The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 403

Mila was furious. The fact that Nathan seemed unaware of having such a superficial friend like Fenna by his side only intensified her rage further.

What kind of sibling bond did he believe they shared? Was he blind to Fenna's obvious admiration for him?

Shortly after Mila ended the call, Nathan immediately called her. Nonetheless, Mila declined the call, but her phone rang for the second time.

Mila quickly sent a message explaining, "My phone ran out of battery.” She then powered off her device.

At that moment, the cab arrived at the riverside.

A wide boulevard was adorned with an array of merchandise, drawing in numerous tourists leisurely strolling along the riverbank.

Mila navigated through the lively crowd, scanning the stalls until she finally spotted Sienna at the far end.

Sienna's booth showcased an assortment of affordable items, from basic handicrafts to trinkets, hair accessories, and jewelry.

"Wanda!" Sienna's face lit up with a smile as she noticed Mila, enthusiastically rising from her stool and waving.

Mila approached with a smile. Nonetheless, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as she glanced at the items on Sienna's display. Even if Sienna sold everything, she wouldn't make more than a thousand dollars.

Sienna ushered Mila to sit on the only stool available, crouching down to meet Mila's gaze with optimism and cheer. "It's been a busy day. I was just swamped with customers, so I couldn't chat with you earlier." "Are you quite busy?" Mila asked softly, her heart feeling heavy for Sienna.

Sienna responded with a warm smile. “It depends. Some days, I'm busy dealing with customers, but on others, I hardly get any sales.” Mila gently held Sienna’s hand. "How much have you made today?" With a spark of excitement in her eyes, Sienna replied contentedly, “I've already earned over 200 bucks this morning. If things continue like this until evening, I'm confident I'll get 5 or 600 dollars."

Mila smiled faintly, though a bitter pang lingered in her heart.

"Hey, don't bother going home for dinner tonight. Let me treat you to some shepherd's pie," Sienna said.

Just then, a customer approached, picking up a glass bead bracelet. "How much is this?"

Sienna promptly stood up, wearing a charming smile.

She courteously answered, “It's priced at 15 dollars. This one features a gorgeous starry sky design. It's perfect for adding a touch of delicacy and charm, especially for women with fair and smooth skin."

The customer tried on the bracelet and then set it back down. "It's too pricey,” she remarked before walking away without hesitation.

Sienna bid the departing customer farewell with a smile before squatting down in front of Mila. "Wanda, are you bored?"

Mila shook her head, her gaze fixed on Sienna. She wasn't bored. Rather, she was thinking of ways she could help Sienna.

Mila voiced her concern, "Sienna, your job only allows you one day off per week. You don't get proper rest, and you even work part-time at the stall. It's not worth exhausting yourself for such little money and risking your health.”

Sienna patted Mila's hand reassuringly and said, "It's alright. I'm still young. I won't get worn out.”

Mila stood up and glanced around. "Sienna, is there a stationery store nearby?"

"There's one about a few miles ahead," Sienna replied, her curiosity rising. "What do you need?"

Mila calmly walked away from the stall, saying, "I need to buy something. Wait for me here."

With that, she left.

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