The Wrong Woman
Chapter 503

Lately, Mila had been receiving various food and supplies at the military base.

She got used to it until today when Cole came five times. He brought fruit and pastries twice each, and finally, he brought some books.

Mila thought it was strange. She initially thought Nathan was acting oddly, but now it was Cole. The last time Cole came to Mila's door, he had books with him, but he seemed to be searching the dorm.

"Where's Phoebe?" he asked.

"Phoebe's inside. Do you want to come in?" Mila replied with a smile.

Cole hesitated, then handed the books to Mila and said, "It's fine. Can you ask her to unblock me? I need to talk to her."

Mila liked the thought of Cole and Phoebe being together. She asked softly, "When did you upset her?"

"Must have been this morning," Cole answered, his expression filled with concern.

Mila thought briefly before saying, "Then you'll just have to wait. She'll probably unblock you by tomorrow. She usually only stays mad for a day at most."

"Okay, thanks."

Mila closed the door and entered the room. Inside, she spotted Phoebe snacking and watching drama in the corner.

"Are you and Cole a thing?" she couldn't resist asking.

Phoebe blushed and nearly choked on her snack. She was taken aback. She coughed while trying to cover her mouth, then hastily denied, "Mila, that's absurd! There's nothing between us." Mila settled onto the couch, casually flipping through a book, and asked, "But don't you have feelings for Cole?"

Phoebe felt uneasy but pretended to be calm as she replied, "I don't have feelings for him."

"Well, Cole seems to have feelings for you."

Phoebe's cheeks reddened. "I don't care who he has feelings for. I wouldn't be interested in a guy like him. He's not worth it," she said irritatedly.

Focused on her book, Mila asked casually, "What's wrong with him?"

Phoebe replied grumpily, "He's too friendly with everyone. He acts all buddy-buddy with Fenna. That woman hangs around Cole even though it's obvious she likes General Morrison. She truly annoys me." At the mention of Fenna, Mila paused.

People like Fenna, who craved attention, were always trouble. She pretended to treat male friends like brothers in public but flirted shamelessly with them behind closed doors.

Mila didn't want Nathan to think she was a jealous person. If she let Fenna get to her, Nathan might think she was being petty and causing unnecessary drama.

But if Mila ignored Fenna, she knew Fenna would try to meddle in her relationship with Nathan under the guise of being a caring friend. In reality, she was just waiting for a chance to interfere.

Feeling uneasy, Mila decided to take action. She closed her book and announced, "I'm moving to Nathan's dorm."

Surprised, Phoebe asked, "Are you and Nathan okay now?"

Mila put down the book and went to her closet. She started tossing clothes onto her bed. "Phoebe, help me pack."

Grabbing a suitcase, Phoebe packed alongside her and asked, "Mila, what's going on suddenly?"

Mila looked at Phoebe and explained solemnly, "If I keep arguing with Nathan, won't that just be playing into Fenna's hands?"

Phoebe nodded and agreed, "Exactly. Fenna wants to mess things up between you and General Morrison."

"So, don't take it out on Cole because of Fenna. It would only hurt him, and Fenna would be the only one winning." "Got it, Mila."

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