Chapter 384 They Will Be Sentenced

Kenny said, “Ms. Lynch, why won’t you answer me?”

Naomi said, “The renovation will take at least a month.”

Kenny frowned “A month isn’t too long, but the factory is giving us a week to vacate the place. The

remaining time is the issue!”

Naomi kept quiet, and Kenny did not speak further.

Kenny called up Caroline when he returned to the office.

Caroline picked up and said anxiously. “Have you checked with the factory manager on the inventory

quantity, Kenny?”

Kenny said, “I did. We don’t have any inventory because the order quantity is too high!”

For the first time, Caroline felt having a high order quantity was not a good thing.

Alex had yet to update her about the factory situation, so she had no idea what her next step should


Kenny leaned against the chair and said, “When will you be back, G? I don’t feel confident without


Caroline checked her injuries. “A week…”

“So long? Have you reached out to the factory owner? What did they say?” Kenny asked.

Caroline said, “They have yet to answer me.”

“Fuck! Are they playing tricks on us?” Kenny snapped.

“Not really. It is well–written in the contract that the penalty for breaking the contract is three. times the

rent. It’s unnecessary for them to play a trick on us at the loss of their money.”

“They just want to go against us then!” Kenny snarled.

“Yes. Did the people who come to the factory tell you to vacate the place in a week?”

Kenny said, “Yes! However, it’s not easy to lease another factory in a week. You should know that our

fabric is just at a self–sufficient level. If we are looking to lease a factory, we need one for textile

production and another for clothing production!”

Caroline kept quiet and said after a long while, “Hmm, understood. I’ll figure out a way.”


“Sure. I’m here. Don’t worry! Oh, right, remember to call the children at night because they miss

you badly.”


Caroline’s gaze landed on the bandage on her body after hanging up.

She pondered for a while and grabbed her phone. She was about to call the factory owner to

inquire when she received an unknown number’s call.

Caroline picked up the call. “Hello.”

“Ms. Shenton, this is Officer Raymond Holt from Angelbay’s public security sub–bureau. The legal

process on the case of Jade Shenton and Gregory Laweson’s theft and Brandon Shenton’s extortion

have been completed. Do you intend to settle privately or go through legal procedures on your end?

Caroline had almost forgotten about the Shentons‘ case. “I don’t want to settle privately, sir. We

shall go through the legal procedures to determine the guilt and liability.”

Raymond said, “Sure. The remaining issue will be on the house and car. May I inquire if you.

purchased those for them willingly?”

Caroline said, “No.”

“Alright. They will be sentenced according to law,” Raymond said and hung up.

Caroline then called Jayden Clothing’s factory owner.

After a long time, the person finally answered. The man’s laughter echoed through the phone

before he spoke. “Wow, it’s been quite some time, Ms. Shenton. I’ve heard your business is thriving


Caroline replied, “My small company can’t compare to yours, Mr. Curry. I’m calling because I’m in.

trouble, aren’t I?”

Jayden Curry responded. “Ms. Shenton, it’s not the right way to discuss this, is it?”

“That’s not the case, Mr. Curry. Are you free tonight? Let’s meet up in Regal Restaurant over dinner,

*Caroline said smilingly.

Jayden said, “I can’t decline your generous invitation, can I?‘

Caroline said, “I shall send the private room reservation to your phone later.”


The smile on Caroline’s face faded after hanging up.

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