. Deep down, she was starting to get impatient. What was she up to? "Madam Mallory, you didn't ask me out just to gossip about Luke, right?"

"Haha, of course not!" Karen awkwardly chuckled and took a sip of her coffee. She then slowly said, "Allow me to speak openly. Is it true that Luca has a good relationship with the Crawford family too?" "She's close with Old Master Crawford. She even sent a bunch of herbs over today, claiming that they'll help improve the old master's health. Why are you curious about this? Does Old Master Mallory want Luca to help to improve his health too?"

Susan almost caught on to Karen's purpose for inviting her out for coffee.

"No, Old Master Mallory has professional nutritionists and naturopathic doctors to take care of his health. Besides, I wouldn't be the one to talk about the old master's affairs. If he really wanted Luca's help, he would've approached her or discussed it with Old Master Crawford."

Karen shook her head, took two quick breaths, and then went straight to the point.

"Well, my son, Pierre, injured his leg. I heard that Luca's dry needling skills are good. She even helped someone with a head injury through performing dry needling and physical therapy, and that person eventually recovered well.

"So, I want to find out if Luca is really that skilled." Karen expressed her thoughts.

Susan secretly let out a cold snort. It was indeed because of Luca.

This was unexpected.

She thought it was about Luke's gossip.

"I don't know how skilled she is. I do know that Luca has helped others. Madam Mallory, you're asking the wrong person. I haven't received any treatment from Luca.

"Old Master Crawford has received her treatment, but I can't tell based on his situation. Why don't you ask the old master yourself?

"Oh, by the way, you mentioned she helped someone else, right? Given the resources of the Mallory family, it should be easy to find out who that person is. Why don't you investigate and find out for yourself? After all, Luca won't be able to fool anyone."

"You're right." Karen smiled. What Susan said was something she was already doing.

However, she heard that the person Luca saved was a troublemaker, and locating this person would take some time. He seemed to have returned to the countryside with his mother after recovering.

As for their location, it would require further investigation. The hospital had no records, so the nurses had no idea about it.

As for approaching Old Master Crawford, she really did not have the guts to do so...

After all, she had a falling out with him two days ago. She was even forced by Old Master Mallory to apologize to him. She wanted to preserve her dignity, and no matter what happened, she would not show up in front of Old Master Crawford for the time being.

"Madam Mallory?" Susan called out to her when she noticed Karen was keeping silent.

"Yes?" Karen came back to her senses.

"What's on your mind?" asked Susan.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about what you said just now. Actually, I know about that guy, and I want to send someone to verify it too. But he's no longer in A City. That's why it'll take some time for my subordinates to find him.

"You mentioned asking Old Master Crawford, but I think it's better not to bother him." Karen expressed it in a polite way.

She believed that Susan, who had moved out, probably did not know about the matter of her apologizing to Old Master Crawford a few days ago.

"Oh, yes, if that person has left A City, it'll take some time to find him. But this guy must have contacted someone. Perhaps you can look into it. You might find out something without needing to ask him. "You can just ask someone related to the incident. It might yield the same results," suggested Susan.

Her words struck a chord with Karen.

Karen's subordinates who investigated the matter said that the man was injured in a conflict with someone else, and the other person was willing to take full responsibility. He covered the medical and nutritiona expenses. That was why the police were not involved.

Since that person was willing to take responsibility for everything, he probably knew the specific situation of that man.

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