The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 406

Mila shook her head, letting out a soft sigh. "No, you will get your paycheck. Otherwise, you won't last an hour."

Sienna was taken aback. "Is it really that serious?"

Motivated by a desire to earn money and assist the esteemed anti-drug officer, Sienna eventually agreed.

Mila explained to Sienna about Daniel's previous occupation, the circumstances of his injury, and his current condition.

As the warm glow of the sunset painted the sky with shades of red, Mila and Sienna left the restaurant, hand in hand.

Their steps faltered as they spotted Nathan on the main road. Standing before a black sedan were Nathan, Fenna, and Cole. Approaching them with a stern expression, Nathan asked, "Where's Phoebe? And where are the bodyguards you brought?"

Sienna was somewhat puzzled, not understanding why Nathan was suddenly upset with Mila.

Mila glanced up at the sky. It seemed that Nathan's banquet had ended.

Her gaze shifted from Nathan to Fenna, and a sense of unease washed over her.

Rather than addressing his question directly, Mila challenged, "How did you know I was here?"

With his hands in his pockets, Nathan replied icily, "You're quite the public figure. Would you really expect anyone not to know your whereabouts?"

Mila fell into silence.

Though she understood Nathan's concern for her safety, seeing Fenna by his side stirred her jealousy.

Sensing the tension escalating, Sienna felt compelled to step in and help mediate the situation.

"Actually..." she began.

But before she could complete her sentence, Fenna stepped forward. She positioned herself beside Nathan and reprimanded, "Wanda, why did you keep ignoring Nate's calls and then turn off your phone? Do you know how worried he was?

"Because of you, he couldn't focus during the banquet reception for the foreign dignitaries. Despite being an adult, you're quite irresponsible.” Mila stared at Fenna with disbelief, rendered speechless by her audacity.

Who was Fenna to dictate Milas actions? What gave her the right to do S07?

It wasn't her position to lecture Mila simply because she didn't answer Nathan's phone call.

Mila refused to compromise her dignity by confronting Fenna. Instead, she turned to Nathan, her eyes shimmering with tears of confusion. Mila couldn't help but wonder if Nathan shared Fenna's opinion, questioning whether he also believed she was immature. She waited for Nathan's response, but he remained silent.

With a cold smile, Mila replied to Fenna, "I messaged Nate, informing him that my phone had died.”

Fenna's expression turned cold. "You're lying. Your phone has been charged this whole time."

Mila's fists tightened gradually, her eyes moistening as she glanced at Nathan.

She didn't care about what Fenna thought of her or what she said. She simply wanted to understand why Nathan seemed to agree with her words.

Sienna couldn't help but notice Mila's hand trembling slightly. As she gazed at Mila's face, she could detect the profound frustration brewing within her.

Glaring at Fenna, Sienna countered sharply, “Who do you think you are, meddling in a couple's affairs? This is a private matter between them.”

Fenna's expression shifted abruptly as she glared back at Sienna, her demeanor turning cold.

Sienna let out a disdainful snort. "What's up with the glare? Was I wrong?"

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