The Wrong Woman
Chapter 502

Mila had warned Nathan earlier about a possible spy in their research department, and he took her concern seriously.

As her curiosity grew, she quietly asked, "Who's the important target you planned to catch with my data?"

"It depends on who we catch," Nathan replied with a kiss on her forehead.

Mila was dying to know more. She leaned forward and asked, "Can you share the plan with me?"

"No, your priority right now is to rest and look after yourself and the baby," Nathan firmly refused.

"I won't get involved. Can I just know the plan?"


Mila pleaded softly, "Nate, please tell me, okay?"

Nathan's heart softened at the sound of her voice, but he held firm for her and the baby's safety. "Just wait for the good news, and don't worry."

He looked at her gently and tucked her hair behind her ear. "We'll find your family soon if everything goes well."

Upon hearing Nathan mention family, Mila felt a sudden rush of longing and pain. She hugged him tightly, buried her face in his chest, and closed her eyes to soothe her heartache. Suddenly, the office door swung open. "Nate, there's another meeting later—" Fenna stopped short as she entered and saw them on the couch.

Mila quickly stood up from Nathan's lap. The fact that Fenna had entered without knocking made her angry and speechless.

Concerned that Mila might react strongly, Nathan gently held her waist and urged, "Be careful."

Mila wasn't afraid of Fenna seeing them. Rather, she worried about Nathan's reputation if they were seen cuddling in the office, where such behavior was inappropriate. Fenna's face turned sour, but she pretended to remain calm as she said, "Ms. Hoffis, this is the office."

Just as Mila was about to speak, Nathan interrupted in a disgruntled tone, "Since you know this is the office, remember to knock next time you come in."

Fenna looked at Nathan in confusion and argued, "I've never knocked before."

"Bad habits must be broken," Nathan said firmly. Then, he pulled Mila over to sit beside him and ordered Fenna, "Go get a cup of warm milk."

Fenna's expression darkened. She stood motionless, balling her fists and clenching her teeth.

Mila quickly intervened, "It's okay. I won't have anything." She didn't want to risk drinking the milk Fenna had delivered. She thought Nathan was being rather insensitive. "You carry on with your work. I'm going back to get some rest," Mila whispered to Nathan as she stood up and made her way to the door.

Nathan was on her heels and said, "I'll go with you."

"It's fine. I'll just text Phoebe and have her come over."

Mila felt Fenna's intense hostility as she walked past her. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks.

Nathan gently took her hand and asked, "What's wrong?"

Instead of answering Nathan, Mila turned to Fenna and said, "Ms. Hudson, I hope you understand boundaries when it comes to someone else's husband."

Fenna's face fell. She remained silent as she felt her rage seething within her.

Nathan smiled helplessly as he said, "Don't overthink it."

He led Mila out of the office. Even though Phoebe had arrived, he insisted on escorting Mila back to her dorm.

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