Chapter 507 Ended for Good


“He’s not a good person, and you have no idea how cunning he is,” Evan said. “Caroline, promise me


to let yourself get hurt because of me.”

Tears streamed from Caroline’s reddened eyes as she fought back sobs, biting her lower lip to stifle her

cries. The pain in her chest made it hard to breathe after hearing his belated apology

Why did he wait so long to say this? Why now, when our relationship can’t continue?

A moist spot appeared on her shoulder.

Caroline’s body grew tense. ‘Is he crying?‘

He had seemed so unshakable, impervious to emotions. But there he was with tears in his eyes,


her to stay away from Casey.

Caroline tried to speak, but her words choked in her throat. The car filled with a heavy sorrow.

Evan eventually withdrew his arms and said tremblingly, “I won’t bother you from now on. Go.”

Caroline wiped her tears and whispered, “Okay”

She opened the door and left.

Reuben was astonished at how quickly Caroline had departed.

‘Didn’t Mr. Jordan force her to stay?’ he thought.

Reuben returned to the car and realized the situation as he saw Evan with his eyes tightly shut in the

rearview mirror. ‘Mr. Jordan and Ms. Shenton must have ended their relationship for good this time.”

Meanwhile, at Bayview Villa.

Kenny savored the supper prepared by Eira in the dining room. After a long day’s work, he wished he

could devour the entire bowl.

“Eira, this is delicious! Please teach me how to make this sometime,” Kenny complimented, his mouth

still full,

Eira playfully asked, “So you can cook for your future wife?”

“No, no, I want to cook for Caroline because she neglects herself,” Kenny replied after swallowing his


Just as he finished speaking, the door swung open.


Kenny and Eira turned to the foyer simultaneously. Kenny dropped his utensils with a clatter upon


Caroline, her eyes red from crying.

Rushing to her side, Kenny asked, “What happened, G?”

Caroline turned away, headed for the staircase, and replied hoarsely, “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.”

“What do you mean, ‘don’t worry about you? Is it because of Grayson Xander? I thought Neil was


you,” Kenny persisted, catching up to her.

“It’s not because of that. Please, let’s not talk about it,” Caroline said.

“How can I not worry when you’re like this? Did something go wrong at work?” Kenny blocked her path.

Caroline stopped and kept her head lowered, remaining silent.

Kenny grew frustrated. “I feel so helpless when you act like this!”

Caroline clenched her lower lip, tears welling up. “He and I are done for good…”

“He? Who is he?” Kenny asked, his confusion evident..

Suddenly, realization dawned on him. ‘Is it that scumbag?”

Caroline’s tears flowed anew.

Kenny’s eyes widened in shock. “Are you crying over him? I thought you moved on ages ago!”

“It’s not easy to let go of someone you love.” Eira chimed in, passing Caroline tissues.

“You have no idea the injustice and hardship G has endured because of that scumbag.” Kenny


to Eira.

“The more you suffer, the more it becomes an unrelenting obsession,” Eira added,

to bis

Kenny wanted to argue but could not, silently agreeing due to his lingering attachment to his ex.

“Damn it…” he muttered to himself.

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