The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 464

Were Nathan's desires solely dictated by logic?

Considering that sex was a primal instinct; if every encounter was solely guided by rationality, perhaps it lacked the essence of love. Mila slowly got up, wiping her tears away. She resolved to make one final attempt. If unsuccessful, she would completely let go of Nathan, peacefully return to Sunterland, and continue her scientific research. She would entrust her family's safety to the governments of Norvania and Sunterland.

As for herself, she had no intention of ever returning.

Mila untied her ponytail, letting her silky, long hair fall over her shoulders.

Bowing her head, she began to unbutton her clothing. She removed each garment from her body, one by one.

Mila felt her entire body flush with embarrassment, her heart racing and her breath growing unsteady.

She couldn't shake the memory of Nathan's words: "I have no feelings for you. Even if you were to dance naked before me, I wouldn't spare you a second glance, let alone touch you."

Therefore, if Nathan chose not to touch her now, it would only confirm his indifference toward her.

Mila's hand moved slowly, reaching out to touch Nathan's face. Suddenly, Nathan seized her wrist, his bloodshot eyes opening.

In that instant, he felt a jolt, his body stiffening as he gazed upon her flawless body.

Despite his outward composure, a storm of desire raged within him. As Nathan regained his senses, he was at a loss, hastily grabbing a blanket to cover her body.

His voice trembled as he spoke, "Chubs, do you have any sense of decency left?"

“Not really," Mila responded, her cheeks turning red. Summoning her courage, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. This time, Nathan offered no resistance; his body was no longer under his control.

He allowed her to kiss him without restraint.

Mila pushed him down, and he complied, falling backward.

Nathan's kisses became hotter and more intense.

Taking Nathan's hand, Mila slowly guided it up her body.

In an instant, his desire ignited, drowning out all rational thought. Nathan's passion surged, urgent and untamed, as he flipped her over and pressed her beneath him.

He kissed her passionately on the lips, then proceeded to explore her face and neck, and gradually moved downward, venturing further... He shed all his clothes, releasing years of pent-up desire.

With bitterness simmering in his heart, Nathan found himself entangled in an emotional tempest with her.

He resented her deeply for enticing him completely, only to effortlessly walk away afterward.

Consequently, he felt no shred of pity or mercy toward her.

Despite Mila being the one who initiated everything, she found herself in tears and pleading for it to cease in the end.

However, Nathan found himself unable to control his actions any longer.

The night stretched on endlessly.

For Mila, going through such experiences for the first time was undoubtedly agonizing.

It felt like an unending ordeal, repeating multiple times throughout the night.

There was only pain, with no pleasure to be found.

Nathan didn't drift off to sleep until dawn broke.

When he finally awoke, it was already noon.

It felt as though he had just emerged from a vivid dream.

A realistic, prolonged spring dream—a beautiful memory he knew would stay with him forever.

However, as he opened his eyes to face reality, it struck him like a devastating blow to his heart, leaving him in unbearable agony.

Lying on the empty bed, Nathan slowly turned his head to gaze at the pillow beside him.

His hand slipped out from under the blanket, reaching for the spot where Mila had been lying, but found it cold and devoid of her warmth. She had disappeared.

Just as it had been ten years ago, they were now separated by two countries, lacking any means of communication, destined to never meet again.

His heart felt as though it were being stabbed by thousands of needles, the pain so intense that it made breathing a challenge.

Despite the agony, he couldn't help but curl his lips into a bitter smile. In the next instant, he withdrew his hand and shut his eyes.

Tears slowly trickled down from the corners of his eyes.

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