The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 407

Fenna raised an eyebrow and glanced at Mila, taking on a self- righteous stance in defense of Nathan.

"What sort of couple are they? Would she even acknowledge it? What does she take Nate for? Clinging tightly to him on one hand, yet refusing to define their relationship in any way, not even as mere friends—doesn't that seem to be the situation?"

Cole quickly stepped forward, pulling Fenna back and whispering, "Ms. Hudson, please don't cause trouble.”

Fenna brushed off Cole's hand, visibly irritated. "I pity you, Nate. Why should she be allowed to play with your feelings?"

Mila remained silent as she looked at Nathan, her eyes brimming with tears as her heart weighed heavily with pain.

Did Nathan truly agree with everything Fenna said? Was she really that intolerable?

Feeling disheartened, Mila took Sienna's hand and turned away, her voice faltering, "Sienna, let's go.”

"Alright," Sienna said and followed her.

Just as they were about to take a step forward, Nathan walked ahead, blocking Mila's path. His gaze was intense, his tone gentle but filled with concern. "Where are you going?"

Mila suppressed her emotions, biting her lower lip and holding her breath. She gazed up at him with a faint, resigned expression. Accusation simmered in her eyes.

Despite this, Nathan failed to grasp her feelings and said solemnly, "Come home with me. You can bring your friend. It's not safe to wander outside. It's too risky."

Sienna found Nathan's concern unnecessary and retorted, "What danger could there be? Norvania has excellent security with surveillance cameras and police patrols everywhere. You don't need to worry, Mr. Morrison."

Nathan sighed helplessly as he glanced at Sienna. Nonetheless, he didn't blame her, acknowledging the truth in the saying “ignorance is bliss".

On the contrary, Mila should have been aware of her unique status, especially after her identity was exposed at Nightshade headquarters. Regardless of the location, she remained in significant danger.

Mila eventually calmed down, and she spoke in a detached tone, "Mr. Morrison, I appreciate your kindness, but I won't be staying at your place.

“I don't want your “close friend’ to reprimand me for leading you on without making a proper commitment.”

The emphasis on “close friend" in her tone was evident.

With that said, Mila took Sienna’s hand and walked past Nathan. Nathan felt a tremor in his heart.

No longer staying at his house?

Those words felt like sharp knives piercing his heart.

Had all of Mila's care and companionship over the past few days meant nothing?

Was sharing a bed with him every night during his injury just a facade? Was her intimacy and the boldness to kiss him earlier that day, to entice him so intimately, merely a performance as well?

Did she eagerly anticipate leaving him as soon as his body recovered? Nathan's cold, ambiguous smile betrayed the turmoil within him. His chest heaved, the fire in his heart raging. He clenched his fists tightly, enduring the pain.

After a few moments, Nathan abruptly turned and caught up to Mila. He grabbed her arm, pulling her back from Sienna.

Mila stumbled back several steps, her expression fraught with panic as she stood before Nathan, her complexion drained of color.

Nathan's face appeared unusually grim, marked by a cold and dark expression.

The fiery intensity in his eyes betrayed a complex blend of deep affection, anger, and a myriad of worries and troubles, leaving others perplexed about the underlying source of his turmoil.

A chilling air seemed to surround him, creating a suffocating feeling. Milas heart had yet to settle when Nathan's displeased voice pierced the air, "Come home with me."

“I don't want to," Mila blurted out in frustration.

Nathan's gaze turned even darker, and he subconsciously tightened his grip on her arm. "Is it in your nature to be fickle?" he accused.

Mila was taken aback, a chill settling deep in her heart.

Not only was she accused of playing with Nathan's emotions, but she was also now labeled as fickle.

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