The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 465

In Sunterland, Mila's secret return sparked considerable excitement among the nation's leaders, who personally greeted her.

However, the jubilation was short-lived as Mila promptly submitted her resignation letter.

Despite her continual efforts to quit, her requests were consistently turned down.

Several counselors were dispatched to engage with Mila, providing guidance and trying to convince her to stay.

With Phoebe's absence, the research institute arranged for a new assistant to manage Mila's daily affairs.

Mila remained occupied with her work during the days but dedicated additional time to preparing for her departure.

She meticulously compiled all her research on hydronium into comprehensive data reports to be handed over to the government.

A month elapsed.

At 7:00 am, Mila awoke feeling uneasy, rushing to the bathroom with the urge to vomit.

Her stomach churned violently, yet she struggled to expel anything, experiencing dry heaves instead.

After a spell of vomiting, Mila rinsed her mouth and hastened back to her room, unlocking the safe.

Aside from important documents, the safe contained over a dozen early pregnancy test kits. Among them, a few had already been used.

Each day, she held onto the hope of a positive result, but her previous tests had repeatedly disappointed her, trapping her in a relentless cycle of letdowns.

As a result, her emotions were continually entwined with anxiety.

This time, with a trembling heart, she entered the bathroom.

Standing before the sink, Mila scrutinized the pregnancy test strip in her hand, her heartbeat echoing in her ears.

The strip underwent a gradual transformation, transitioning from a single clear red line to the emergence of a second line.

As both lines materialized simultaneously, Mila couldn't contain her excitement. She instinctively covered her mouth, tears welling up in her eyes. Her heart raced, and her hands shook uncontrollably.

Her immediate thought was of Nathan.

She longed to return to Norvania, to deliver the news to him face-to- face: "Nathan, I'm pregnant! I want to marry you."

Exiting the bathroom, Mila reached for the landline phone in the room but hesitated abruptly.

In an instant, she remembered that the phones in the research institute were monitored for security purposes.

Thus, she hesitated to make the call.

Mila slowly lowered the phone, only to feel her stomach churn once more. Hastily, she made her way to the bathroom, her hand covering her mouth.

"Urgh..." Echoes of retching filled the room incessantly.

This time, Mila expelled acidic fluid, and with each heave, even bile began to rise.

She steadied her weakened body as she continued to vomit. After rinsing her mouth, she tenderly caressed her abdomen, whispering, "Stay strong, little one. Your parents’ happiness relies on you."

Having previously rejected Mila's resignation requests five times, the director of the research institute, Davis Bowen, was surprised to receive her sixth resignation report.

He promptly made his way to Mila's laboratory.

Mila was engrossed in typing data on her computer when she spotted Davis approaching. Politely, she stood up from her seat and greeted him, “Hello, Mr. Bowen."

Trembling slightly, Davis held the report in his hands and nervously asked, "Mila, it seems from your resignation report that you've mentioned being pregnant.”

Mila gestured for Davis to take a seat on a nearby chair and poured him a cup of tea.

Furrowing his brow, Davis raised his hand to decline her offer, saying, "Don't worry about me. Let's just sit down and talk. Is it true that the father of your child is the Defense General of Norvania?"

Sitting across from Davis, Mila calmly explained, "Mr. Bowen, as I stated in my previous report, I married the Norvanian general following my memory loss in Norvania."

Davis' expression morphed into one of concern. "But you weren't pregnant at that time, were you?"

"Yes, that's correct. I wasn't pregnant at that time. However, after my memory returned, I struggled to break away from him emotionally. Our connection remained strong, and before I realized it, I found myself pregnant.”

Davis sighed heavily, looking somewhat helpless.

After a prolonged silence, he gently declined her once more, saying, "Mila, as a scientist, you're a cornerstone of our nation, with unparalleled talents and extraordinary capabilities.

“Your contributions to the field of chemistry have been profound, and our country deeply appreciates your unwavering dedication and brilliance.

"And rest assured, your child will receive full support from the government, with access to the best living environment, top-tier education, and—"

Just then, Mila interjected, “I want to provide my child with a complete family, to ensure they grow up healthily with both parents.”

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