Read The Ultimate Husband [by Skykissing wolf] Chapter 9 – Haha! Darryl nearly laughed out loud upon

hearing the price of the bill. This William was a real fool! None of them knew anything about the wine that

was ordered, except for Darryl. It was a Romanée-Conti, which retail price was set at over one million

bucks, and more than 30 bottles were distributed around the dining hall!

“Are you f*cking kidding me?” William panicked. He stood up and said to the waiter, “Over 300 of us

Lyndons ate an amount of over 30 million bucks? The average cost per person is 100,000 bucks then?

Alright, get your manager to see me.”

The two waiters looked at each other helplessly, they had no choice but to call their manager over.

The manager was a 30-year-old young man, who wore a neat suit.

“Do you intend to continue operating your hotel?” William stepped forward and shouted at the manager

while pointing at him. “An average cost of 100,000 per person? Believe it or not, I’m going to report you

to the Consumers Association.”

The manager was not the slightest bit worried and merely stood there. “Excuse me, sir. The wine you

ordered was a limited edition Romanée-Conti. Only 800 bottles are manufactured per year internationally

and its market price is 1.63 million per bottle. Sir, we even gave you a discount for ordering over 30


William immediately flew into a rage and grabbed onto the manager’s collar. “It’s a limited edition wine

and you guys have over 30 bottles here?! Who the f*ck wants to order this bottle of wine anyway?”

The manager put on a fake smile. Being a manager for about five to six years, he has seen many

famous and important people around Donghai City. However, it was his first time seeing an incapable

person acting like he was rich.

The manager steadied his emotions. “Kind sir, let me be clear about three things. Firstly, you said that

you wanted the best wine, and we have the security camera footage as proof. Secondly, the wine we

provide is certified authentic, I’m not sure why my boss has so many bottles of limited edition wines

either. Lastly, please be respectful.”


At the end of his sentence, ten or so burly men barged in from the door. They wore black short-sleeved

shirts, showing off their huge tattoos.

They were the Oriental Pearl Hotel’s security guards. As Donghai City’s most luxurious hotel, no one

dared to cause trouble on the premises. Everyone knew that the Oriental Pearl’s boss came from a

rough background. Nobody would dare to be ignorant and cause trouble here.

Leading them was a man wearing a Chinese tunic suit, holding a cane in his hand. This man was none

other than the boss of Oriental Pearl, Wayne Woodall.

Wayne was dressed in an old-fashioned manner, some might even mistake him for a 70-year-old man. In

truth, he was just 30 years old.

Naturally, when Wayne brought in these burly men, the Lyndons panicked and went up to apologize.

William’s face sweated bullets. That was Wayne Woodall! The boss of Oriental Pearl Hotel, one of the

earliest to dabble in rough business in Donghai City!

Upon seeing his boss, the manager spoke again with confidence. “You Lyndons are truly a second class

clan. You said it yourself that you wanted the best wine, and now you’re refusing to pay?”

“No, no!” Exclaimed William as he was taken aback. “We’ll pay, we’ll pay…” He looked at Grandmother

Lyndon as he said that.

Where could he find over 30 million bucks! If the bill was not paid, William would probably be leaving the

place on a stretcher!

“Mister Woodall.” Grandmother Lyndon could not sit still any longer, and under some people’s

assistance, went up to Wayne and bowed.

Age-wise, Grandmother Lyndon was way older than Wayne, but in terms of status, she could not afford

to offend a man like him.

“The Lyndon clan made a mistake.” Grandmother Lyndon apologized with a bow. “My grandson is young

and reckless, and I apologize on his behalf. We will pay the bill immediately.”

Upon seeing Granny bowing, the children of the Lyndon clan felt a sense of unease. What could they

have done? No one asked William to do what he did, wanting to drink the most expensive wine!

Some of the younger members of the Lyndon clan looked up that bottle of wine online, and indeed it was

over a million a bottle.

William apologized profusely as well after seeing his Granny doing so. The entire Lyndon clan hurriedly

tried to put in some good words

Only Darryl stood up to walk out, not because of the situation, but rather he was old friends with Wayne!

When Wayne was just starting his business, he had visited the Darby clan to negotiate a deal. During

that time, he had no money nor power, and none of the Darbys wanted to receive him.

At that time, Darryl was merely 14 years old, but he felt that Wayne carried himself extraordinarily well.

He decided to invest 300,000 bucks in him, which made Wayne teared up in gratitude.

In truth, it was more of a sponsor rather than an investment, for Darryl did not ask for any shares. This

happened so many years ago that he had almost forgotten about it. He could not believe that he would

meet Wayne again on this very day, having started a successful business and becoming the boss of

Oriental Pearl Hotel.

He definitely did not make a mistake by investing in him at that time.

Darryl hunched forward and tried to sneak out of the place, not wanting to be recognized by him.

“Hey there friend, hang on,” exclaimed Wayne as he walked toward Darryl.

The Lyndons were full of rage. Was Darryl mad? A simple apology and payment were all that was

needed to settle this matter, but he decided to escape instead?

“Lily, what’s going on in your husband’s mind? Escaping?!” A few ladies of the Lyndon clan said.

“Yeah, everyone advised you to divorce him quickly, and yet you didn’t listen!”

“Now he’s trying to escape, Mister Wayne would surely be mad, and us Lyndons would have to suffer the

consequences!” The ladies shouted while pointing at Lily.

Meanwhile, Lily could only bite her lip. Any sense of pride left in her was lost upon Darryl’s attempt at

escaping, she would rather stick her head into a hole on the ground at that point.

“Mister Wayne!” William called out and quickly walked toward him, pointing at Darryl. “Mister Wayne,

please don’t be mad, this guy is our clan’s live-in son-in-law, he’s always been a useless piece of trash.

Him wanting to escape is none of our clan’s business! We’ll pay the bill right now…”

“F*ck off!” Wayne roared as he pointed at William.

Wayne’s booming voice frightened William and sent shivers down his spine. He dared not utter a sound

and stood there in a daze.

Wayne was in disbelief! He could not believe that in his lifetime would he meet this young man again!

Seven years ago, he lacked the funds to start his business. No one was willing to help him, after all, he

was a ruffian back then. Only the Darby clan’s second young master, a boy only 14 years of age, had

sponsored him a sum of money! Darryl gave him 300,000 without asking for anything in return! Darryl

had Wayne’s eternal gratitude, and he would never forget what he had done for him!

If not for this sum of money, Wayne would have been living on the streets a long time ago!

In recent years after his entrepreneurship success, Wayne had people inquire about this young man. He

only learned that this man had been banished by the Darbys, his whereabouts unknown.

Today Wayne merely saw Darryl’s back, but it was enough for him to recognize who he was!

“Second young master, is it you…”

There was a slight tremble in Wayne’s voice, it was hard to imagine that a man who had seen much of

life would exercise caution like a kid.

D**n it! There was no way to hide!

Darryl gritted his teeth and turned around to face Wayne.


In an instant, Wayne was completely stupefied and knelt on the ground!

“I’ve finally found you, I’ve been looking for you for three whole years! I’m eternally grateful for your

benevolence!” Wayne exclaimed with excitement, tears streaming down his face.

Every person in Oriental Pearl Hotel dropped their jaws immediately.


Utterly astonishing!

A boss whose net worth was in the billions was kneeling on the ground, vehemently excited like a child!

Darryl simply stood there calmly without any signs of emotion! He showed no sign of happiness nor


What is the meaning of this?!

“Mister Wayne, what’s going on? Did you fall?” Darryl quickly bent over and picked him up, all the while

winking repeatedly at him.

What kind of man was Wayne? Upon seeing Darryl’s action, he immediately understood that Darryl did

not want to reveal his true identity.

“I wasn’t standing properly…” Wayne smoothly replied and heaved a sigh of relief. “I’m sorry, I must’ve

mistaken you for someone else…”


Upon hearing those words, members of the Lyndon clan let out a sigh of relief as well.

Turned out Wayne simply was not standing properly…

That was right, how would a piece of trash be acquainted with Mister Wayne.

“Listen to me,” said Grandmother Lyndon eventually, while gazing around the dining hall.

“This meal cost over 38 million bucks, William won’t be paying this sum alone,” she said.

William’s face lit up with joy upon hearing Granny’s words, truly she treated him best!

“This meal will cost an average of 100,000 bucks per person, all of you shall use your own money for it,”

she continued.

The crowd nodded one after another. Even though the Lyndons were considered a second class clan,

100,000 bucks was still not a big deal to them.

However, two people among the crowd that had a sour look on their faces!

Naturally, they were Lily and Samantha. Their company met with some challenges recently and they had

just resolved the five-million issue, as such their savings had been emptied a few days ago.

“Lily, you don’t look so good. Don’t tell me you don’t even have enough money to split the bill?” laughed

William. He knew of course that Lily was broke, and he purposefully said it loudly to embarrass her.


All eyes were on her, and Lily could feel her face blushing red. After a while only did she answered, “I… I

didn’t bring my bank card.”


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