The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 402

Nathan fell into a momentary silence.

Instead of questioning how Mila had learned of his accident, he nervously asked, "Chubs, are you outside?"

Mila replied casually, "Yeah, I was on my way to meet Sienna and spotted you guys.”

With concern etched into his voice, Nathan asked, “Do you have a bodyguard with you? Is Phoebe there?"

Mila paused briefly before replying, “I'm alone. I didn't bring anyone." Nathan's urgency grew as he pressed, "Share your location with me. I'll send someone over immediately."

Once more, Mila fell silent, realizing Nathan hadn't been concerned about her question at all.

Despite her worries about his car accident, he hadn't mentioned a word about it. Instead, he showed more concern for her safety.

“Nate, everything's fine. I'm just meeting up with a friend,” Mila reassured him, hoping to alleviate his concern. "Phoebe will join me shortly.”

Nathan scolded Mila with a tone that struck a balance between sternness and care, resembling that of an older brother. "Next time you go out, you need to inform me. You can't go alone. There must always be someone with you, understood?"

Feeling chastised, Mila mumbled, "Understood. And what about you?" Nathan exhaled slowly before remembering to update her on his situation. "I was rear-ended by another car, but thankfully, it's nothing serious.”

Concern filled Mila's voice as she asked, "Are you injured?"

"No, I'm okay," Nathan reassured her.

A twinge of jealousy pricked at Mila as she recalled Nathan holding hands with Fenna. She wanted to broach the subject but found herself at a loss for words.

In that moment of hesitation, Fenna's playful yet sarcastic voice cut in, "Seems like even a spare tire needs emotional maintenance these days. With the way she fusses over you, when are you going to consider upgrading her from just a backup plan?"

As Mila overheard these words, her heart went numb.

When had she ever regarded Nathan as a mere backup plan?

Was Fenna inadvertently causing trouble?

Mila suppressed a sigh and whispered, "Nate, is that constant buzzing noise from Fenna?"

Nathan looked puzzled. "You heard that?"

Mila managed a wry smile and retorted, "Would you have preferred me not to?"

"That's not what I meant,” Nathan clarified.

Mila's mood darkened as she said, "How close does she have to be to eavesdrop on our conversation? Even her voice seems to get picked up by the microphone.”

Nathan paused, the silence stretching uncomfortably.

Mila couldn't help but wonder what Nathan was doing. Was he muting the microphone to speak with Fenna?

Her mood soured further. She felt helpless in the face of Fenna's tendency to overstep boundaries and manipulate situations.

She could only hope that Nathan would see through Fenna's behavior and maintain some distance.

However, what Nathan said next left her speechless.

"Chubs, Fenna has a habit of being casual with her words. Her recent comment wasn't meant to offend you. It was just a joke between us, not directed at you."

Mila responded with a disdainful snort, choosing to stay silent.

Not getting any reaction from her, Nathan started to feel uneasy and clarified once more, "Fenna and I are close friends, almost like siblings. Sometimes she doesn't filter what she says to me, either.”

Mila let out a scornful snort, unable to tolerate it any longer. She responded firmly, saying, "Very well, I wish you and your 'sibling-like* relationship all the best then."

With that, she promptly ended the call.

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