Read The Ultimate Husband [by Skykissing wolf] Chapter 10 – “Haha, forgotten to bring your bank card,

what a splendid reason!” William laughed loudly and looked at Samantha, “Aunt Samantha, did you

forget to bring yours too?”


“Hahaha!” Everyone could not hold in their laughter. A young girl blurted, “Darryl must have forgotten his

card too, this family came here to eat a free meal!”

Lily bit her lips hard as she felt helpless. It was at this moment that Darryl stepped forward.

“I brought my card, it’s just that…”

Before Darryl could finish his sentence, William snatched his card over and passed it to the waiter,

“Come, let’s see whether this card has even 300,000 bucks in it!”

Lily stomped her feet anxiously, thinking how his card would have 300,000 when she only gave him a

daily allowance of 200 bucks.

He would be making a fool out of himself.

Lily could see that everyone around was holding in their laughter, waiting to laugh at him being a joke.

At this moment, nobody noticed Yvonne standing up slowly. Her beautiful face was full of shock!

“I didn’t see it wrongly, right? Amethyst Bank’s black card?!” exclaimed Yvonne.

Mocking laughter filled the hall initially, but now it turned as silent as the grave.

Yvonne’s words seemingly turned everyone into stone!

This bank card was remarkably pretty, it was all-black, laced in gold, and had a diamond engraved on it.

Two words were beautifully written on the bottom right corner of the bank card: Darryl Darby.

A black card from Amethyst Bank!

How was that possible?! William’s platinum card needed to have at least ten million savings in it.

Moving up the tier was the diamond card, that required a hundred million in savings.

Moving further up was the VIP card, whose cardholder’s savings should not be lesser than five hundred


The highest-ranking card was the black card that would ask for a total of one billion savings!

Perhaps in the whole of Donghai City, there would not be more than three of these cards! No one at the

venue including Wayne could possess it!

Lily and Samantha were both stunned, they could not say a single word!

“This…this is just a sticker for bank cards, right?” Somebody among the crowd suddenly blurted out.

At this moment, everyone was relieved. It must be some kind of sticker! Such an uncouth looking person

could not possibly own a black card.

“Haha, Darryl, you’re one disgusting man,” laughed William loudly. “Don’t mind that you’re poor, yet you

try to act like a wealthy person.”

Darryl did not say anything at all and just smiled.

Lily came forward and saw the waiter had taken the card away to make payment. “Darryl, get rid of that

sticker when we get home, aren’t you shameful? Also…does…does your card have sufficient money in

it?” Lily could not help but ask softly.

“It’s enough, I saved the allowance you gave me every day. Including my savings from before, it’s

enough,” Darryl said.


Although Darryl’s voice was soft, everyone heard him and they laughed again.

After paying the bill, everyone in the Lyndon clan left. Wayne discreetly held Darryl’s arm and brought

him into his car.

“Second Young Master, I finally meet you again…” Wayne was excited, speaking to Darryl as he drove.

“Where are you taking me?”

“I’m bringing you to meet a few people, they are very eager to see you!” Wayne’s hands were trembling.

“You must come with me…”

“Fine, fine, fine. I’ll go with you, just drive carefully,” assured Darryl.

Son of a b*tch, why was this guy so excited? He could not even hold the steering wheel properly.

The car sped away and arrived at a bar’s entrance.

Donghai City’s most luxurious bar, the Moonlit River Bar!

It could be assumed that the minimum spending for two in this bar for a night would be 10,000 bucks!

Many luxurious cars were parked at the entrance of Moonlit River Bar, those who came here to more or

less have some financial capability.

“What are we doing at a place like this?” asked Darryl as he got down the car.

He disliked such places as he found them too noisy.

“To give you a surprise!” Wayne beamed. “Second Young Master, the boss of Moonlit River Bar is an old

acquaintance of yours, Samson Facey.”

Samson Facey?

Oh, Darryl remembered now. Initially, he was just a general worker employed by the Darby clan. Darryl

thought that he had the brains and had promoted him to a managerial position. After working for two

years and earning a sum of money, he then left to start his own business.

Darryl did not expect that Samson would open Moonlit River Bar. He did not let Darryl down.

“Second Young Master, please head inside first and wait for me in room number 888,” said Wayne as he

bowed. “Samson and I shall prepare a surprise for you which you’ll definitely love!”

Wayne left before waiting for Darryl to respond.

Darryl sighed and went into the Moonlit River Bar.

No wonder the bar was famous, even the ushers at the entrance were beauties.

Darryl smiled as he entered, and deafening loud music could be heard.

It was extremely lively in the bar, crowds of men and women were swaying their bodies to the music on

the dance floor…

Darryl felt old, this type of place did not suit him…

“Oh? Am I seeing correctly, isn’t this useless Darryl?” Some said from behind suddenly. Darryl

subconsciously turned his head around and was stunned.

Behind him was a gorgeous woman, wearing a pair of skin-tight jeans and looking seductively s**y. It

was Jade.

“What should you call me? Shouldn’t you call me daddy?” said Darryl smilingly.

“You!” Jade bit her lips, she was extremely happy today as she had come to negotiate a deal with a big

client! If she could sign a contract with this client, she would earn at least one million in commission!

Hence she had invited her potential client here today, preparing to have a few drinks and get the contract


She did not expect to meet Darryl here!

“Even you with your uncouth look can manage to come to a place like this?” Jade said as she looked at

Darryl from head to toe. “Saving 200 bucks a day over a year, just to spend it all here once. Is it worth


“Nope,” Darryl laughed. “I just want to know, when will you finally call me daddy?”

At this moment, a burly man stood up and walked to Jade’s side and asked, “Miss Jade, who is this?

Why does he talk like an idiot? Do you need me to teach him a lesson?”

Jade laughed and said, “Darryl, do you know who this man is beside me? He is Moonlit River Bar’s head

of security. If I ask him to throw you out, would you cry?”

There was no mistake, this burly man was her client, Harry Crocker!

Head of security was just a title, those who understood could tell that he was a bouncer.

After all, a place like this would attract many troublemakers. Harry was famous in Donghai City, having

around twenty to thirty men under him just to look after this place.

“Skinny b*****d, did you hear that? F*ck out here yourself,” said Harry in contempt as he took a step


What was it with these ushers? Letting an uncouth looking man into here. This guy dressed in bargained

goods probably did not even earn more than two thousand on his monthly salary, yet he dared to enter a

place like this?

Darryl just smiled, he did not bother what Harry said and went straight for Room 888.

All the rooms here were glass rooms. Room 888 was positioned right in the center, and it could be seen

from the outside that Room 888 was dazzling like a palace.

“Stop right there!”

Harry shouted as he saw Darryl walking into Room 888. He concluded that Darryl must be here to cause


All equipment in Room 888 were gold-plated, and the cost to reserve and use this room was 800,000 per


Darryl had already sat down inside, holding up a cup of tea preparing to drink it.

Hahaha! It was over for Darryl this time!

Jade felt joyous in her heart. Was Darryl stupid? A private room like that was not for a useless son-in-law

like him to sit in.

Jade and Harry had a chat previously and he mentioned the room had not been used for half a year


Harry had a nominal kinship with the boss here as his godfather and son, despite that, even he dared not

enter Room 888.

“Are you deaf? Can’t you hear me?” Harry shouted as he strode forward and grabbed Darryl by his


‘Haha, Jade the goddess is here, if I beat this punk’s a*s it’ll show how mighty I am, right?’ thought Harry

while he called out. Immediately, twenty over burly men rushed into Room 888. They were all bouncers

at the Moonlit River Bar.

“What’s wrong, Harry?” The burly men asked.

Harry turned to look at Jade and laughed, “Miss Jade, how should I deal with this guy?”

Jade looked at Darryl, he still had an indifferent look on his face. Seeing him like this made her mad!

She stomped her feet with her heels and said, “Make him call me mommy, then throw him out.”


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